Harvard University CPU Scheduling Lab
1. I have the code for an assignment that is not passing the autograder
2. Please look at the attached assignment, code, and autograder response and help me fix it?
Harvard University CPU Scheduling Lab
1. I have the code for an assignment that is not passing the autograder
2. Please look at the attached assignment, code, and autograder response and help me fix it?
Community College of Rhode Island Population Growth Tracker Program
If you can provide a video while you are performing this I’d appreciate it. If not, I understand. I have attached an example screenshot of how the program should look to be copied and pasted on a word document.
Marymount University Mobile App Development Question
Question 1:Find the error in the following code.
class University extends Component {
render() {
return (
<View >
<Text> Welcome to my University </Text>
<Text> Located in {this.props.location}</Text>
</View>);}}export default class App extends Component {
render() {
return (
<View style={styles.container}>
<University location=’Arlington Va’ name=’Marymount’description=’a 4 year private CatholicUniversity’ /></View>
Question 2:
a)What Component might you use to help with multiplescreens?
b)What Component allows the User to enter in Information?
c)What are 2 differences between Image and ImageBackgroundComponents
Question 3:
a)How does this.state and this.props differ?
b)In what situation should you use each one?
Question 4:
a)What does style={flex:0.75} indicate to the App?
b)Draw an example of flexDirection=’row’ and flexDirection=’column’.Indicate how they differ
George Washington University Census Bureau Population Report Discussion
If you can provide a video while solving this question would be great. If that is not possible that is okay.I have provided a screenshot of an example program that will copied and pasted to a word document. I need this on Netbeans please. Thank you for your help
Insert & Delete Methods Java Coding Task
public void insertNode(T insertItem){
boolean found;
DoubleLinkedListNode<T> current;//moving reference
DoubleLinkedListNode<T> trailCurrent = null; //just before current
// Set up node to be inserted
DoubleLinkedListNode<T> newNode = new DoubleLinkedListNode<T>();
newNode.info = insertItem;
newNode.next = null;
newNode.back = null;
//if the list is empty, newNode is the only node
if (first == null) {
first = newNode;
last = newNode;
else {
found = false;
current = first;
//search the list
while (current != null && !found) {
Comparable<T> temp = (Comparable<T>) current.info;
if (temp.compareTo(insertItem) >= 0)
found = true;
else {
trailCurrent = current;
current = current.next;
//insert new node before first
if (current == first) {
first.back = newNode;
newNode.next = first;
first = newNode;
else {
//insert newNode between trailCurrent and current
if (current != null) {
trailCurrent.next = newNode;
newNode.back = trailCurrent;
newNode.next = current;
current.back = newNode;
else {
//insert new node after last
trailCurrent.next = newNode;
newNode.back = trailCurrent;
last = newNode;
public void deleteNode(T deleteItem) {
DoubleLinkedListNode<T> current; //moving reference
DoubleLinkedListNode<T> trailCurrent;//just before current
boolean found;
if (first == null)
System.err.println("Cannot delete from an empty list.");
//if node to be deleted is the first node
else if (first.info.equals(deleteItem)) {
current = first;
first = first.next;
if (first != null)
first.back = null;
last = null;
else {
found = false;
current = first;
//search the list
while (current != null && !found) {
Comparable<T> temp = (Comparable<T>) current.info;
if (temp.compareTo(deleteItem) >= 0)
found = true;
current = current.next;
if (current == null)
System.out.println("The item to be deleted is not in the list.");
else if (current.info.equals(deleteItem)) {
trailCurrent = current.back;
trailCurrent.next = current.next;
if (current.next != null)
current.next.back = trailCurrent;
if (current == last)
last = trailCurrent;
System.out.println("The item to be deleted is not in list.");
University of Southern California Finding P Value for Statistical Analysis Ques
I’m asked to complete an analysis of variance to determine the p-value for the relationship between group (in your case it would be treatment and acclimation groups). The code for this is in the StatisticsScript.R that we used for lab 7.
For the anova for your second question in this data set, do: aov(dependent variable ~ Treatment + Origin) this will give you a p-value for the comparison between the 2 treatments and the 2 origins.
University of Maryland Global Campus SQL functions Question
Q1. List all instructors. Show salutation in all lower cases, last name in all upper cases and phone number in the format of ‘(xxx) xxx-xxxx’. (HINT: use LOWER, UPPER and SUBSTR function)
Q2. List all students (display student_id, first name, last name, street address, zipcode, city, and state) who live in New York, NY. Sort results by last name, and then first name, in descending order.
Q3. Display the city in which each instructor lives. List first name, last name, zip, city, and state. Display “N/A” for zip, city, and state if an instructor does not have a zipcode. (HINT: left join INSTRUCTOR and ZIPCODE; use NVL function)
Q4. Show the number of instructors who live in NY state and has a street number of 518. (HINT: use string functions such as SUBSTR and INSTR)
Q5. Display the lowest, highest, and average numeric grade of Project grade type. (HINT: use the MIN, MAX, and AVG function; join GRADE and GRADE_TYPE)
Q6. List all students (display student_id, first name, last name, and registration date) who registered on or before 2/15/2007 but have not enrolled in any course. (HINT: left outer join STUDENT and ENROLLMENT; use the TO_DATE function)
Q7. Find how many students are enrolled in sections taught by Todd Smythe. (HINT: join INSTRUCTOR, SECTION, and ENROLLMENT)
Q8. Show all students who are taking, or have taken the course “Advanced Java Programming”. List student name, enrollment date, and section location. (HINT: join COURSE, SECTION, ENROLLMENT, and STUDENT)
Q9. List the students who have received any numeric grade score of at least 95 in an Advanced Java Programming course. Show student name, the grade type code, and the numeric grade.
Q10. List the instructors who teach Advanced Java Programming (having a section with students enrolled), without duplication. Show instructor name and course name. (HINT: use the DISTINCT keyword)
IC S10 University of California Santa Barbara Financial Chatbot Code Writing
1) Multiple alternative answers to the same question, and provide a default answer scheme;
2) Can answer questions through regular expressions, pattern matching, keyword extraction, syntactic conversion, etc.;
3) It can extract user intent through regular expression, nearest neighbor classification or one or more schemes of support vector machines;
4) Identify named entities through pre-built named entity types, role relationships, dependency analysis, etc.
5) Construction of local basic chatbot system based on RASA NLU;
6) Database query and use natural language to explore database content (extract parameters, create queries, responses)
7) Single round multiple incremental query technology based on incremental filter and screening and negating entity technology
8) Realize the multi-round multi-query technology of the state machine, and provide explanations and answers based on contextual questions
9) Multi-round multi-query technology to handle rejections, wait state transitions and pending actions
1. Use as many of the nine implementation techniques in four examples as you can in your code, preferably from the beginning to the end. Requires to be able to achieve at least three kinds of intention queries (such as asking some stock price information, trading volume information, market value, etc.), each intention needs at least two rounds of queries to get the query results;
2. The following example of IexFinance API can be used to query real-time stock price, trading volume, opening price and other information.
3. The training is completed by asking and answering questions. You need to construct the training data and use the training model by yourself according to the training data in RASA NLU for example.
4. Here are the four examples of the chatbox, you can use the code in examples as you want.
2. https://colab.research.google.com/drive/1uXo5MIkPY…
CIS 1068 Drexel University Create a To do List Using Javascript Computer Coding Task
The purpose of this assignment is to give you practice implementing your own classes. It also provides extra practice with arrays.
Because it is the end of the semester and we have a short deadline for submitting grades, absolutely no late assignments can be accepted for credit.
Implement a class Task, which is used to represent a job that should be done. It should contain the following private fields:
Implement at least the following public methods within the Task class:
For example, we should be able to do something like the following:
// creates a new Task object to remind you // to finish your 1068 homework. It has priority 3 // and I anticipate that it's going to take 120 minutes Task doMyHW = new Task("finish 1068 homework", 3, 120); // if we're doing extra credit, we might instead write: Task postHW = new Task("post 1068 homework", 1, LocalDateTime.of(2019, 3, 23, 13, 0), 180); // which would be to remind me to post the 1068 homework assignment. // This has priority 1, should take me 180 minutes // and it's due March 23, 2019 at 1 PM (i.e., 13:00)
Write a very short driver program (a separate class containing a main()) to test your code to make sure it’s working. You are not required to write JUnit tests.
Implement a class HoneyDoList, which is used to manage a collection of Task. It should contain the following private fields:
Implement at least the following public methods within the HoneyDo class:
For example, we should be able to do something like the following:
// create a new empty list HoneyDoList honeydo = new HoneyDoList(); System.out.println(honeydo); honeydo.addTask(new Task("take aspirin", 1, 120)); System.out.println(honeydo); // print the item in the list which should // take the least amount of time System.out.println(honeydo.shortestTime()); // calls toString() in Task
Write a very short driver program to test your code to make sure it’s working. You are not required to write JUnit tests.
One of the purposes of this assignment is give you practice managing fixed-sized arrays. Although you may use the Arrays class, please refrain from using ArrayList or any other class in Java’s Collections Framework. (We’ll get to these soon .)
Suppose that we have a HoneyDoList with a capacity of 10 items and contains 4. We can visualize it this way: