Programming Homework Help

California University Big data analytics with R exercise Questions on a RMD File


  1. What does it mean to “calculate a statistic of interest for each level of a factor”?
  2. What does the read.table.ffdf() function do to enable R to work with large data sets? Describe the resulting data structure
  3. Compare read.table() with read.table.ffdf() in terms of speed, size of output, usage of ram
  4. Errata:
      • be sure to set your temp dir inside your working director and identify it for R with the options() function.
      • if your R can’t find any functions that end in .ffdf, prepend those functions with ff::: like so ff:::dimnames.ffdf()
  5. Calculate the mean departure delay for each city of origin.

Since study pool does not allow to add csv the files to work on this and code are found here:…

Select the airline_id CSV and from the link above, I cannot just copy-paste the code as given in the text since it will show 100% copied.…

Work your magic and answer all the questions above.

Please note a previous tutor without asking anything cancelled this request stating “Student did not send necessary information for me to complete the answer.” While I had written the same thing with all the necessary. So do not request more days other than the requirement. This is a simple exercise and let me know if you have any questions. Thank you!

Programming Homework Help

George Mason University Matlab How to Build a Simple Integrator Project


I need to help the Matlab program. Please read the requirement in the zip file carefully. there are three problems. When i run the program must have three windows for each problem.

Programming Homework Help

ECE 508 Concordia University Python & Scripting Workshop Project Report


Create a function that opens every .txt file in a folder (directory) and searches for any line that includes a
user supplied regular expression. The results should be printed to the screen.

Programming Homework Help

COP 3337 Florida International University Programming Netbeans Project 1


I need help with the attached computer programming assignment. I’m so lost in this class already! I will attach the zip file after you reply as it would not upload in the initial screen. Thank you so much! Instructions below and SPECIFIC instructions attached. Thank you!

This is your Programming Assignment 1 . When you have completed the assignment please ZIP you ENTIRE Netbeans project and upload it using the assignment upload link. Note, you must upload the entire Netbeans project in a zipped file; because, I check all your code to see if it runs. Remember that you must upload the assignment before it’s due date to get credit. Otherwise, you will receive a zero for the assignment grade.

The project instructions can be found here:


Netbeans Project 1 shell project (download this file and unzip it): download

Super Important:

Do not copy someone’s code. You may be randomly selected to explain your code. If you cannot explain your code, you will get a zero for the project grade. If you are stuck please ask me. I will gladly help you. Remember the goal is to learn.


Do not copy someone’s code. You may be randomly selected to explain your code. If you cannot explain your code, you will get a zero for the project grade. If you are stuck please ask me. I will gladly help you. Remember the goal is to learn.

Uploads – Important

If you upload not your entire Netbeans project you will get a zero. If this is the case and you reload your project after you got a zero 20% will be automatically taken off you grade. So please make sure you are uploading the correct files.

Programming Homework Help

Computing and Printing the Average of The Numbers in A Text File Program


I need support with this Python question so I can learn better.

Write a program that computes and prints the average of the numbers in a text file. You should make use of two higher-order functions to simplify the design. Ask the user for the name of the .txt file that contains the list of numbers.

Programming Homework Help

Web Design Discussion Board


I’m stuck on a Website Design question and need an explanation.

As you learned, Web design includes 4 stages to be completed; these stages are:

    • Design
    • Development
    • Content strategy
    • Multimedia

In your opinion and own words, as a web designer which stage should take a fair amount of time and which one is important to do well in your project? How do you incorporate current design trends into your projects?

Programming Homework Help

CSU Vulnerabilities in System Discussion


I’m working on a programming question and need guidance to help me learn.

Organizations take a number of approaches to fixing vulnerabilities in their systems.

  • List the four types of fixes for vulnerabilities.
  • Distinguish between work-arounds and patches.
  • Why is upgrading to a new version of an operating system usually good for security?
  • How does your organization determine when to upgrade desktop/server operating systems?

Programming Homework Help

CSU Evaluation and Recommendation of Organizational Security Paper


You are the chief information technology officer at a small outpatient health care facility in Riyadh. The medical facility employs five specialist physicians, ten certified nurses, five administrative assistants, and two technicians. There are 25 clinical rooms. Each room is equipped with a computer. In addition, five computers are used by the administrative assistants for patients’ appointments and records. All these computers are connected using a local area network. Physicians are supplied with portable devices that they can use to write e-prescriptions. These devices are connected wirelessly to the rest of the network.

As the chief information technology officer, you are charged with the task of evaluating the security status of the facility network and developing a report to recommend the directions that should be followed soon.

Your report should include the following materials:

  • Existing and potential vulnerabilities and threats
  • Suggestions and discussions of methods or tools that can be used to overcome the existing and potential security threats
  • Discussion of encryption techniques that can be used for the wireless network and the selection and justification of a proper technique for this facility
  • Discussion of the prevention of cyber-attacks and the proper maintenance needed to achieve this goal.

Programming Homework Help

NYU Java Script Program Array and Loop Question


Script 1: create a JavaScript program that defines, as an array, a list of 10 of your favorite things.

Then, using any loop that you wish (i.e. for, forEach, do/while, etc) print each item from the array to the console.

Script 2: with the same script, add an if statement to test if you are on item #3, if so, print out “Wonderful, made it to item 3!”, and then continue with the loop as normal.