Programming Homework Help

ENG 335 Singapore University Create a Python Code Computer Programming Task


Use the breast cancer dataset available in sklearn package. You are required to show the steps in loading the data set, perform exploratory data analysis, identify the algorithm (from what has been covered in the seminars) suitable for detecting breast cancer. Present appropriate performance metrics. 

Programming Homework Help

Linux Question



1.Download the file “make_samples” attached

2. Run the script command on your Unix/Linux command line terminal to start capturing, name the typescript file as ‘Makefiles_codeproject.typescript’.

3. Follow the tutorial, run the commands as shown in the tutorial to capture the transactions

4. Download “Programming assignment 1” file.

5. On a command line terminal run the script command to start capturing into a file name PA_makefile.typescrip

6. Display the content of the makefile for PA1.

7. Compile your programs for PA1to make the executable using make command

8. Make some changes to the program (e.g. add comments, etc…)

9. Run make again

10. Add a module named version (e.g. version.c or version.cpp) that has a single function: displayVersion() that simply displays “Current version is 1.2” where 1.2 is the value of a static global variable named version declared in the main module when gets called. Change you main module to add the version variable and modify the main function to call displayVerison() at the beginning.

11. Rebuild your executable for PA1using make, Run the program to confirm that version is displayed.

12. Register with github to create your own free account. Create repositories for your programming assignment 1

13. On a command line terminal run the script command to start capturing into a file name PA_GitHub.typescript

14. Create repositories for your programming assignment 1(PA1)

15. Show status of your local repository

16. Push your repositoryfor PA1 to your GitHub repositories

17. Show status of your remote repositories

18. Make some changes to your PA1program, show status of your local repositories

19. Push the changes to your remote repositories

20. Show status of your remote repositories

Please Submit files containing your makefiles, and your typescript files.

Programming Homework Help

Prairie View A & M University Communication in the Digital Age Lab Report


Assignment Title: Laboratory Project 5 –

Creating a Simple Website Using Notepad & HTML Project Description:

This project requires you to create your personal website applying the knowledge you have acquired in class. You will use normal Notepad as a text editor ( or Notepad++) to create the web pages. The website will have a start (home) page. Create a new folder in C: directory and name it as your name.html ◆ Save the file as about.html in the created directory c:your name.html ◆ Test / View / Edit using your browser ◆ It will also have the following pages as links on the home (start) page. } A link to the PVAMU Website. Clicking the link must open the University website. } A link to your favorite educational site (only one site). The project is due on Tuesday, April 27, 2021. You must submit it electronically through CANVAS.

Programming Homework Help

Dallas Baptist University Project Implementation Software and Libraries Discussion


undefinedPython CRASH COURSE, Project 1: Alien Invasion (Chapter 12: A Ship that Fires Bullets、Chapter 13: Aliens!、Chapter 14: Scoring), Please read these three chapters to answer the following questions.

0.Software and Libraries required for this project implementation.

1. What Python files, classes, and functions were used in Project 1: Alien Invasion?

2.Write the purpose and roles of each of the Python files, classes, and functions used in Project 1: Alien Invasion. (This part is very important, please analyze in detail.)

3. Explaining the Logic of each classes/functions?

4.What import modules were used in Project 1: Alien Invasion?

5. What is the purpose, function, and role of each module used in Project 1: Alien Invasion?

6. High level activities or Major functional implementation of this project.

Programming Homework Help

Pikes Peak Community College Tracking Information in A Database Case Study


Ms. Chavez is interested in seeing what tracking information in a database would look like, rather than relying on Excel spreadsheets. She heard it was easier and would cut down on data redundancy. She has given you a list of music CDs that she owns and would like you to create a database using that information. She also wants to hear, briefly, your thoughts on why you chose the primary key you did and what all you did as you created the database.

You will come up with the following information to use in the database:

  • Fifteen album Names (real or fake) – You can use the table below as needed. 
    • Of those fifteen albums, there should be at least two types of music (genres). These can be anything from hip-hop to classical.
    • Each of the fifteen albums should have their format recorded as well (CD, cassette, or recordOnce you’ve created that information, do the following:
      • Create a database to track the data.
      • Create at least 2 related Tables.
      • Create a Query showing all the music in one of the genres (for example: Jazz). Name it after that genre of music (for example: Jazz query).
      • Choose what your primary key will be.
      • Create a Report based on the Query created in the previous step.
      • Create a Form, using the Form Wizard to enter the information for each CD.

Programming Homework Help

Start with a new Visual Studio project. Write a Visual Basic program to address t


BIS-344: Visual Basic Net Programming

  1. Start with a new Visual Studio project. Write a Visual Basic program to address the requirements of Chapter 3’s section “Programming Projects,” #4. Length Conversion.
    1. Create form as depicted in the exercise (Figure 3.64).
    2. Additionally, include the following:
      1. A label displaying the student name in italics
      2. A label displaying the workshop due date formatted as m/d/yyyy
      3. A button to exit or quit (refer to the Me.Close() statement in Chapter 2).
    3. Implement the length conversion as noted in the exercise. Reiterating:
      1. One meter = 39.37 inches
      2. One centimeter = .01 meter
      3. One kilometer = 1,000 meters
      4. The meter and kilometer values are integers.
    4. Apply all standards as depicted in 1.5 Assignment, introduced in the textbook, and reinforced in discussion forums.
    5. Remember: do not flounder; use the Collaboration Forum to pose questions and share learning.
  2. Be sure to File>Save All your work (never use “Save As”); close and exit Visual Studio.
  3. Create submission zip archive.
    1. Make a new folder including student name—“WorkshopTwo LastNameFirstName” as in “WorkshopTwo BernersLeeTim”
    2. Copy exercise project folder to the submission folder.
    3. Create zip archive of the submission folder. In Windows Explorer, right click folder name, and select “Send to” and “Compressed (zipped) folder.” Full details provided in the 1.2 Assignment.
  4. Once the assignment is complete, save a copy for yourself and submit zip archive created in Step 3 by the end of the workshop. Be sure to follow submission naming standards.

Programming Homework Help

C++ Question


Hi I have 15 week course, in that eacheach week, I’ll have one assignment and I’ll try to do the code but I’ll need your help for editing code. For example: the first one is attached.

I’ve written the code which is working but I need help to modify it to meet the instructions so most Of the weeks, this kind of work. Please put 90 odd days. Anyway, you’ll be helping throughout the course

Programming Homework Help

University of Maryland College Park Container Data Python Programming Task


Please upload a Jupyter notebook in which you do the following:

  • explain sequence unpacking in your own words and provide a clear, working original example of it
  • document the syntax for adding a key/value pair to a dictionary; provide an original example that demonstrates how to do this
  • document the syntax for using a key to retrieve a value from a dictionary; provide an original example that demonstrates how to do this
  • choose just one of the following set operations, briefly explain it, and provide an original example that demonstrates the operation:
    • union
    • intersection
    • difference
    • symmetric difference