Science Homework Help

La Brea Tar Pits History Discussion


I’m working on a science writing question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

5-7 sentences including the history about tar pits, ancient animals that were found why this is important and possible new discoveries.

Science Homework Help

BIOL 15 SMC Factors Affecting Coral Reefs Ecosystems Research Paper


The purpose of this Marine Ecology Project assignment is for you to research the ecology of marine ecosystems and write a report describing environmental and biological factors that affect coral reefs.

Specific factors that you may want to discuss are:
1. temperature, light levels, dissolved nutrients — how do these impact, structure or limit these systems
2. species interactions — herbivores and carnivores, predators and prey, host and symbiont
3. invasive species, competitive interactions between key ecosystem players
4. dominant primary producers and factors affecting the distribution of animal groups
5. disease, population crashes/proliferation
6. human and environmental disturbances — this includes local impacts and those happening at global scales (like climate change)

Also, for the coral reefs project – you are required to visit and investigate the digital coral reef-scapes on my website (I attached a pdf of this link since you can’t access it) to SEE how coral reefs differ in the real world and to discuss what contributes to the differences you see at these two Hawaiian reefs. In your 5 page report, you should devote ~ 1 page to this topic. This could include discussing (with specific examples)

(1) the effects or light/depth
(2) geography (windward/leeward)
(3) nutrients/ sedimentation/rainfall.
Do not focus on species, focus on bigger trends you observe and hypotheses for why you see what you do.

coral reef scapes link:

How to access the coral reef scapes–USE MOZILLA FIREFOX! See the how-to video here:

Minimum guidelines:
1. 5 complete pages double spaced NOT including the reference page
2. Times New Roman font (12 pt)
3. Focused and well crafted paragraphs
4. Provide a reference page (cite minimum of 5 references)
5. References must be cited in the text following scientific journal formatting
6. A clear and concise title
7. Never quote! Paraphrase the literature in your own words and provide a citation

you must include at least 3 primary literature citation, and 2 or more secondary literature citations to receive full credit for the references.


Good, reliable references do not come from blogs or general websites. These sources are “popular media” and are not scientific. If you cite a news site, such as Nature News (news from the journal Nature) this is a secondary source and it is reliable since you are getting information that is summarizing a peer-reviewed work. Your book is an example of secondary literature. If you cite a journal article, this is the best reference type and is called “primary literature.” These are peer reviewed papers written by scientists and are published in academic journals. You can find some of these academic journal articles online for free (search through google scholar), others cost $$$. Good example of open access journals are: “PLOS ONE (Links to an external site.)” and “Peer J” (Links to an external site.).

Science Homework Help

MBMC Assay of Tabletop Sweeteners Using a Modified Biuret Reagent Lab Report


Experiment 11: Assay of Tabletop Sweeteners Using a
Modified Biuret Reagent

Prelab Questions

  1. What is the relationship between wave length and energy?
  2. What is the significance of spectrochemical series?
  3. Explain crystal field theory.
  4. According to the spectrochemical series, which of the following Cu atoms will have
    bigger separation between the two sets of d orbitals. Explain your reasoning?
    Cu atom in Cu2+ poured in to NaOH
    Cu atom in Cu2+ poured in to NH3
    Which one will absorb light at a higher wavelength?
  5. Why is this method called Modified Biuret Reagent?
  6. Experiment 12: Agarose gel electrophoresis
    Prelab Questions
    1. Why it is important to place the gel in the correct direction in the gel cassette while
      running it?
    2. Sketch a gel showing the running pattern of same sized DNA that is,
      Linear, circular and circular-supercoiled
    3. Sketch a gel showing the running pattern of three linear DNA pieces with 100bps, 500bps
      and 1000bps
    4. What is the importance of loading dye?
    5. What is the importance of GelRed?

Science Homework Help

UArizona Global What Is the Magnitude of The Average Power Physics Questions


Questions on
*inductance, capacitance, Ampère’s law, and electric current density.  
*electric and magnetic properties of material

Please answer wrong answers only and blanks

Science Homework Help

Cuyamaca College Food Log Nutrition Analysis Questions


Task 1- Food Log

You will keep a 3-day food log, where you will record the meals and snacks that you ate, along with their nutrients, throughout each day. You can track it in a document. This week’s focus: fat and cholesterol

* You may record carbohydrates and protein; however, they are not required for this week.

Please see the Everything You Need to Know About- DIETARY ANALYSIS ASSIGNMENTS page for more specific details on this process.

Task 2- Analysis

Please answer the following questions in complete sentences:

  1. In regard to last week’schallenge’-
    1. Did you try some of your carbohydrate additions or replacements? If so, how did it go?
  2. In regard to fat (general)-
    1. What was your average/mean (Links to an external site.) total fat intake over the 3 days? Was your total fat intake within the daily range (the AMDR is 20-35% of your caloric intake)? Were you surprised by your averages, why or why not?
    2. What did you eat the most of: saturated fat, trans fat, monounsaturated fat, or polyunsaturated fat?
    3. Which foods contained the most fat? Were you surprised by the fat content of some of your foods? If yes, which ones surprised you?
    4. Reflect on the fats consumed this week. Did some affect the way that you felt (i.e., mood, satiety, etc.)? Which ones?
  3. In regard to cholesterol-
    1. What was your average/mean (Links to an external site.) cholesterol intake this week? Is this above or below the recommendation of less than 300 mg per day (200 mg if you are at risk for heart disease)? Any surprises?
    2. Were there any foods that you ate that help in lowering cholesterol? If yes, what were they?
  4. Looking forward-
    1. How has learning about fats affected your motivation to eat a healthier, more balanced diet?
    2. What are two foods that you can swap in order to a) reduce saturated and/or trans fat; b) increase monounsaturated and/or polyunsaturated fat; or c) reduce cholesterol? Be creative!

Science Homework Help

WCU Nursing Case Study Project



Information to Include

Introduction (patient and problem)

Explain who the patient is (Age, gender, etc.)

Explain what the problem is (What were they diagnosed with, or what happened?)

Introduce your main argument (What should you as a nurse focus on or do?)


Explain the disease (What are the symptoms? What causes it?)


Explain what health problems the patient has (Have they been diagnosed with other diseases?)

Detail any and all previous treatments (Have they had any prior surgeries or are they on medication?)

Nursing Physical Assessment

List all the patient’s health stats in sentences with specific numbers/levels (Blood pressure, bowel sounds, ambulation, etc.)

Related Treatments

Explain what treatments the patient is receiving because of their disease

  • Nursing Diagnosis & Patient Goal
  • Explain what your nursing diagnosis is (What is the main problem for this patient? What need to be addressed?)
  • Explain what your goal is for helping the patient recover (What do you want to change for the patient?)

Nursing Interventions

Explain how you will accomplish your nursing goals, and support this with citations (Reference the literature)


Explain how effective the nursing intervention was (What happened after your nursing intervention? Did the patient get better?)

Science Homework Help

Columbia Southern University Diversity and Biodiversity Discussion


  • Unit 3-Instructions
    Consider humanity as the ultimate predator. Many if not most of us, particularly in the United States, are quite comfortable with the harvesting of organisms like tuna, deer, ducks, or rabbits. Other countries and cultures, however, value species that rarely, if ever, find their way to the North American dinner plate. What are your thoughts on the harvesting of organisms such as whales, dolphins, seals, etc.? Is hunting the only major issue that might threaten the existence of these organisms? Should we limit ourselves to eating only certain organisms? Why, or why not? In what ways are you selective about the foods you eat?Your journal entry must be at least 200 words. No references or citations are necessary.Submit Unit III Journal »
Unit 4-Instructions

Based on what you learned in Unit IV, describe the biodiversity in the area you live in. What kind of habitat do you live in, and what plants and organisms are common? What are some of the ecosystem services this biodiversity provides for you and your city or town?

Science Homework Help

Tennessee State University Genetic Difference Between Identical Twins Discussion


New Items: Each student is required to submit one current (within the last year) news item over a subject directly related to the content of the course. DO NOT submit the entire article; you should submit only the link. Write a short paragraph including the main points of the article.

– Any current event in the past year