Law Homework Help

CTC Intro Criminal Justice Worksheet


Chapter 1

  1. Can a single standard of ethics be applied to all criminal justice agencies? Or is the world too complex to legislate morality and ethics?
  2. Describe the differences between the formal and informal justice systems. Is it fair to treat some offenders informally?
  3. What are the layers of the criminal justice “wedding cake”? Give an example of a crime for each layer.
  4. What are the basic elements of each model or perspective on justice? Which best represents your own point of view?

Chapter 2

  1. What factors account for crime rate trends?
  2. What factors are present in poverty-stricken urban areas that produce high crime rates?
  3. It seems logical that biological and psychological factors might explain why some people commit crimes. But if the crime is based on individual traits, how would we explain the fact that crime rates are higher in the West and South than in the Midwest and East?
  4. Considering the patterns victimization takes, what steps should you take to avoid becoming a crime victim

Law Homework Help

Central Texas College Criminal Justice Discussion


High-profile cases capture the attention of the American public. Follow the link to the NBC news story on the trial of James Holmes, the Aurora, Colorado theater shooter. Read the article, which includes a news video and answer the following questions.

James Holmes Trial

  1. Are stories like this an accurate representation of crimes committed in the United States or are they rare?
  2. High profile trials take months and cost millions of dollars, while similar crimes that do not capture the public’s attention, take a fraction of the time, and cost much less to prosecute. Does media access and coverage of investigations and court proceedings have a positive or negative effect on justice?
  3. Should criminal trials be broadcast or should there be restrictions on cameras in the courtroom?
  4. Does the news media provide an accurate representation of statistical data surrounding crime?
  5. Are you more likely to be murdered by a stranger or someone you know?

Law Homework Help

HLSS 311 American Military University Border & Coastal Security Discussion


I’m working on a Law exercise and need support.

Discussion Questions: Consider what you know about border and coastal security and focus on three important issues, concerns, events, policies, or other Homeland Security related aspects and share your thoughts. For each, at a minimum, individually discuss What is it? Why is it important? How does it affect the security of our nation? Do we need to do anything about it? What?

Do not include direct quotations in your posting; instead, as necessary, paraphrase. Formulating your own thoughts from analyzing new information and studying established work is what we need for successful experts of the future.

-350+ words

-APAFOrmat (search by course number HLSS311)

Law Homework Help

HLSS 320 APUS Homegrown Violent Extremism Reflection


Hide Assignment Information


The goal of this paper for you to write your opinion on Homegrown Violent Extremism or Global Terrorism without using first or second person. In this paper, you get the opportunity to write your point of view on the material reviewed during the week – and the best part is that there is no wrong answer! This paper is your opinion, and as such, it is your job to express your thoughts in a manner that is comprehensible and clear for any and all readers. Feel free to write your thoughts freely, without any constraints. 

After you finished the readings you selected for the week, it is time to brainstorm. Some simple brainstorm techniques for writing reflection papers can involve you answering some of the basic questions below:

  • How did the material on Homegrown Violent Extremism or Global Terrorism affect you?
  • Did your learning about the material on Homegrown Violent Extremism or Global Terrorism change your mind about something? If so, how.
  • Has the material on Homegrown Violent Extremism or Global Terrorism left you with any questions? If so, what are they.
  • Were there any unaddressed critical issues not covered by the material on Homegrown Violent Extremism or Global Terrorism?
  • How will the material on Homegrown Violent Extremism or Global Terrorism impact your future in Homeland Security? 

Law Homework Help

Role & Duties of a District Attorney Discussion



A little background:  You have learned about many aspects of the criminal justice system that affect cases going to court and court proceedings. The CJ system must be viewed in its totality to see how different factors affect the outcome and ultimately the quest for justice.

Directions:  Based on what you have learned in weeks 5 & 6 (and keeping in mind what you learned in weeks 1-4) you are to answer the following questions:

  1. Makeup with a synopsis of a criminal act.  This should be no longer than a paragraph.  It should include the elements needed to answer the following questions.
  2. Identify the crime(s) committed and the response by the police (this should detail the probable cause element for an arrest), suggest the charges for this individual (refer to the revised statutes in the state that you live to identify what crime(s) they may be charged with).  You may have to do some additional outside research (besides the revised statutes in your state) using sources through the UMGC library to obtain some of this information.
  3. Pretend that you are the District Attorney for this case.  Explain your role in the prosecution of this case. Detail the information and steps that will be taken to take this case to trial. Explain the elements that must be necessary for the suspect to be convicted in the U.S. court system.

Law Homework Help

race ethnicity and crime


question 1

please choose one of the following stages of the juvinile justice process: arrest, sentencing or parole. Discuss three challenges that juvenile justces are face with during the stage that you selected. please rely on material, including journal to support your arguement short essay format. (3-5) paragraph

question 2

given the persistence of identifiable racial discrimination in the application of the death penalty, should we reform capital punishment? if you why? if not, why not? short essay format (3-5) paragraph


Law Homework Help

Saint Leo University Parental Substance Abuse Disorders Essay


Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (Fifth Edition).  Topics will pertain to issues in child protective investigations.  Examples include: Human Trafficking, Impact of Drug Use on Children and Families, Impact of Incarcerated Parents on Child Development, Adverse Childhood Experiences, etc.  The topic will be submitted no later than October 15 for approval.  The research paper must be typed, double spaced and a minimum of seven pages in length.  It must include a detailed Reference Section with a minimum of five articles (APA approved) and two secondary materials (i.e., books). Your paper should address the Problem and/or importance of the topic, hypothesis supported by research (Review of Related Literature), Conclusion, and Implications for Future Research.  No more than 15% of the written assignment in this course may be attributed to referenced sources. The research paper will align with learning outcomes 3 & 5.

Prior to submitting the final draft, students may write “Free Read” on the top of their paper for a preliminary review by the instructor.  The student will not be penalized and the instructor will provide the student with valuable feedback.  This is not mandatory on the part of the student.  Refer to the Checklist for Research Papers at the end of this syllabus. The research paper is worth 30% of the course grade.

Law Homework Help

RCGC Week 14 Taylor Swifts Re Recorded Her Musical Catalogue Essay


As most of you know, Taylor Swift re-recorded her musical catalog. Please tell me: Why did she re-record the master recordings? What precipitated her re-recording her masters? In your opinion, was it wise for her to re-record (factoring in time, value, money, etc that it cost her to do it).

Law Homework Help

Dominican University Peace vs Justice Maulitania Peace Negotiations Paper


NOTE: That I have divided you into two groups. Group A will be role playing General Cederick and his staff. Group B will be playing Madame Erickson and her staff. I would like each of you to prepare a one to two page summary of your arguments and send it to me by the end of the day Wednesday. Come to class prepared to argue your respective positions

Look at the attached file, knowing that I represent a group B

( Madame Erickson and her staff are to be role-played by members of Group B. Based on the simulated )