Programming Homework Help

Rutgers Debug the Code


db6-1. Fix the errors on the attached debug exercise 6-1. There could be syntax and logic errors. You want to check the validity of an inputted code. Pay particular attention to the array and the for loops. Save as, attach your completed file and submit.


program accepts shipping codes (uppercase or lowercase)
and determines validity
public class d61
	public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception
		int i;
		boolean found = 0;
		char letter;
		char[] okaycodes = {A, C, T, H};
		System.out.printf("A - airnC - carnT - trucknH - hand delivern");
		System.out.printf("Enter shipping code:  ");
		letter = (char);
		for(i = 0; i < 5; i++)
 			if(letter == okaycodes)
		      	System.out.println("Good code");
				System.out.println("Code not found");
		if (!found)
   			System.out.println("Code not found");

Programming Homework Help

SWE 481 Colorado Technical University Customer Data Platform System Project


One of the first major tasks in the software development process is to develop the requirements. Requirements analysis and documentation is an area that seldom receives adequate attention, but it is potentially the most important step in a successful software development project.

For this assignment, you will identify the requirements for the project you selected in the first week. You will also perform a requirements analysis to help solidify the requirements and prepare the path for the design of the software. Finally, you will prepare the design based on the requirements.

The following are the project deliverables:

  • Update the software development plan document title page with a new date and project name.
  • Update the previously completed sections based on your instructor’s feedback.
  • Add the following new content:
    • Requirements:
      • Describe the approach that you will take to gather the requirements for the project.
      • Work through the steps in your requirements gathering process, and define the requirements for your project. Be sure to provide a sufficient number of high-level requirements (at least 10) to allow design of the application to proceed.
      • Describe the requirements elicitation process used and whether each requirement is functional or nonfunctional.
      • Requirements should be stated in measurable terms. At a minimum, the requirements should each include a description, rationale, measurement criterion, and priority.
      • Include an analysis of your requirements to ensure that the most important requirements are included, and summarize your conclusions.
    • Design:
      • Describe the overall architecture of your application.
      • Identify each of the major components of the application, and describe how they will work together. A component diagram should be used to illustrate the architecture, and a UML class diagram should be provided to show the class hierarchy and relationships for the application.
      • Provide at least 1 use case for each component to demonstrate how the component will be used in the application.
      • Prepare a visual design for the main screen of your application.
      • Address any data management requirements in your design.
  • Be sure to update your table of contents before submission.
  • Name the document yourname_SWE481_IP2.doc.
  • Submit the document for grading.
  • After the assignment has been graded, share your document with your team through the team area in the classroom. Your team should decide whether documents will be shared through the Discussion Board or the file uploads in the team area.

Please submit your assignment.

Programming Homework Help

University of California Floating Point Value Python Programming Solved Practice


2.1.2: Prompt user for input and then print that input as a string, an integer, and a floating‐point
value. What data types can be input that will print without generating any errors?
Answer this question at the end of your code by using a docscring comment.

2.1.3: Write a Python program that asks the user to enter an integer (n) and computes the value of
n+n*n+n*n*n+n*n*n*n = ?. The program must then print the formula, replacing the ‘n’
variables with the user input, and the ? with the calculation results. Numbers greater than
1,000 must have a comma separator. Print using a formatted string or the format function.
Example Output:
Please enter an integer: 5
5 + 5 * 5 + 5 * 5 * 5 + 5 * 5 * 5 * 5 = 780

2.1.4: One way to determine whether an integer is even or odd is to divide the number by two and
check the remainder. Write a three‐line program that (1) prompts for a number, (2)
converts the input to an integer and (3) prints the number 0 if the user input is even and the
number 1 if the user input is odd

2.1.5: Body Mass Index (BMI) is a number calculated from a person’s weight and height.
The metric formula for BMI is: weight / height2
where weight is in kilograms and height is in meters.
Write a program that:
a. clearly prompts user for weight and height in one input
b. performs BMI calculation
c. prints BMI calculation with an appropriate description
Example Output:
Enter Weight in kilograms and Height in meters (separated by a space): 110.2 1.83
Body Mass Index (BMI) for Weight 110.2 and Height 1.83: 32.91

2.2.6: Using a ‘for loop’ , write a program that calculated and prints all the leap years from 1899 to
2021. Make sure that you understand the rules for determining a leap year and use the
modulo operator to manually calculate leap years. Do not use the calendar library.
Then perform this calculation a second time using a ‘while loop’.
For each looping method, print all the year results on one comma separated line.

2.2.7: Rewrite this following ‘for loop’ as a ‘while loop’ and create a working program:
(Note that X is upper case because it is defined as a constant)

X = 10

for i in range(1, X + 1):

if X % i == 0:


Programming Homework Help

Software Development Question


Now that your individual app idea has been approved and somewhat planned, you will start to visualize the UI and UX of the app. In your canvas you should have articulated which models, views and controllers may be utilized. For this milestone, you must visualize your individual app through a sample storyboard wireframe in Xcode. This should show the utilization of 2 – 5 features as well as so the proper control flows going between screens.

Programming Homework Help

Northern Virginia Community College Converting Access Jet Schemas to MySQL iTD256 Exercise


In this assignment, you will be creating the DDL SQL code (create database + create table statements) to re-create the Access schema (Jet DB engine, file-based) in your MySQL RDS instance.

This assignment is FOR A GRADE based on ACCURACY. I will not be able to give you hints or substantial help on this, so do your best and submit your code before the due date. The good news is that you can actually RUN your code to see if it works. If you don’t do that, then expect to lose points on syntax errors at minimum. Don’t just make this up…

  1. Download the following Access file (DO NOT USE ANY OTHER FILE): AnnandaleCupcakes_v03.accdb download
  2. Using the Access design view for the tables, go through every table and write the equivalent SQL DDL code to create that table in MySQL.
    1. You will need to choose the correct data types and constraints, since Access (Jet) data types are different from MySQL data types (e.g. there is no “Short Text” in MySQL, but varchar(50) would be an example equivalent). Below is a chart of equivalent data types. Also remember to use auto_increment and primary key constraints on the PK.
      • Access-MySQL Data Type Equivalents.png
  3. SUBMISSION: Simply copy your SQL DDL code and paste it into the text-only submission box. DO NOT submit a screenshot of your code or schema.
  4. Make sure to actually RUN YOUR CODE in MySQL Workbench against your GCP MySQL instance TO ENSURE THAT IT WORKS.
  5. To get you started, below is the code to create the new database schema as well as the customer table. You must complete the code for the rest of the tables (customer_note, event, payment, product, sale, and sale_item).
create database annandale_cupcakes;
use annandale_cupcakes;

create table customer (
customer_id int primary key auto_increment,
first_name varchar(50),
last_name varchar(50),
phone_number varchar(20),
email varchar(30),
street varchar(100),
city varchar(50),
state varchar(25),
zip varchar(10),
notes varchar(255),
created_at datetime,
updated_at datetime

Programming Homework Help

Bitcoin Miner Simulation Mining & Receiving Transactions Simple C Programming Exercise


Write a program that simulates a bitcoin miner. Your program must be compiled to an executable called
miner. The program will read in a sequence of four kinds of events

(i) mine a block (mine),

(ii) receive a
transaction and add it to the mempool (transaction),

iii) receive a block that was mined by another miner
(block), and

(iv) end the simulation (end). For each of these events your program will need to perform a
specific action as described below. These events correspond to actual events experienced by a real miner.
For example, the transaction and block events correspond to the miner receiving transactions and blocks
from the peer-to-peer network, and the mine event corresponds to the miner deciding to begin the creation of a new block.
On a mine event, your program must
1. select transactions from its mempool in the order that the transactions were added
2. create a new block from the selected transactions
3. remove the selected transactions from the mempool
4. print out the created block On a transaction event, your program must
1. decode the transaction in the event
2. add the transaction to the mempool
3. print out the transaction
On a block event, your program must
1. decode the block. In the event
2. remove any transactions in the mempool that were listed in the block
3. print out the removed transactions in the order they were listed in the block
On an end event, your program must
1. exit
Note: the simulator will focus on the high-level operations. It will not need to perform any cryptographic
functions or verify the correctness of a block or transaction

Programming Homework Help

UP Project System Acquisition Plan Discussion


Complete the following in your own words


  • Baltzan, P. (2016). Business driven information systems. New York, NY: McGraw Hill Education.
  • Week 3 articles and videos
  • It is recommended students search the Internet for a Systems Acquisition Plan template.

Scenario: You are an entrepreneur in the process of researching a business development idea. As you create a high-level Information Technology (IT) strategy for your new enterprise, it is important to consider the acquisition of IT resources. A Systems Acquisition Plan will guide the process of identifying enterprise technology needs and acquiring appropriate information systems in the context of your goal to incorporate business-driven IT. The Systems Acquisition Plan is intended to describe a high-level process for acquiring and maintaining IT systems. The Systems Acquisition Plan is a working document, which is expected to change over time as new project details emerge. 

Create a high-level Project Systems Acquisition Plan for your project in a minimum of 1,050 words that includes the following information:  

  • A description and justification of the specific systems design and development approach (SDLC, RAD, Spiral, outsourcing, etc.) the enterprise will employ
  • A summary of the steps in the systems acquisition process including initiation, analysis, design, acquisition, and maintenance
  • A high-level overview of who will participate in each step of the systems acquisition process

Programming Homework Help

Website Design Question


Assignment #2 100 points

Please read chapter #2 before completing this assignment

Part 1:

On page 21 Consulting Opportunity 2.1, answer 1,2 and 3 at the end of the text of that Opportunity. Be sure to be detailed with your answers. Your answers must be written in a professional manner.

Part 2:

A University wide system at RMU needs to allow Professors access to the list of classes they are teaching. The system also needs to provide students the list of classes they are enrolled in and who their advisor is.

Write the Entity-Relationship diagram that explains these requirements. You are ONLY to model the information requested here.

What to turn in:

Part 1 is to be a word document containing your name and date along with your answers to the questions after the opportunity.

Part 2 is to be completed using a graphical program of your choice. You may also use the graphical features in Word. No handwritten assignments will be accepted.

Submit both documents above to blackboard

note for assignment part 1 I highlight the 3 questions with green color. Also I upload the ch 2 in case you want more info.

Programming Homework Help

Java Program


  • Look for Example Program on observer pattern in the text book and create Program an observer pattern independent from the example in the book using a problem space that is interesting to you.
  • Example in Page Numbers: 60-70
  • Note: Text Book attached