Programming Homework Help

Montclair State University Python Lab Project


Hey, I need help with my python assignment I am pasting below.

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BCC LLC is a company that sells products to customers worldwide. The company is required to pay both the state and county taxes before giving the discount to the customers.

Write a program that will ask the user to enter the Customer Name, Quantity purchased, and the price per unit. The program should compute the Sales Amount, State and County Sales taxes. The program should also compute the Net Sales and Discount given to the Customer after deduction of the Sales taxes from the Gross Sales. Assume the State Sales tax is 9 percent, County Sales tax is 5 percent, and Discount is 10%. A lop should prompt the user to enter Yes (Y) to process another record or not.

Here is the algorithm:

1. Get Customer Name

2. Get Quantity Purchased

3. Get Price Per Unit

4. Calculate the following:

a) Sales amount by multiplying Quantity Purchased by Price Per Unit

b) State Tax by multiplying Sales Amount by the State tax rate

c) County Tax by multiplying Sales Amount by the County tax rate

d) Total Tax Paid by adding State and County Tax

e) Gross Sales by adding Total Tax and sales Amount

f) Discount Amount by multiplying Gross sales by the discount rate

g) Net Sales by subtracting Discount from Gross Sales

5. Display the results

Sample Input:
Enter Customer Name : Rose Jackson
Enter Quantity Purchased : 1000
Enter Price per Unit : 50

Sample Output:

Here is Your Net Sale!

Customer Name : Rose Jackson
Sales Amount : $ 50000.0
Total Taxes : $ 7000.0
Gross Sales : $ 57000.0
Discount : $ 5700.0
Net Sales : $ 51300.0
Thank You for Your Business !!!

Do you want to process another sale [Y/N]?

Programming Homework Help

Alabama Aviation College Eclipse Java Programming Questions


Question 1-3 (question 2 and 3 attached. question 1 has been answered 70% just need some little help. work must be done in esclipse 


In Eclipse, create a new Java Project named “UnitConverter”
In the UnitConverter project, create a package named “main
Inside the main package, create a class named Converter, which has a main(String[]) method.Inside this main(String[]) method, your code should follow this pattern:
Create an int variable named menuSelection
Inside a while loop, with the condition menuSelection != /*last menu option */Using System.out.println(), print a menu with numbered options. For example:Please select an option: 1. Cups to Teaspoons 2. Miles to Kilometers 3. US Gallons to Imperial Gallons 4. Quit
Use a Scanner object to collect the user’s menuSelection
switch on the selection to collect the user’s quanity of the first unit, convert to the second unit, and print the output

ques 1.

package main;

import java.util.Scanner;

public class Converter {

public static void main(String[] args) {

int menuselection =0;

String converter;

Scanner sc = new Scanner (;

while(“menuSelection != /*last menu option */” != null);



System.out.println(“Select your option:”);


System.out.println(“1. Cups to Teaspoons 1”);

System.out.println(“2. Miles to Kilometers 2”);

System.out.println(“3. US Gallons to Imperial Gallons 3”);

System.out.println(“4. Quit 4”);

System.out.println(“Enter option(1-4): “);

menuSelection = sc.nextInt();




case 1:

converter=”Cups to Teaspoons”;


case 2:

converter=”Miles to Kilometers”;


case 3:

converter=”Gallons to Imperial Gallons”;


case 4:




System.out.println(“your converter+converter”);


1. so you have to “check menuSelection. If it’s 4, user wants to quit

while(menuSelection != 4) {

// put the rest of the logic in here, including your print statements”

2. we have to make sure the whole thing isn’t in the string. we want to use concatenation:

// “your converter: ” + converter

System.out.println(“your converter+converter”);


Programming Homework Help

Havard University Strategic Alliance Question


From real national/international market, select any type of strategic alliance between two firms and answer the following questions:

1. Briefly introduce your chosen firms, partners of the strategic alliance (industry, nationality, size, market position…). (1Mark)- Max 150 words

2. What is the type of strategic alliance used by your chosen firms? Explain its different reasons. (1Mark)

Programming Homework Help

Havard University improving knowledge management systems Discusson


I’m working on a programming exercise and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

Part B. Recommendation and Conclusion: (2 Marks)

What suggestions/recommendations would you like to provide to the Saudi organizations in general for improving knowledge management systems.

Programming Homework Help

UP Unique Approach to Project Management Discussion


respond to the following two posts IN YOUR OWN WORDS with a minimum of 400 words each, supported with a minimum of two references. It will be run thru a checker, thanks.

1. The one size doesn’t fit all from doing the project can be unique and for some of the projects that is relatively that is straightforward and predictable and while others are being highly complex and risky however, these different approach that does comes on how the project that should be managed while at the same amount of the project management rigor to the project that is wasteful in the way, that the organizations and the project managers have apply to the project management dogma while not having the deviation but having the tailoring to the efforts appropriately which it states of the argues to one of the risks that is in the managing to the project even if the project manager is being knowledgeable in one particular project management methodology that can be difficult to step back and consider in the different approach.

When selecting the right software development it has to be in the methodology it can be a challenging task for many organizations and the software engineers but it can be a trend of making the challenging that is being the fact of the organizations that is few and knowing of the criteria to being at used in the selecting the methodology that is being add to the value to the companies and organizations and understanding them that is being apply to more than one of the Life Cycle Model.

2.Whether innovation is required or not when change occurs it can be sudden (revolutionary change) or happens over a period of time (evolutionary change). The method used depends entirely on the organization that is administering the change and what it’s specific needs are.

Revolutionary change is a complete reform from top to bottom that is usually motivated by a need for overall organizational change. The focus is bringing something entirely new to the table. Although radical change can save a great deal of time there are still risks associated such as the increased costs involved despite the possibility of failure considering it is within people’s nature to fight change and if it is not accepted then all that time and effort was for nothing, and if there is no cause for change other than change for change’s sake then the organization risks losing sight of the product while focusing too much energy on the changes.

Evolutionary change is a reform carried out in increments over time, implemented by leaders and employees, usually motivated by a need to do better after a series of failures in performance. As previously stated, people usually resist change so if an organization wishes to seek innovative change, then there must be a conducive environment to allow the change to occur. Factors that make a conducive environment include, senior management leadership, encouragement, communication, collaboration, and strength reinforcement.

We are in a sort of technology revolution right now and have been for nearly the last forty years keeping up with these technological changes can be extremely costly but there is also the increase with informational security issues in protecting the public. Another concern that arises is that as automation technology continues to evolve the need for labor force decreases. But those who do not adapt are left in the wake of those who do. Furthermore, as technology continues to evolve, the laws surrounding technology also must evolve.

Programming Homework Help

SOM 307 California State University Introduction to Statistical Learning Project


Hello I have attached the zip file in this thread. I would like to know if you can give me a detailed explanation, step by step, illustrating how you completed this assignment. Basically, my professor would like to go over this assignment with every student to see if they understand. This was quite some time ago and I really need a detailed refresher

Note: TUTOR MUST HAVE R software in order to look over assignment. I have no way for changing the zip R files to a different format.

Programming Homework Help

Community College of Rhode Island USPS Weight of Letter Program Report


How’s it going I have a project that was given to me yesterday. I live in the US an it is do tonight at midnight. I have to upload it to compile it to netbeans. Due to to COVID I have had to take classes online and programming has been hard for me. A coworker referred me to you. He said you were awesome and provided a video while you were providing assistance. If this is too much for you I can try someone else or possibly you may know of someone.

Programming Homework Help

University of Hartford C++ Question Exercise


I will provide a file (I will send it to you after you receive the order and its just 1 easy question ) which contains the requirements of the code and part of the code. Don’t change the completed code, but make up your code so that it can run according to the requirements in the problem. I will give you an output sample so that you can compare the completed code to see if it is correct. Please completely follow the requirements in the file I sent you and use the simple code! I need two copies of code that will work (so it doesn’t look like one person wrote it,use basic loop, such as for loop or while loop, better to use a different logic

Programming Homework Help

FIN 660 California State University Long Beach Python Option Exercise


Hello I am working on python project I need someone to finish it up to me I attached all the resources and required documents needed for this project thank you ! The project should be delivered through Jupiter notebook 6.1.4