Other Homework Help

MKT 4468 Brooklyn College GM Micro Challenge Export Promotion MEMO


M2 – GM Micro-Challenge: Export Promotion

Your manager’s memo to you is below. In it your manager is giving you tasks to address regarding international trade. You are not expected to be an expert, just willing and able to use the resources available to develop an accurate response.

Your memo should start with an introduction that reminds the manager what s/he requested you to do. Next, overview the information your manager can expect to find in your memo. After that, respond to each topic you were requested to address in sequence. For each topic, your response should clearly state the question(s) you understood you were to address. Then give a written response to the question that summarizes the source information. Your written response should then be supported with (1) an image that shows the specific source information you used, and (2) a weblink to that source in case your manager wants to seek out additional information. Note: An image does not replace your written response, it only shows the source information used. Finally, you may choose to provide a conclusion to your memo.

Images may be screen clipped to include them. That image should show the name of YOUR COUNTRY/YOUR STATE.

To: You

From: Your Manager

Date: Aug 29, 2021

Subject: Export Promotion

Below are subjects that need some research for an agency in YOUR STATE. The agency said they might want to use subscription sources (PIERS, Datamyne, Euromonitor, etc.) in the future to research competitor activity but wanted to try free sources first.

Consider each subject, examine sources, and provide a brief response. Include screen clippings of your source material. That image should show the name of YOUR COUNTRY/YOUR STATE and the exact information that supports your response.

Some potential sources you might find helpful are provided.

A government agency in YOUR STATE wants to expand the state’s exports.

1. Determine YOUR STATE’s major exports.

A. Identify the top 10 exports from YOUR STATE in 2020. Include the HS Code and the value in millions of dollars for that year. Identify one top export product from YOUR STATE upon which you will focus. (Use the U.S. International Trade Data provided by the Census Bureau HERE (Links to an external site.))

2. Identify and justify some countries that might be promising for a trade mission from YOUR STATE.

A. The Observatory of Economic Complexity provides international trade information for countries. A link to their website is HERE (Links to an external site.). Under the Tools tab, select “Tree Map.” Use the “Bilateral – Exports by Product” option to find the information needed for the top export product that you identified above. Under “Product” select this top export product. Use the HS6 data to get as close to the HS Code for that product as you can. Under “Country,” select “United States.” See image “A” for customization settings. Clicking on “Build Visualization” will give you a diagram with a question above it. Verify it is the question. The United States’ top exports of this product went to these countries. See image “B.” List the countries (up to ten) getting the greatest percentage of this top export product from the U.S. as a whole. This diagram tells you what countries are currently buying from the U.S.

Next, determine what countries are buying a lot of this product. Use the “Tree Map” again. Use the “Product – Importers” option to identify what countries import that product. Customize the settings for the top importers of this product. Under “Product” select this top export product. Use the HS6 data to get as close to the HS Code for that product as you can. See image “C” for customization settings. Clicking on “Build Visualization” will give you a diagram with a question above it. The countries that are the top importers of this product will be shown. Verify it is the question. See image “D.” List the countries (up to ten) that are importing the greatest percentage of this product. This diagram tells you what countries are currently buying a lot of this product in general.

B. Use the two lists you made to identify one country that is importing a lot of the product but is not importing it from the United States. This may be a good country to consider for a trade mission. The government of YOUR STATE might consider sending a trade mission there to explore further exports.

C. Find two individuals that work with the US Commercial Service that can help facilitate export efforts for this product to that country. A link to their website is HERE (Links to an external site.). Include their names, titles, and contact information. At least one of these individuals should be located in that country or at least in its region.

D. What import tariffs would be associated with sales of that product to that country? (Use the Office of the US Trade Representative (USTR) – 2018 National Trade Estimate (NTE) on Foreign Trade Barriers HERE (Links to an external site.))

E. Just to be fully prepared for the manager’s recommendation to the government agency, repeat steps A. to D. for a second top export product from YOUR STATE. Choose a country for the trade mission that is in a different region of the world.

3. Identify two promising international trade shows to attend.

A. For two top exports from YOUR STATE, identify a large international trade show that is focused on that product and that attracts buyers/sellers from all over the world. Include some information about each of these two trade shows including when the next one is tentatively scheduled and where. Provide a weblink for each trade show.

Other Homework Help

Chamberlain College of Nursing Greco Roman Architectural Styles Discussion


Read about architecture. The lesson includes information on Roman architecture, which was greatly influenced by the Greeks and Etruscans.

Locate at least two architectural works that were influenced by Greco-Roman architecture. These can be from any time period after the Greco-Roman period but should be from different periods themselves (e.g., one from Renaissance and one from Baroque). Then address the following:

  • What is the function of each structure?
  • How does each work exhibit influence of the Greco-Roman period? Is the influence specifically Greek, Etruscan, or Roman – or a combination?
  • How would you compare the two selected works? Take the role of the evaluative critic.

Use examples from the text, the lesson, and the library to help support your answer. Please remember to provide images and citations to help illustrate your points.

Follow-Up Post Instructions
Respond to at least one peer. Further the dialogue by providing more information and clarification.

Writing Requirements

  • Minimum of 2 posts (1 initial & 1 follow-up)
  • Minimum of 2 sources cited (assigned readings/online lessons and an outside source)
  • APA format for in-text citations and list of references

Student Sample:

There are many architectural works that is influenced by the Greco-Roman Style. The two architectural works that I chose are followed:

The Pantheon



  • Style: Ancient Roman
  • The Pantheon is known as the Temple of All the Gods. This beautiful structure started out as a rectangle and over the course of a century turned into the dome shape that it is to this day (Ranogajec, 2015). According to Craven (2019) “The Pantheon portico or entryway is a symmetrical, classical design with three rows of Corinthian columns (Links to an external site.)—eight in the front and two rows of four — topped by a triangular pediment (Links to an external site.). The granite and marble columns were imported from Egypt, a land that was part of the Roman Empire.”  Although the Pantheon is from the second century, it is the only Roman building that is still in use and still intact to its original structure (Jacobus & Martin, 2018).

London’s Natural History Museum


  • Style: Romanesque revival
  • London’s Natural History Museum was designed by Francis. He died shortly after winning the competition to design this building. The design was then taken over by Alfred Waterhouse. He reviewed and revised the design. Construction was started in 1873, but was not finished until 1880 (McFadden, 2020). During the mid-19th century museums were expensive, but it was said that Owen, the one who drew the rough plan, said that it should be free and accessible to all (History and Architecture, 2016). In today’s time, the museum is one of Britain’s best-loved examples of Romanesque architecture-inspired buildings, and one of the city’s most iconic landmarks (Links to an external site.) (McFadden, 2020).

When looking at the two there is more differences than there are similarities. Both structures have the dome shapes within them, and the columns are seen as well. Both were influenced by the Greek and Roman era. These range from the second century until the mid-nineteenth century.


McFadden, C. (2020, August 13). 21+ Famous Buildings and Monuments Influenced by Roman Architecture. Interesting Engineering. https://interestingengineering.com/21-famous-build…

History and architecture. (2016). Natural History Museum. https://www.nhm.ac.uk/about-us/history-and-archite…

Ranogajec, P. A. (2015, December 11). The Pantheon (Rome) – Smarthistory. Smart History. https://smarthistory.org/the-pantheon/

Craven, J. (2019, July 30). Why You Should Know About the Pantheon in Rome. ThoughtCo. https://www.thoughtco.com/influencial-architecture…

Jacobus, L., & Martin, D. F. (2018). Humanities through the Arts (10th ed.). McGraw-Hill Education.

Other Homework Help

CNL 509 NCU WK 2 Increasing Your Cultural Competence Discussion


Complete at least two of the “Implicit Association Tests” (race, gender, sexual orientation, etc.) located on the Harvard website at https://implicit.harvard.edu/implicit/. You can learn more about the project at https://www.projectimplicit.net/

Write a 500-750-word reflection that addresses the following:

  • An identification of the experiment you completed.
  • A summary of the results.
  • An overview of your impressions (address both your strengths and areas of growth in your discussion).
  • A discussion about how you plan to address areas of growth and increase your cultural competence as a counselor-in-training.
  • A minimum of three goals in your plan related to increasing your cultural competence. Your goals should be specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time bound (S.M.A.R.T.).
  • A discussion about why it is important for counselors to understand their biases in regard to racial and cultural differences.

Other Homework Help

NR 360 CU Workarounds and Their Implications for Patient Safety Essay


  1. What is a workaround? Identify a workaround (specific to technology used in a hospital setting) that you have used or perhaps seen someone else use, and analyze why you feel this risk-taking behavior was chosen over behavior that conforms to a safety culture. What are the risks? Are there benefits? Why or why not?
  2. Discuss the current patient safety characteristics used by your current workplace or clinical site. Identify at least three aspects of your workplace or clinical environment that need to be changed with regard to patient safety (including confidentiality), and then suggest strategies for change.

Student Sample:

Hello class:

A workaround refers to a temporary fix, or a bypass, of a problem. In other words, it is a way of making something work without completely solving it. A workaround is not always the best or most ethical solution to a problem, and it usually requires you to not follow protocol. McGonigle and Mastrian (2018) described workarounds as risky behaviors.

An example given by Seaman and Erlen (2015) explained that a nurse needed to draw labs on a patient but was not able to print the specimen labels with their user-ID. This nurse’s workaround was to get another nurse to print the labels using their user-ID instead, even though this other nurse was not the one drawing the labs on the patient. Although the patient’s nurse felt uncomfortable doing this, they felt that they had no choice because IT was taking too long to fix the problem, and those labs needed to be drawn as soon as possible.

In the example provided, I feel that this risk-taking behavior was chosen because the nurse was more concerned with getting the labs drawn in a timely matter, rather than having another nurse’s name on the specimens. In this scenario, I feel that the benefit (getting the labs drawn as soon as possible) outweighed the risks, and the nurse only did it with the patient’s best outcome in mind, even though it is not the right thing to do.

I have not started clinicals yet, therefore I cannot discuss patient safety characteristics that I have seen first-hand, but I gathered another example from my research. McGonigle and Mastrian (2018) provided an example where a nurse takes off a patient’s identification wristband and attaches it to the bed instead. The reason for doing this was that the barcode scanner was having a hard time reading the armband on the patient’s small wrist. I feel that this scenario shows a very unsafe workaround because there is a lot of room for error here. The patient might get their bed switched, and the nurse can be giving medications to the wrong patient. A patient armband should always be on the patient’s arm for safety reasons, and I feel that this workaround is completely unacceptable.

Thank you for reading!



McGonigle, D. & Mastrian, K. (2018). Nursing informatics and the foundation of knowledge (4th ed.). Jones & Bartlett Learning.

Seaman, J. B., & Erlen, J. A. (2015). Workarounds in the Workplace: A Second Look. Orthopedic nursing, 34(4), 235–242. https://doi.org/10.1097/NOR.0000000000000161

Other Homework Help

ICC Anorexia Nervosa Discussion


I’m working on a other writing question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.


Eating disorders are a common occurrence in Western Cultures where women who are extremely thin are defined as beautiful.  This idea permeates society’s young men and women who desire to be popular and desired, thus creating a generation of individuals who are literally dying to be thin.  According to Mental Health America (2020), more than 30 million men and women in the United States are diagnosed with disorders such as anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, binge eating disorder, or other specified feeding or eating disorders.


For this assignment, students are to select one of the listed eating disorders.  Then address the following questions:

Define the disorder

Discuss the physical, mental, and psychological symptoms of the behavior, 

Address the health consequences associated with the selected eating disorder

Discuss the treatment(s) proven to be effective in treating the specific eating disorder.  


Other Homework Help

PSYCH 241 ICC Development of A Child Discussion



For this assignment, students are to respond to the prompt listed below. Please ensure that your post is well-written, grammatically correct, and informative. The first part of this assignment is due by Wednesday before 11:55 p.m., and is considered the main discussion post that is worth 50 points, and should be at least 250 words.

The second part of this assignment is that each student must respond to TWO of his/her peer’s main discussion posts no later than Friday night at 11:55 p.m. A simple answer as cool, or me too is NOT acceptable; responses should be at least 125 words. Peer responses should be meaningful in that they add to the discussion or provide additional information or insight into a topic. Each peer response is worth 25 points for an additional 50 points. The total points for this assignment are 100.


Suzie Snowflake completes her main discussion post and earns 50 points on Monday. She responds to Jumpin Johnny on Tuesday in accordance with all requirements but forgets to respond to another peer before Wednesday. So she only earns 75 out of 100 points.


For this discussion board, students are to compare and contrast Erikson and Marcia’s work on the development of identity. Which theory do you most agree with and why? Be sure to use in-text citations when citing the text or other sources in your answers.

Other Homework Help

UMGC The Poseidon Swim Company Selling Price EBIT & Expected Sales Exercise


The Poseidon swim company produces swim trunks. The average selling price for one of their swimming trunks is $68.08. The variable cost per unit is $20.81, Poseidon Swim has average fixed costs per year of $7,674. Assume the current level of sales is 360 units. What will be the resulting percentage change in EBIT if they expect units sold to changes by 9.9 percent? Round the answer to two decimal places. 

Other Homework Help

UMGC La Cucaracha Pest Control Inc Financial Conditions & Operating Leverage Exercise


La Cucaracha Pest Control, Inc. is reviewing its financial condition. The firm’s operating leverage is 2.63. The firm’s financial leverage was of 2.76. What is the firm’s degree of combined (total) leverage of La Cucaracha Pest Control, Inc. ?

Other Homework Help

UMGC Haunted Forest Inc Average Selling Variable Cost & Fixed Costs Exercise


Haunted Forest, Inc.is selling fog machines.

Use the following information about Haunted Forest, Inc. to answer the following questions.

Average selling price per unit $308.

Variable cost per unit $194

Units sold 335

Fixed costs $16,415

Interest expense $3,059

Based on the data above, what is the degree of total (combined) leverage of Haunted Forest, Inc.?

Round the answer to two decimals