The project in JavaScript
Transportation project Project Idea The transportation company wants to outsource its cars and planes to a number of drivers or pilots. Therefore, the idea of the application is to help them customize the car, whether it is a car or a plane for the driver or a qualified pilot, so that the plane is assigned to the pilot and the cars are allocated to a driver.
1-Create a Class for the vehicles and define their properties such as (Name, Manufacturer, ID).
2-Creating the Class for the car so that it inherits from the Class the vehicles, with defining the characteristics of the vehicle (gas or electric vehicle type).
3- Create a Class for the Airplane so that it inherits from the Class of Vehicles, with the aircraft characteristics defined (aircraft type ..).
4- Create a Class with the name employee to represent the employees and define its characteristics (name, ID, date of birth).
5- Create a Class Driver so that it inherits from Class employees with additional driver characteristics defined such as licenseID.
6- Create a Class Flyer so that it inherits from the Employee Class with additional pilot properties defined such as licenseID.
7- Create a Booking Class that contains the driver and his / her vehicle (reservationDate, employeeId, vehiclesId, reservationID).
8- After creating a mixed, blended, mixed, blended, extruded, scrambled, two planes.
9-Write a function that receives the employee’s id with the vehicle id and verify, in the event that the employee is a pilot and the vehicle is a car, a message of their incompatibility will be printed, and if the employee is a pilot and the vehicle is a plane, an object will be created and stored in the Class reserved.
10 -Save all reservations into an array.
11- Print the array’s content using the map function.