Law Homework Help

CU Assessment of The Value of The Budget Cycle Discussion



Discussion Thread: Budget Cycle

Assessment of the Value of the Budget Cycle

In this discussion, the budget model used is that of school districts in California. In comparison with other states and the federal government, California school districts do not have the power to tax. That privilege ended in 1978 with law changes that fixed the allocation to 1% of property values within the jurisdiction. This makes budgeting somewhat difficult as the revenues are limited by the allocation, part state, and part local, as well as revenues generated by enterprise funds and grants. Fiscal control, however, remains an important focus as explained by Mikesell, “The first expectation of a budget process is that it will be a tool for fiscal discipline” (Mikesell, 2017, 158).

Revenue Estimation and Budget Formulation: To estimate revenues, fiscal officers utilize trend analysis processes that include past student enrollment for forecasting as well as prior per-student allocations plus the inflation factors normally added to the apportionment formulas. This process allows for “close to reality” assumptions that allow for a precise budget building with allocations for the various departments and schools. As Ammons explains, “Each local government department may have particularized tactics. Staffing norms, professional standards, real and imagined mandates, benchmarks, accreditation, and surveys all help agencies to justify budgets” (Rubin, 2015, 182). Local accountability laws passed in 2015 mandate stakeholder input in the budget development process, including the formation of committees that include staff, students, elected officials, and public input. The stakeholder input has been built into the local control formulas, which mandate that the revenues are directly related to the proposed and ongoing programs for the budget year. This stakeholder involvement is similar to the federal process explained by Mikesell: “Not only is the budget a financial accounting of the receipts and expenditures of the federal government; it also sets forth a plan for allocating resources—between the public and private sectors and within the public sector—to meet national objectives” (Mikesell, 2017, 155).

Budget Hearings and Budget Adoption: The state requires a budget adoption calendar that includes stakeholder involvement assurances and a public hearing at a different meeting than that for the budget adoption. The hearing meeting allows for public input and for the Board of Education to ask questions concerning the proposed budget and direct changes to be implemented by the executives. The state mandates that these meetings result in the adoption of a balanced budget by July 1. The Bible, in Corinthians, explains the fiscal cycle and budget obligations: “On the first day of every week, each one of you should set aside a sum of money in keeping with your income, saving it up, so that when I come no collections will have to be made” (ESV Bible, 2001, Corinthians 16:2).

Budget Execution: The annual budget process requires quarterly meetings, called interim reports, which require adjustments and reporting of updates to the Board of Education and the State. This process also serves to start the development of the subsequent year’s budget and mandates the implementation of multi-year projections that serve to analyze the sustainability of the proposed budgetary reports for the required three years. To complete the process, the fiscal team must make a variety of assumptions and estimations, as Ammons explains, “Each local government department may have particularized tactics. Staffing norms, professional standards, real and imagined mandates, benchmarks, accreditation, and surveys all help agencies to justify budgets” (Rubin, 2015, 182)

Assessment of the Value of Budgetary Planning Techniques

Trend Analysis-Fiscal offices are required to develop multi-year analyses to examine long-term revenues and expenditures, both for the justification of new programs and the sustainability of existing programs and mandates. The historical perspective serves to identify trends that can support or reject the fiscal plans of a particular department or school and provide the governance team with the background needed for budgetary decisions.

Driver-Based Planning-The state-mandated local control formulas require financial planning reporting based on organizational objectives, stakeholder-driven educational goals, student enrollment trends, and the actual student attendance factors, all of which serve to provide the amount of state funding received, thus incentivizing districts to increase student attendance.

Financial Modeling-In addition to basic planning models, Sexton (2010) explains that fiscal teams utilize demographic studies and legislative reviews to develop more sophisticated forecasting models that take into consideration new developments that can generate students, like housing, and plans that can decrease revenues, such as eminent domain for the development of a new rail system or commercial venture, as explained by Rubin: “budgeters tend to weigh political cues more heavily than economic cues, even though economic factors play a significant role in the analysts’ decision process” (Rubin, 2015, 194).

Forecasting – Fiscal officers develop “cohort-survival” forecasting systems to predict student populations and where in the district changes will take place to better direct resources and programs to those areas. As Korey (2011) explains, economic factors and more complex analysis involving birth records and other demographic factors can provide more precise information for budgetary and program development, allowing for better budgeting than a simple incremental approach, as explained by Rubin: “As incrementalism falls away, the books get more complex, more interesting, and less internally contradictory”  and “ Recent work has changed the view of budgeting as the allocation of dollars to the allocation of a variety of resources, including loans, subsidies, insurance, and grants” (Rubin, 2015, 187-189).

In conclusion, although California education budgeting has many similarities to state and federal budgeting, the direct involvement of the public, although sometimes underinformed (McGhee, 2010), provides a level of responsiveness and accountability that varies from the other levels of government, as well as more immediate public reaction about the results of the budget allocations.


English Standard Version Bible. (2001). ESV Online.

Korey. (2011). California: A Failed State or Too Big to Fail? California Journal of Politics and Policy., 3(2), 1–22.

McGhee, E. M. (2010) “How Much Does the Public Know About the State Budget, and Does It Matter?” California journal of politics and policy. 2.3. 1–22. Web.

Mikesell, J. (2017). Fiscal Administration (10th Edition). Cengage Learning US.…

Rubin, I. S. (2015). Public Budgeting. Taylor & Francis.

Sexton. (2010). A Blueprint for Rebuilding California’s Antiquated Fiscal Structure: Review of California in the Balance: Why Budgets Matter. California Journal of Politics and Policy., 2(1), 1–7.

Stone, Samuel B. “Boom & Bust: The Politics of the California Budget, by Jeff Cummins. Berkeley: Berkeley Public Policy Press.” Public budgeting & finance. 35.4 (2015): 112–115. Web.

Law Homework Help

Capella University Budgeting Discussion


Please respond to the below discussion post. Please use scholarly resources. Also do not just agree with the post but intriduce new ideas and be engaging.

Assessment of the Value of the Budget Cycle

A budget cycle is a valuable tool for both governments and organizations in creating and approving the budget. The assessment of the budget cycle identifies the significance of each step in the budget cycle.

Revenue Estimation

Revenue estimation for the budget is performed by the executive branch of an entity, such as the manager, budget director, clerk’s office, and finance director. At the federal level, the president is tasked with the responsibility. In a parliamentary system, the chief executive or the prime minister is charged with the estimation. Also, the budget estimation needs to factor input the return on investment and the underlying risk (Rubin, & Mantell, 2020). The revenue estimates are tabled for the next step of budget formulation. This is the initial strategy of the budget cycle.

Budget Formulation

Budget formulation entails a reflection of the past performance and the set objectives followed by a reconciliation of the revenue estimates. The primary activity at this stage is to set the parameters of the budget. The executive arm of either the government or an organization indicates revenue generation and mode of resource distribution. The appropriate technique is incremental budgeting.By using the historical data as a baseline, the formulators can determine the budgetary allocation for the following year. The historical data includes both expenditure and income data as the starting point.

Budget Hearings

The budget hearings include public and stakeholders’ participation, executive, sections, and the departments.The aim is to discuss the budget changes during the budget formulation after the revenue estimates. During the budget hearing process, valuable input is incorporated into the proposed budget. At this point, the public is invited to offer their proposals in case of a government budget. In the case of an organization, the stakeholders get a glimpse of the executive plans. Also, have a chance to input their contributions.

Budget Adoption

Budget adoption entails the final approval by the legislative body: congress, state legislature, school board, or the shareholders. The legislature’s task is to review the budgetary recommendations of the executive based on the original agency or departmental budget requests. The legislative body may decrease the budgetary allocations for specific areas (Goleva, & Mircheva, 2020). However, in some instances, there exist limitations in increasing budgetary allocation. In a parliamentary system, the parliament can modify the budgetary allocation but cannot increase the government’s expenditure. The modifications are based on a series of hearings where individual agencies or departments and the central budget office testify. In a government setting, the approved budget becomes law.

Budget Execution

The executive is tasked with collecting the approved revenue and allocating it according to the approval by the legislative body. The entire process involves reporting, adjusting, and monitoring the approved budget. The executive can only undertake the projects, programs, and policies in the enacted budget (Fischer et al., 2017). There exist differences in the monitoring and regulation on the adherence to the budget among governments and organizations. However, it should be according to the set regulations.

Assessment of the Value of Budgetary Planning Techniques

Budgetary assessment evaluates whether the allocated resources or revenue has been used effectively and appropriately. The four steps include forecasting, financial modeling, driver-based planning, and trend analysis.

Trend Analysis

Trend analysis encompasses both long-term and short-term evaluation of the expenditure and revenues. The periods may be measured in years, quarters or months. The aim is to analyze and calculate the percent change and amount change over the periods (Molotok, 2020). Hence, one can identify areas of over-spending and areas with extra money. The results determine whether the spending is aligned to the financial goals of the budget.

Driver-Based Planning

The driver-based planning examines the critical aspects of the budget, both expenditure and revenue, and the elements that influence their trend. Such elements include the number of residents, the overall objective, and the amount of revenue generated. The outcome of this stage is to link the expenditure required with the revenue needed to fulfill it. Also, the relevant body is guided on which elements need to modify to ensure the budget is still aligned to the financial goals.

Financial Modeling

Financial modeling entails the use of equations to support driver-based planning. The process builds an abstract representation that mirrors the real-world financial scenario. Examples include spreadsheet models for modeling techniques, forecasting, company valuation, and investment analysis. The financial modeling results support the identified trends and the required changes since the executive presents an almost real-world scenario. From the financial model, the stakeholders have a glimpse of what to expect in the future.


Forecasting incorporates financial modeling into linear regression, multiple regression, and nonlinear extrapolation. This predicts the future outcome and tests the model fit of the financial data used in financial modeling (Kumar. 2021). Hence, the government or the organization can estimate the expected income or revenue. Remember, the budget quantifies the expected revenue while forecasting indicates what will be achieved in a future period.


Fischer, L. S., Santibanez, S., Jones, G., Anderson, B., & Merlin, T. (2017). How Is CDC funded to respond to public health emergencies? Federal appropriations and budget execution process for non–financial experts. Health security, 15(3), 307-311.

Goleva, V., & Mircheva, V. (2020). Constitutional and financial legal aspects of the state budget in the republic Of Bulgaria. Economics & Law, 2(1), 16-42.

Kumar, S. (2021). Predictive, regression, and model building for driver-based budgeting.

Molotok, I. F. (2020). Bibliometric and trend analysis of budget transparency.

Rubin, M. M., & Mantell, N. (2020). Revenue forecasting and revenue estimation. In Encyclopedia of Public Administration and Public Policy (pp. 2920-2926). Routledge.

Law Homework Help

Strayer University Training on Homicide Investigations Question


I’m working on a criminal justice multi-part question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

Imagine: Your supervisor has asked you to create a training on homicide investigations for your coworkers. This training will be in two parts.

Part 1: Classification of Homicides

On one page, create a table to be a job aid comparing the different types of homicides. Your table should look something like this:

Classification of Homicides Definition Example
Criminal (Felonious)
Murder (First, Second, or Third Degree)
Manslaughter (Voluntary or Involuntary)
Noncriminal (Non-Felonious)
Excusable Homicide
Justifiable Homicide

Part 2: Case Analysis

In the second part of your training, you will analyze a closed homicide case in Texas. I selected a case from a program called Nexis Uni (Document Attached).

In 4 pages, summarize the Nexis Uni investigation. Your analysis should be in this order:

  • Describe the circumstances surrounding the case.
  • Summarize the key factors that may have been used to classify the type of death and the finding.
    • Analyze the ways that various environmental factors may have influenced the medical examination and autopsy in this investigation.
  • Identify the forensic methods that were reported in the investigation and their findings.
    • This may include methods like DNA, toxicology, hair and fiber evidence, fingerprints, or any other methods which contributed to the investigation.
  • Recommend one way that the investigators or forensic team could have strengthened their case based on your understanding of it.
  • Cite three references.
    • One of your references will be the case record that you found from Nexis Uni.
    • Other references may be news articles that pertain to the case, and other court cases or rules that are referenced in the case.
  • Clarity, writing mechanics, and formatting requirements.

The specific course learning outcome associated with this assignment is:

  • Determine the procedures for conducting a preliminary death investigation.

Law Homework Help

Rassmusen College Criminal Justice Defending a Compstat Discussion


Defending Compstat Script

Module 01 Content

  1. Crime prevention methods of the past were reactive. This means that police simply responded to criminal incidents leaving citizens to wonder how future criminality would be prevented. In order to reduce the social anxiety caused by past crime prevention that did not offer methods for citizens to protect themselves, new strategies needed to be designed.
    Current methods require police to be proactive. In other words, they are identifying potential pockets of crime so that prevention methods can be implemented. It also means sharing that information with residents so they can take measures to avoid becoming a victim.
    As the police chief in your town, you want to introduce the new resource – Compstat – to your community. Write a  2 page description that could be used as a script for an informational video, about Compstat.
    NOTE – Be sure that the descriptions are written in simple language and are easy to read out loud.
    In the script carefully include the following:

    • Define the core principles of Compstat.
    • For each principle you defined, explain one strategy that you consider most beneficial to crime prevention.
    • Discuss a challenge to using Compstat.
    • Offer a resolution to the challenge of Compstat usage you identified.

Law Homework Help

US Law Legal Issue Questions



The a-s-s-e-s-s-m-e-n-t will be 1000words long. It requires you to explain and
demonstrate appropriate principles of contract law based on scenario. Please see the questions shown in the screenshot. I will send you all info after hired, eg PPTs, student access etc. Please send a draft in 12hrs-1 day time, day 2, and day 3 as well. + Will need to to draft some questions to ask the teacher and revise base on feedback (Send bk ard in 1 day max)

Law Homework Help

CJ 4990 CU Mental Illness, Antecedents, Consequences and Cultural Diversity Stigma Paper


Competencies Addressed in This Assignment

  • Competency 5: Assess the ethical, community-focused leadership skills required for successful criminal justice practitioners in a wide range of interactions.
  • Competency 6: Employ the professional communication skills expected of a criminal justice practitioner.

Assignment Description

In prior units, you refined your topic and prepared drafts for three competencies. You should be making revisions to your final deliverable, due in Unit 10, based on the feedback you have received.

You will continue drafting in this unit, focusing on Competency 5. Throughout the units, you will continue to build out project content specific to each competency.


In this unit, you will prepare your draft addressing the following based on your topic. Note: Use a library tool, such as RefWorks, to track your sources for the duration of your Criminal Justice Capstone Project.

Assess the ethical, community-focused leadership skills required for successful criminal justice practitioners in a wide range of interactions.

  1. Assess the leadership skills in ethics necessary for practitioner success in implementing your program or policy.
  2. Assess the community-focused leadership skills necessary for practitioner success in implementing your program or policy.


  • Written communication: Written communication is free of errors that detract from the overall message.
  • APA formatting: Resources and citations are formatted according to current APA style and formatting.
  • Number of References: 3–4 peer-reviewed references.
  • Length of paper: 4–5 typed double-spaced pages.
  • Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12 point.

Law Homework Help

UP Criminal Justice Discussion


his is 2 different student post… you must respond with 45 words each whether you agree or disagree… state facts/opinions as well

1)I think the relationship between civilians and law enforcement will be or rather remain a big challenge. Not all but a lot people hate police officers. Hate is a strong word but its the truth. In my city its really uncanny how different precincts react to police presence. In the precinct I work in people hate us and they tell us regularly. However in another precinct EVERYBODY loves us. They come out and talk to us shake our hands and we start to know each other. I just know that its like that everywhere and its never going to change. People must learn to talk and listen to each other. Those that back police officers and those that disagree with law enforcement always have to one up each other. There is never room for common ground. Next is the courtroom you’re always going to have judges and prosecutors looking to get justice and looking to boost numbers. Moving on to prisons and jails, criminals are treated like animals. Their living conditions are terrible. There is assault, murder, rape and extortion. All of these conditions will only make a person worse. And worse than that if someone is wrongly convicted for something and they go into one of these facilities they will be eaten alive or they becoming monsters.

2)The most challenging ethical elements of criminal justice in the future I feel would be Law Enforcement and Correctional Officers. These two play a big role in the criminal justice system. And right now the world is seeing police brutality and racism between the communities and police. People dying in the hands of correctional officers as soon as they are being booked. This has been going on for awhile. Now that people are standing up and fighting for their fights as humans, and letting people know this is really happening in the world. To see a change, this will take time. Maybe years. One thing is that some police departments are saying they are providing better education on how to deal with certain situations. But, if they react too fast that situation can be deadly. The same goes with prison guards. In Texas, at the Collin detention center there has been way too many homicides. These were in the hands of correctional officers. The detention center stated they were going to come up with a plan to help train these officers to deal with situation like Marvin Scott III. Situation like this will take a lot of training, time and the officers are going to want to change.

Law Homework Help

CJ 231 Park University Structuring the Police After the Military Model Questions


This is a two part question in that the structure for policing in America was formulated on Sir Robert Peel’s (Metropolitan Police Act, 1829) perspective and an military model. 

Why do you think that he chose to structure after the military model? 

What effect do you think the political, reform and community eras have had on the fourth or, New Era, of policing?

Can elements from previous eras in history be found in today’s policing or is everything completely different?  Identify and provide examples.

required book: Policing (Justice Series), Student Value Edition 3rd Edition

Law Homework Help

South University Acknowledgment of Witness Requirements Questions


Draft Interview Sheet

As a paralegal, you will be asked frequently to conduct or to sit in on client interviews, whether initial consultations or follow-up or phone-based interviews. Taking the time before client meetings to draft a list of questions will help you not only to be prepared to make the most efficient use of everyone’s time but also will provide a starting point for identifying some of the potential legal actions, issues, and defenses involved.

Keep in mind you probably will have more questions that need to be answered once the client has given you the information you requested, so you need to plan accordingly with your time and materials.

Your supervising attorney asks you to interview John regarding his potential lawsuit. Draft an interview sheet. It should include the questions you will ask him to determine whether your law firm should represent John in his case. Additionally, identify at least three (3) others you will want to interview.

On a separate page, cite all sources using the Bluebook.

Name your document SUO_LGS1004_W1_A3_Freres_J.doc