Programming Homework Help

Puzzle Class NxNYourInitials & a ClientNxNYourInitials Java Programming Project


Task #3 Puzzle – Class NxNYourInitials and a ClientNxNYourInitials

Instance Variables:

  • n
  • array
    • 1 dim array (students who last name A-G)
    • 2 dim array (students who last name H-R)
    • an arrayList (students who last name S-Z)

Constructor: NxNYourInitials( int n ) creates an array with n2n2 elements AND filled with 1, 2, 3, . . . , n2n2. For example NxNYourInitials( 5 ) instantiate n = 5 and the arrays with 1, 2, 3, . . . 25.

Methods (recommended order): toString( ), printMe( ), addRow( int rr ), shake( ), addCol( int cc ), addDiag1(( ), addDiag2( ).You can use printMe( ) to check the other methods.

Client will instantiate an NxN puzzle and then solve it. Have a method to solve a 3×3 and another method to solve a 4×4. I will run them when grading your work.

Terminal example for a 3×3:

 2  9  4 
7 5 3
6 1 8
YOUR NAME GOT IT: 31230 tries, sum=15

Terminal example for a 4×4 (this run may take minutes to run):

 9  7 12  6 
16 2 13 3
5 11 8 10
4 14 1 15
YOUR NAME GOT IT: 1127660899 tries, sum=34

Programming Homework Help

Lehman College ASP NET Core MVC Discussion


In ASP.NET Core MVC, you have to name a controller in certain ways and then when you name the corresponding view, you have to name it accordingly and save the view file in a certain location. In your opinion, what are some advantages and disadvantages of such convention? What is your level of programming skill? Do you think the advantages and disadvantages change if your programming skill level is different? Why or why not?

Programming Homework Help

Cooling a Cylinder Project


Project Description

As we have already observed that numerical methods allow you to solve problems that cannot be solved exactly and those that take a long time to do even if the exact solution is available. To solve such engineering problems, we write computer programs to make the solutions to be found efficiently. This project is assigned to you for the following learning objectives:

  • Identify the correct procedure to solve a given problem.
  • Implement a programming procedure for a given problem.
  • Improve existing programming skills of debugging, documentation, loops, and conditional statements.
  • Write your own numerical methods programs.
  • Reinforce prerequisite knowledge of programming and college mathematics.
  • Solve real-world problems.

Programming Homework Help

CSCE 4430 UNT Lisp Function Worksheet


I’m working on a lisp question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

Consider the following Lisp function which applies a function f between every two adjacent
elements of a list x, treating v as the final value

Programming Homework Help

AIST 2120 Augusta university Python Coding Project Lab Report


So basically I need o do a project that is a script from scratch. Y came out with this idea.

The script will run every saturday:

-In this script you will create a menu based on two recipes (lunch and dinner).

-You will read the recipes on the web and prepare two randomized menus for each day.

-Finally this menu will be created in an excel file so that the person has daily access to the menu.

This is my first class of python so It should not have advanced code. You can change the website to get the recipies if there is an easy one. And is it possible to change th idea a little bit. These are the description:

This is a completely EMPTY project. Because there is NO starter code. You are to write the code from scratch. Feel free to write it here OR to write it in VS Code and upload or copy/paste it here.

IF your project requires separate data files (XLSX, Word, CSV, JSON, Shelve, etc.) for input, please make sure they are here.

ALSO please include instructions for running the project if needed. You can EITHER edit to add instructions there OR add it to the top of your main Python script as a multi-line comment.

Go To Question

Programming Homework Help

Saudi Electronic University Web Design Stages Essay


I’m working on a website design discussion question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

As you learned, Web design includes 4 stages to be completed; these stages are:

    • Design
    • Development
    • Content strategy
    • Multimedia

In your opinion and own words, as a web designer which stage should take a fair amount of time and which one is important to do well in your project? How do you incorporate current design trends into your projects?

Programming Homework Help

University of the Cumberlands Bubble Chart and Flow Diagram Questions


Applying all the code on your selected dataset, complete all codes from Chapter 9 Other Graphs.

Make sure you submit to this link two things

1. Your report file showing screenshots of all commands from Rstudio GUI

Make sure you show all Rstudio GUIs

2. Submit your R script code

Selected dataset:…

Programming Homework Help

University of Maryland Baltimore Baltimores Ransom Dilemma Paper


Ransomware is malicious software that encrypts files and requires a key to decrypt the files. To get the files decrypted, the company or organization must typically pay the hackers a large fee, often in Bitcoin or another cryptocurrency. It is important to note that cryptocurrency payments are one-way transactions that are impossible to trace. There is risk, too. If the hackers do not provide the organization with the decryption key after payment, there is no refund.

Hackers in recent years have targeted businesses such as hospitals for ransomware attacks, as well as cities and towns, large and small. Black hat hackers encrypted the city of Baltimore’s systems, as well as two smaller cities in Florida.

Read these brief articles from the UMGC library to learn about the ransomware incidents:

Chokshi, N. (2019, May 23). Attacked With Ransomware, Baltimore Isn’t Giving In. New York Times, p. B6(L).

Mazzei, P. (2019, June 28). Another City in Florida Pays a Ransom to Computer Hackers. New York Times, p. A17(L).

If the organization does not pay the ransom, it would need to either use backups to restore to an earlier network or system state, or to rebuild its systems and data. In the case of the Baltimore city government, its backup systems were also encrypted, so the city was unable to process real estate transactions.

Depending on the complexity of the environment and the amount of data encrypted, this could cost the organization more than the ransom, perhaps even 10 to 20 times the amount.

  • What would you do if you were the cybersecurity analyst that had to advise the city of Baltimore and/or the smaller cities?
  • Would you pay the ransom? Consider both sides of the argument by conducting internet research to understand the different viewpoints. When you are ready, explain why you would or would not pay the ransom.
  • If you agree to pay the ransom, what are you going to tell the CEO if the hackers don’t end up providing the decryption key to unlock the files or come back and ask for even more money?
  • If you don’t agree to pay the ransom, what are you going to tell the CEO, especially if the costs to restore far exceed the ransom?
  • Are there ethical considerations? If your organization pays, will other organizations be vulnerable to similar attacks on their systems?
  • Would you have a different decision if you were working for a small organization like Mercury USA?