Science Homework Help

BMCC Amenorrhea & Affects the Menstruation Process Discussion


I don’t understand this Biology question and need help to study.

Discussion Activity 2: Endocrine Diseases/Disorders

Choose any one of the Endocrine disorders given below and do research. Make to include the following, whichever applicable for the disease/disorder you have selected:

  • Overview of the disease
  • Other known names (if any)
  • Causes
  • Risk factor
  • Symptoms
  • Diagnosis
  • Complications
  • Treatment
  • Prevention
  • References
  • Provide the web addresses of any resources you use as reference. Use only legitimate sources. You should use at least two sources for your research.

List of Endocrine Diseases/Disorders

  • Acromegaly
  • Myxedema
  • Cushing’s syndrome
  • Cretinism
  • Type 1 Diabetes.
  • Type 2 Diabetes.
  • Gigantism
  • Addison’s disease
  • Grave’s disease
  • Goiter
  • Osteoporosis
  • Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis
  • Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)
  • Central Precocious Puberty (CPP)
  • Hashimoto’s Disease
  • Diabetes insipidus
  • Kallmann syndrome
  • Multiple endocrine neoplasia I and II (MEN I and MEN II)
  • Hypothyroidism
  • Hyperthyroidism
  • Prolactinoma
  • Waterhouse-Friderichsen syndrome
  • Hypoparathyroidism
  • Hypopituitarism
  • Pituitary tumors
  • Cretinism
  • Primary Aldosteronism
  • Pancreatitis
  • Amenorrhea
  • Hypogonadism

Science Homework Help

UOFT International Environmental Policy Speaker Discussion


This assignment asks you to write a speaker response.

In this 300-400 word response paper, you will relate the speaker’s comments to at least one of the course readings.

An excellent paper has the following components:

(Grade range: 80-100)

1.Accurate and detailed summary of 2-3 points that the speaker made (55%)

2.Clear link to at least one of the readings in the syllabus which includes an accurate account of the argument made in that reading (40%)

3.Excellent grammar, spelling and syntax (5%)

A good paper has the following components:

(Grade range: 70-79)

1.Accurate summary of 1-2 points that the speaker made (55%)

2.Clear link to one of the readings which includes an accurate account of the argument made in the reading (40%)

3.Proficient grammar, spelling and syntax (5%)

An adequate paper has the following components:

(Grade range: 60-69)

1.Does not convey or misunderstands 1-2 points that the speaker made (55%)

2.Unclear link to one of the readings which includes an accurate account of the argument made in the reading (40%)

3.Errors in grammar, spelling and/or syntax (5%)

Reading List:

– Najam, Adil. 2005. Developing Countries and Global Environmental Governance: From Contestation to Participation to Engagement. International Environmental Agreements: Politics, Law and Economics 5 (3): 303–321.

John Helveston and Jonas Nahm. 2019. “China’s key role in scaling low-carbon energy technologies.” Science 366 (6467): 794-796.

Aklin, Michaël and Johannes Urpelainen. 2018. Renewables: The Politics of a Global Energy Transition, pp. 199-208.

Science Homework Help

York St John University Ocean Acidification Acids Bases and pH Scale Summary


Watch the video and explore the 2 websites provided in the course module: “Bozeman Science: Acids, Bases, and pH,” “What is Ocean Acidification” and “Acids, Alkali and the pH scale” Write a one page summary discussing pH the potential impact it can have on the environment. Acids, Alkalis, and the pH Scale – Compound Interest (, What is Ocean Acidification? (, Acids, Bases, and pH – YouTube

Science Homework Help

ACT Protein Data Bank Discussion Questions


Open up the Protein Data Bank (PDB) website, and search code 3DZY which is the structure for Intact PPAR gamma

1. Does this protein complex have beta-sheets?

2. What residues on RXRalpha are involved in contacting Thr 440 on the PPARgamma protein? What kind of an interaction is it?


Please dont bid if you are not confident. Thank you in advance 🙂

Only take bids if knowledgable. Thanks

Science Homework Help

BIOL 240 Grossmont College General Microbiology Questions


  • A number of endurance athletes have lately been caught using EPO (erythropoietin) as a performance-enhancing drug. How does EPO give an athlete an unfair advantage?
  • Scientists have some initial evidence that the differences in the gene that codes for one form of the alpha subunit of HIF (HIF-1α) seem to affect athletic performance. Elite athletes in endurance sports had a higher frequency of one form of the gene, whereas a different form of the gene was more frequent in power-oriented athletes like weight lifters. Would you want to know your genotype for HIF-1α to help you decide what types of physical activities you might want to pursue? Why or why not?
  • Evidence for the flowcharts you and your partners constructed comes from studies in other animals. How does an understanding of evolution help explain why studies in other organisms are relevant to humans?


Examine the data data from a scientific article written by Dr. Lorna Moore and colleagues in 2011 (Figure 5). The data show the birth weight for babies born to mothers living at different elevations for two groups of people, Europeans and Han Chinese.


Answer the following questions about the graphs.


  • What pattern do you see in the data?
  • What do you think is causing the pattern you see?
  • How would you explain the data?


Reflect on the fact that Tibetans have been living near 4000 m (13,120 ft) for at least 10,000 years. The general term for groups of people with a long history of living at high elevation is “highlanders.” “Lowlanders,” in contrast, are groups of people who have historically lived at low altitudes.


Now consider the following data for lowlanders at sea level (from Beall, C., [2006], Andean, Tibetan, and Ethiopian patterns of adaptation to high-altitude hypoxia, Integrative and Comparative Biology, 46(1), 18–24).


  • Average Sao2 (the percentage of hemoglobin that is saturated with oxygen in arterial blood) = 97 percent.
  • Average hemoglobin concentration [Hb] in adult males = 15.3 grams/


deciliter (g/dL).


Predict the following.


  • If the Sao2 and [Hb] in Tibetans are higher, lower, or the same as the average values for lowlanders
  • If Tibetan infants born at high altitude will have birth weights above, below, orabout the same as infants born to lowlanders at high elevation
  • How did the actual results compare to your prediction?


Prediction (Include your reasoning.)


Prediction (Include your reasoning.)


Actual Results:

Science Homework Help

CHM 112 Thermodynamic Data and Standard Reduction Potentials Chemistry Question


I can not post the actual problems until we start the assignment. I will be able to send you the problems once the assignment is started. Once we start, we must complete the assignment in 1 hour and 40 minutes. For now, I will post some practice problems so that the tutor can make sure they are familiar with the material. I will need all work to be shown and for the tutor to be very punctual and on time. The assignment must be started anytime in the next 20 hours. The assignment will consist of problems the are similar to the practice problems. They will be very straightforward, and almost identical to the problems I will post now. Thank you very much.

Science Homework Help

Taft College California Bay Delta Summary


Write a summary of the information in the Understanding California’s Bay Delta slide presentation. Explain what the Delta is to someone who doesn’t know anything about it. Be sure to include information about where the Delta is located and why it is so important. What are the problems the area is facing? Why should it matter to us? Your summary should be a minimum of 250 words. Examine the photos and read the captions. Take notes on the information and write from your notes. Do not even think about borrowing phrases from the original document. If your matching percentage is greater than 20%It is not allowed

Science Homework Help

UArizona Global Campus Wk 3 Sustainable Management of Water Resources Questions


Question 1:

Prior to beginning work on this discussion forum, review Chapter 5 in the course textbook.

Imagine that you are a resident of Arzaville, a community whose characteristics are described below. You have come together with your neighbors for a special meeting to devise a plan for managing its water resources more sustainably by 2050. Water resource issues the community faces include ensuring a safe and sustainable drinking water supply for all, handling its wastewater in a manner that has a minimal environmental impact, and managing its stormwater runoff in a way that minimizes the risks of erosion and flooding.

Fortunately, you have all attended the meeting with the knowledge that you have gained from your readings in this course. Now it is time to put your thinking cap on and get to work! Your ideas should each consist of one of the following elements, depending upon what you think is Arzaville’s area of greatest need:

  • Sustainable drinking water access measures (e.g., developing a program for rural residents to begin collecting and treating their rainwater for drinking use).
  • Sustainable wastewater management measures (e.g., collecting greywater from area residences for use irrigating a local golf course).
  • Stormwater management measures (e.g., requiring that permeable pavement be used for all future development projects in the community).

This week’s discussion will take place in an online app called Tricider. There, you will be able to post your ideas for plan components and also share pros and cons of different proposals during the week. Finally, you will be able to vote on the three components that you think the plan should include. For directions on how to use the Tricider app, please review the Tricider Help Guide  download. In Tricider. You will be expected to do the following:

  • Post at least two separate and entirely original ideas. Do not duplicate ideas already posted by your peers.
    • Include your full name for each one.
  • Post at least six different pros and six different cons for your classmates’ proposed ideas (12 in all).
  • Vote on what you feel are the top three ideas in the list.
    • Do not vote before Friday, so that you can vote from the full collection of student ideas.

You must complete the three tasks above to receive full credit for this discussion.

Please note: You are welcome to post questions and comments to this board for your instructor; however, this discussion board does not have any posting requirements of its own, and no additional credit will be given for posts made here.

In this discussion area, the instructor will post the following:

  • The Arzaville description you will be using for this activity
  • The link you will be using to access Tricider for this activity.

Tricider Link:

Question 2:

Prior to beginning work on this discussion forum, read Chapters 5 and 6 in your course textbook.

Now that you have cast your votes for the Arzaville Water Management Plan, it is time to explain your choices to the class. Please make a post of at least 150 words in which you

  • Identify (briefly) the plan elements on which you voted.
  • Explain why you selected each one.

Science Homework Help

OCC Societys Role in Reducing Antibiotic Resistant Microbial Strains Discussion


Antibiotics have saved millions of lives since they were first observed by Pasteur and Koch and later named by Selman Waksman in 1942. Unfortunately, antibiotic-resistant microbial strains are becoming more prevalent and therefore making once easily treated infections more difficult to treat.

For your initial discussion post, share your thoughts on three ways that society—not physicians or medical staff—can help to reduce the development of drug-resistant microbial strains.