Law Homework Help

A T Still University Discussion Theft Related Offenses Discussion



  • Reply to the topic below. Then, reply to 2 classmates.
  • Discuss your answers in a well-developed reply of five or more sentences.
  • You will see your classmates’ responses only after you have submitted your initial reply.
  • Click “Reply” below to begin.

Discussion Topic

This week we are learning about crimes against property. Specifically, when considering the crime of theft, to what level can a person interrupt a theft in progress and under what circumstances?

Discussion Board #6

When reading Ch. 14-Theft-related Offenses, I was reminded of the statement I heard several persons made that states: “If you shoot a burglar outside your home, drag them inside to protect yourself.“ Curiously, I myself grew up in a home that felt the same way. I was told that if a burglar is robbing your home, you have a right to kill them, but don’t let them fall outside. If they do, bring them back in, so you don’t get in trouble. As an officer, I learned that this was in no way true. Recently, legislation around the country is addressing the legal right to protect your property (limited) and yourself-known as Stand Your Ground laws. These are not all inclusive and accepted everywhere, but more and more legislation pieces are being proposed. For this discussion, first address the idea of using physical force to defend your physical property. Should it be allowed? Should it be limited? Under what conditions might it be acceptable? Next, discuss the Stand your Ground laws. Begin by researching one stand your ground law (start with Indiana), and understand what the law allows. Then discuss the societal effects of these laws-will it curb burglary and property crime? Will it create increased legal (civil) caseloads? What would be (or should be) the legal requirements if a person defends their property and permanently disables the suspect (and all that would affect-legal work, support of family, medical needs and expenses, etc.)?

Remember-READ the instructions for writing a Discussion Board. Your initial post MUST BE AT LEAST 300 WORDS IN LENGTH; if shorter, you will be marked down. There is no limit to the length. YOU MUST RESPOND TO TWO CLASSMATES’ POSTS. Click on the post, then click on Add a Comment to respond. EACH of these two posts must be AT LEAST 200 WORDS IN LENGTH! You must include at least one citation and reference in your post in APA 7 format. If any evidence or data is used in responses to classmates, these must also be cited and referenced in the response. If no citation(s) and reference(s) points will be lost.

Also remember you cannot post to another person until they post, and vice versa. Thus, your personal post must be posted by Thursday, 10:59PM CST/11:59PM EST. of the week assigned. Complete your Discussion Boards early in the week to allow your classmates time to complete theirs! Discussion #6 response posts are due by the following Monday, 10:59PM CST/11:59PM EST. Note the actual due date in the module. NO LATE POSTS WILL BE ACCEPTED! You must post before seeing other’s replies!

Law Homework Help

AU Discover New Cyber Attack in The USA Daily Essay


It seems that every day we hear of another cyber-attack on the United States. Some of these attacks are targeting databases of corporations, others are against the government or our critical infrastructure, some are in retaliation and are designed to be destructive, and others are designed to hold information or computers hostage until people or corporations pay ransom to get control of their computers and get their information back. Some of these attacks are by States and others by criminal elements. All of these come under the purview of the Department of Homeland Security.

Prior to posting your initial post go to the UAGC Library to conduct your initial research. Identify a credible source (this is a step down from a “scholarly source” and includes editorials from reputable news sources and TV documentaries). Use the Scholarly, Peer Reviewed, and Other Credible Sources (Links to an external site.) document for guidance. Identify issues that are applicable to cyber security. Please ensure your references are less than 5 years old. Then go to the Department of Homeland Security website to review the Safeguard and Secure Cyberspace mission.

Initial Post. 1st Post Due by Day 3. As you analyze the types of cyber-attacks, current science and technology, and the mission of the Department of Homeland Security do you believe the Department of Homeland Security is up to the task of defending and securing the nation’s cyberspace? Does the Department of Homeland Security have the tools, tactics, and techniques available to defend and secure the cyberspace? 

Law Homework Help

UAGC Preparedness Response & Recovery, Katrina Research Paper


Over the last couple years it seems the number and severity of natural disasters has markedly increased. Since the low point of the response to Hurricane Katrina and the subsequent legislation to fix the federal response to disasters, is the Department of Homeland Security doing better in its coordinated responses? Is the current National Response Framework working? How do we balance the response and the need for controlling budget costs? In this assignment select one national level response to a hurricane, wild fire, or other natural hazard to evaluate the preparedness, response, and recovery efforts to the event. Your response should be written from a local, state, or federal perspective. Or you may examine the response from the perspective of a not-for-profit such as the International Red Cross of the Salvation Army.

To begin your research for this assignment, go to the UAGC Library and conduct a search with the keywords “Federal Response to Disasters.” It is recommended that you do not use quotation marks for this search.

In your paper,

  • Summarize the natural disaster.
  • Evaluate the response from a local, state, or federal perspective.
  • Identify the core issues that delayed or hindered the response.
  • Identify what went right with the disaster response.
  • Analyze the current Department of Homeland Security processes and procedures to determine their effectiveness for similar future disasters.

The Preparation, Response, and Recovery paper

Law Homework Help

United States Constitutional Law


Must know about Motor Vehicle Search, Searches Warrant Exception, Interrogations, Eye Witnesses, Line ups/ identifications, searches and seizures,

Law Homework Help

Xiamen University Wellness Rider Program Would Benefit Arbor Law Firm Analysis


Since the second half of the twentieth century international courts and tribunals have proliferated. One of the often-mentioned consequences of this process is fragmentation of international law.

  • Explain, with the help of at least one concrete example, what fragmentation of international law means in the light of proliferation of courts and tribunals.

Law Homework Help

Week 1 Narayan v Eg Linc Case Study Questions


Week 1 Case Questions

Select TWO court cases (from different chapters) from the list below, and respond in writing to the case questions.

Casias v. Wal-Mart Stores 

Nino v. The Jewelry Exchange 

EEOC v. Autozone 

Narayan v. EGL, Inc. 

Glatt v. Fox Searchligh Pictures

Zheng v. Liberty Apparel Co.

Jones v. Oklahoma City Public Schools 

Diaz v. Kraft Foods Global 

Chattman v. Toho Tenax America 

Geleta v. Gray 

Law Homework Help

Xiamen Legal Effects of Fact that Prohibition of Genocide Is Jus Cogens Norm Questions


The prohibition of genocide is considered to be a jus cogens norm.

  1. Explain what jus cogens means.
  2. Explain at least two legal effects of the fact that the prohibition of genocide is a jus cogens norm.

Law Homework Help

Purdue University Law Graham v Connor Case Discussion


The case Graham v. Connor, 490 U.S. 386 (1989)(not in textbook find your own source material) is very important to police use of force. First, explain the details of the case. Next, explain its importance to law enforcement’s use of force. Lastly, tell me what you think about the reasonableness standard. Should it be changed? If so, why? If it shouldn’t be changed, why?

Approximately one page to answer the question. Response should be in Times New Roman, 12 font, double spaced. Cite sources using APA.

Law Homework Help

Cuyamaca College Mariam Ramzi Sharon Sampson Presentation


Former No. 2 in L.A. Sheriff’s office surrenders to prison to serve 5-year sentence

Paul Tanaka

*****In teams of 2-4 address all facets of the assignment (I, II & III) to earn maximum points.

The Eighth Amendment prohibits cruel and unusual punishment. Eighth Amendment lawsuits claim problems in medical care, the use of force by correctional officers, the failure of prison officials to protect inmates from attacks by other inmates, and improper conditions of confinement.


I. Summarize the facts of the case in the grand jury indictment.

II. Critically assess whether there were 8th Amendment violations of the rights of inmates in the men’s central jail?

III. Review the sentencing document on Paul Tanaka (Undersheriff) Tanaka Sentence Document (Links to an external site.) link

IV. Respond to the following questions:

  1. Q: Did the undersheriff deserve to go to jail for his role in the conduct of his deputies?
  2. Q: Did the Sheriff deserve to go to jail?

V. Research a case that involves the violation of the rights of prisoners. Summarize the facts of the case

Or you

  • Research one of the U.S. Supreme Court case decision noted below that addresses the rights of prisoners’. Is there a correlation between the conduct reported in the indictment, your independent researched case, and the issues addressed in the Supreme court case decisions? Discuss your findings.
  • Helling v. McKinney
  • Pell v. Procunier
  • Wolff v. McDonnell
  • Cooper v. Morin
  • Coffin v. Reichard
  • Farmer v. Brenna.
  • You may also research -Additional Categories: County Jail conditions; Disability Rights; Excessive Force; General Conditions; Overcrowding.


Develop a 10- to 15-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation that includes all three facets of the bullets noted above. **Include detailed explanations in the speaker notes section that correlate with each point.

Include videos, audio, photos, diagrams, or graphs as appropriate the paper and presentation consistent with APA guidelines format

*You will be graded on both your written and response to the presentations of your colleagues.

  • The written PowerPoint presentation is worth 20 points.

*Follow the 7X7 rule when completing your PowerPoint. No more seven bullets per slide. Note details/summary of the case in the speaker notes section at the bottom of the slide. Include a cover and reference page. Be sure to include graphics in your presentation slides. Brief video clips are allowed.

  • Review and respond to the PPT posts of at least two colleagues.

The link below is a youtube video on how to complete a PowerPoint presentation.…/Basic-tasks-for-creating-a-PowerPoint-presentation-efbbc

As a reminder, you are not sending out a text message or tweet, so when writing your post, use proper English, grammar, and writing mechanics.

Use the “Reply” icon to start your discussion. Once you type and spell-check your thread, use the “Post Reply” icon to submit your thoughts. Use can also review the Canvas video Links to an external site.on posting discussions.