Programming Homework Help

ALY 6030 NEU Alcohol Use & Disorders in Adolescents & College Population SQL Database & Report



Alcohol Use and Alcohol Use Disorders Among Adolescents and College Age Populations:

Researchers estimate that each year:

  • 1,825 college students between the ages of 18 and 24 die from alcohol-related unintentional injuries, including motor-vehicle crashes.
  • 696,000 students between the ages of 18 and 24 are assaulted by another student who has been drinking.
  • 97,000 students between the ages of 18 and 24 report experiencing alcohol-related sexual assault or date rape.
  • Roughly 20 percent of college students meet the criteria for an alcohol use disorder (AUD).
  • About 1 in 4 college students report academic consequences from drinking, including missing class, falling behind in class, doing poorly on exams or papers, and receiving lower grades overall.


  • You will use the data from BRFSS files provided to propose methods to identify expected concentrations of heavy drinking among adolescents.
  • The BRFSS is the nation’s premier system of health-related telephone (land line and cellular) surveys.
  • It collect state data about U.S. residents regarding their health-related risk behaviors, chronic health conditions, and use of preventive services.
  • Established in 1984 with 15 states, BRFSS now collects data in all 50 states as well as the District of Columbia and three U.S. territories.
  • BRFSS researchers complete more than 400,000 adult interviews each year, making it the largest continuously conducted health survey system
  • n the world.
  • BRFSS data BRFSS_OK.xlsxand demographic data Demographixlsxand demographics data in Oklahoma Demographics_OK.xlsx 下载 links are provided.
  • The BRFSS response data in BRFSS_OK.xlsx 下载 is collected from survey participants when responding to questions about drinking, coded as a “Yes” for “Heavy drinkers (adult men having more than two drinks per day and adult women having more than one drink per day)”.
  • The column marked Data_Value gives the number of people who responded “Yes” to the survey question.
  • The column marked Sample_Size gives the total number of people who were asked the question.
  • The groups are defined in terms of zip code.
  • The time period will be 2009 and the questions pertain to the state of OK.


  • Explore and gain an understanding of the data available from Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS) data warehouse.
  • Explore survey responses (“Y”) that are relevant to adolescent alcohol consumption.
  • The time period will be 2009 for the state of Oklahoma (OK).
  • Propose method(s) to identify (anonymous) groups of adolescents who may be at highest risk for alcohol abuse.
  • Perform an initial design of a SQL database by constructing an ERD including table relationships.
  • Find the areas of OK have highest and lowest number of respondents for adolescent alcohol abuse.
  • Write a SQL query that would answer this question and provide screen shots of executing the query and results:
    • By city.
    • By county.

Submission requirements:

  • Submit paperwork using .docx file in Microsoft Word format named as ALY6030_Assignment_4_[your name] .docx
  • Submit SQL script .sql file in text format names as ALY_6030_Assignment_4_[your name].sql

Paperwork file must meet the following requirements:

  • Title Page must have:
    • Class name
    • Class number
    • Class CRN number
    • Assignment name
    • Your full name as registered in Canvas
  • Introduction section
    • explain what this assignment is about
    • set goals and expectations
    • explain the selected dataset
    • introduce tools and languages you plan to use
  • Final conclusions section
    • Explain if goals and expectations were met or not
    • Explain cons and pros of using the tools, methods and techniques.
    • Explain what would you do differently
    • References (optional)

SQL Script file must meet the following requirements:

  • Only ,sql text format will be accepted
  • Each line of the SQL code must have a meaningful comment
  • Code should be executed on other computers without any modifications (add extra steps in the comments if necessary)

Programming Homework Help

CMIT 101 UMGC Introduction to Programming Pseudocode and Test Cases Codes


The sixth assignment involves writing a Python program to read in the temperatures, as user input, for ten consecutive days in Celsius and store them into an array. The entire array should then be displayed. Next each temperature in the array should be converted to Fahrenheit and the entire array should be again be displayed. The formula for converting Celsius to Fahrenheit is °F = (°C × 1.8) + 32. Finally, the number of cool, warm and hot days should be counted and the number of each type of days should be displayed. You should decide on the thresholds for determining whether a day is cool, warm or hot..

Your program should include the pseudocode used for your design in the comments. Document the values you chose for the thresholds in your comments as well.

You are to submit your Python program as a text file (.py) file. In addition, you are also to submit a test plan in a Word document or a .pdf file. 15% of your grade will be based on whether the comments in your program include the pseudocode and define the values of your constants, 70% on whether your program executes correctly on all test cases and 15% on the completeness of your test report.

Programming Homework Help

Texas A&M University Week 2 Scripting Languages HTML Format Solved Practice


Complete the following exercises.  Save the solution to each question as a separate file.  Before submitting, archive all the files together into one zip file/folder and name this file using the following convention.   so for example, mine would be

Here is the assignment.

Complete the following exercises from the Deitel book (5th edition):

Chapter 4

Exercises 4.5, 4.6, 4.7, 4.8

For all Exercises embed rules in an HTML document.  



Programming Homework Help

Cleveland State University Creating a Simple My Shell Program Code


I’m working on a linux project and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

Creating a simple MyShell program, using functions like pipe(), fork(), exec*() system calls (Do not use execvp()). Implement the following functionalities “cd” using the chdir() function and “quit” to leave the shell.

The attached document goes into further details in the “Overview” section. Something to note, in the attached document a base shell referred to as “myshell” is allowed to be used. Below is the code offered for the “myshell base”.

Programming Homework Help

ISMG 6080 University of Colorado Denver PostgreSQL Server and pgAdmin client Project


Assignment 1 download provides experience with creating PostgreSQL tables using the pgAdmin client. You need to complete 3 partial CREATE TABLE statements and write 4 new CREATE TABLE statements. You need to read the assignment carefully to see the details required for the CREATE TABLE statements. In addition to writing the statements, you need to populate the tables by executing the provided INSERT statements.

Before starting assignment 1, you should install the PostgreSQL server and pgAdmin client and read the background document about the Expense Reporting database.

PostgreSQL installation instructions download for Windows
Mac OS users should use the tutorial (Links to an external site.) or the MacOS tutorial for PostgreSQL.
Expense Reporting Database download background document
INSERT statements download for the Expense Reporting Database tables
Instructions to use remote desktop download for PostgreSQL and pgAdmin client. You can use remote desktop if you cannot install the PostgreSQL server and pgAdmin client.

To submit your assignment, please follow these steps:

You should ensure that your submitted file contains snapshots showing subsets of rows for each table. You can include the snapshots after each CREATE TABLE statement or together at the end of the document.
You will lose substantial points for syntax errors. A syntax error prevents execution of the CREATE TABLE statement.
Submit your CREATE TABLE statements in one document file with a naming scheme like “LastNameFirstNameA1″ as the file prefix where LastName and FirstName are your last and first name respectively. Make sure that you use straight quotes, not smart quotes (default in MS Word). PostgreSQL does not recognize smart quotes so you will have syntax errors.

Programming Homework Help

New Hampshire Lung Cancer Detection Using Deep Learning Presentation


Implement a medical doctor deep learning application to diagnose lung cancer. Combine CNN deep learning with deep learning NLP to provide the user with an easy-to-use medical doctor application, which you can use QT Designer to develop your application.

Prepare a ppt presentation “FOR STEP 2” about 10-15pages with 10mins speech draft which can be written on the margin of “notes” on each slide, which the part circled in red on the file.

I am very eager to get the results of the “second step” task. I can invite you to continue this project if you are confident in the third steps.

Programming Homework Help

Cascading Style Sheets HTML Project


(Cascading Style Sheets Part 2)

Complete the following exercises. Save the solution to each question as a separate file. Before submitting, archive all the files together into one zip file/folder and name this file using the following convention. so for example, mine would be

Here is the assignment.

Complete the following exercises from the Deitel textbook (5th edition):

Chapter 5
Exercises 5.7, 5.9, 5.12, 5.14

Programming Homework Help

ENTD200 B001 American Public University System Wk 6 Python Problem


I’m trying to study for my Python course and I need some help to understand this question.

You will complete this assignment in Python 3.x. Make sure you have downloaded the software and it is installed correctly. You will download it from this

You will code the following and submit it in one file. Use the information in the Content area for this week to assist you. Save it as a python file (.py) and upload it into the Assignments area.

1. Include comment block on line1 of your code with the following information:


Your Name

Course Name, Section (example: ENTD200 B002 Spr18)

Instructor name

Week #

Date completed


2. Create a Python programs based on week 6 flowchart and requirements. You must use loops, do not use function call

Sample output of the list should be something like this

Get the supermarket name —> Apus food store

Get item –> Keto bites

more items (y/n) y

Get item –> Coconut drink

more items (y/n) n

Item 1 is keto bites

Item 2 is Coconut drink

Now, let’s say the list has [“Keto bites”, “Coconut drink”]

What is your name (Shopper name) –> Sambaz <<< must be hardcoded with your name

What is the supermarket name –> Apus food store <<< must be hardcoded with your supermarket name

Shopping date –> 12/12/2021 <<< must be hardcoded with assignment due date

Enter price for Keto bites –> 3.50

Enter Quantity for keto bites –> 2

Total For Keto bites = 7

Do you want another calculation? (y/n) y

Enter price for Coconut drink –> 1.50

Enter Quantity for Coconut drink –> 2

Total For Coconut drink = 3

Do you want another calculation ? (y/n) n

What type of commute did you use –> taxi

How much the cost –> 5.00

Expense report for Sambaz

Apus food store


Item Price Qty Total

Keto bites 3.5 2 7.0

Coconut drink 1.5 2 3.0

Commute expenses 5.0

Total 15.0

Thanks for the expense calculator

You need to submit the output of your code (results of code run and not the code itself). I will accept an image or text.

The filename should be week8_{yourlastName}.py

Programming Homework Help

Southern New Hampshire C Programming Unit Testing with Google Test Question


// Uncomment the next line to use precompiled headers

#include "pch.h"
// uncomment the next line if you do not use precompiled headers
//#include "gtest/gtest.h"
// the global test environment setup and tear down
// you should not need to change anything here
class Environment : public ::testing::Environment
  ~Environment() override {}

  // Override this to define how to set up the environment.
  void SetUp() override
    //  initialize random seed

  // Override this to define how to tear down the environment.
  void TearDown() override {}

// create our test class to house shared data between tests
// you should not need to change anything here
class CollectionTest : public ::testing::Test
  // create a smart point to hold our collection
  std::unique_ptr<std::vector<int>> collection;

  void SetUp() override
  { // create a new collection to be used in the test
    collection.reset( new std::vector<int>);

  void TearDown() override
  { //  erase all elements in the collection, if any remain
    // free the pointer

  // helper function to add random values from 0 to 99 count times to the collection
  void add_entries(int count)
    assert(count > 0);
    for (auto i = 0; i < count; ++i)
      collection->push_back(rand() % 100);

// When should you use the EXPECT_xxx or ASSERT_xxx macros?
// Use ASSERT when failure should terminate processing, such as the reason for the test case.
// Use EXPECT when failure should notify, but processing should continue

// Test that a collection is empty when created.
// Prior to calling this (and all other TEST_F defined methods),
//  CollectionTest::StartUp is called.
// Following this method (and all other TEST_F defined methods),
//  CollectionTest::TearDown is called
TEST_F(CollectionTest, CollectionSmartPointerIsNotNull)
  // is the collection created

  // if empty, the size must be 0
  ASSERT_NE(collection.get(), nullptr);

// Test that a collection is empty when created.
TEST_F(CollectionTest, IsEmptyOnCreate)
  // is the collection empty?

  // if empty, the size must be 0
  ASSERT_EQ(collection->size(), 0);

/* Comment this test out to prevent the test from running
 * Uncomment this test to see a failure in the test explorer */
TEST_F(CollectionTest, AlwaysFail)

// TODO: Create a test to verify adding a single value to an empty collection
TEST_F(CollectionTest, CanAddToEmptyVector)
  // is the collection empty?
  // if empty, the size must be 0


  // is the collection still empty?
  // if not empty, what must the size be?

// TODO: Create a test to verify adding five values to collection
TEST_F(CollectionTest, CanAddFiveValuesToVector)

// TODO: Create a test to verify that max size is greater than or equal to size for 0, 1, 5, 10 entries

// TODO: Create a test to verify that capacity is greater than or equal to size for 0, 1, 5, 10 entries

// TODO: Create a test to verify resizing increases the collection

// TODO: Create a test to verify resizing decreases the collection

// TODO: Create a test to verify resizing decreases the collection to zero

// TODO: Create a test to verify clear erases the collection

// TODO: Create a test to verify erase(begin,end) erases the collection

// TODO: Create a test to verify reserve increases the capacity but not the size of the collection

// TODO: Create a test to verify the std::out_of_range exception is thrown when calling at() with an index out of bounds
// NOTE: This is a negative test

// TODO: Create 2 unit tests of your own to test something on the collection - do 1 positive & 1 negative