Science Homework Help

The Simple Pendulum Experiment Lab Report


The Simple Pendulum Experiment

Purpose: study the motion of a simple pendulum – a pendulum with a small angle of swing (~20 degrees from the vertical).

Equipment: pendulum support (e.g. edge of table, clamp); various lengths of string; various masses (anything that can be attached to bottom of string, e.g. washers, weights); stop watch.

Procedure: the period is the time for one full swing (let go, let come back to starting point). Study what happens to the period when you

1.     Change the weight (keeping the length the same)

2.     Change the length of the string (keeping the #washers the same)

To measure the period more accurately, time 10 swings and divide by 10.

Science Homework Help

NSCI 100 King College Possibility of Human Living on Another Planet Presentation


I need help on writing and making PowerPoint presentation on my critical thinking research project

The topic that was assigned to me is: the possibility of human living on another planet

I have attached instructions from the professor and PP chapters that are needed to complete this paper and presentation as it is the only materials we can use on this project and there is some examples on applying critical thinking on the pp slides and videos.

Please take a look at the provided materials and feel free to ask me for more details or more materials

Science Homework Help

PHY 206 MBM College Determination of Specific Heats Lab Experiment


Experiment 12

Experiment 23 in lab manual

Determination of Specific Heats

Objective: To determine the specific heat and the molar heat capacity of various metals.

Equipment: Device with Internet connection, calculator, Word and Excel software

For further “Specific Heat” information:

Specific heat and latent heat of fusion and vaporization…


Simulation: Specific Heat…

Essential requirements for a complete lab report

A. Complete the 7 pre-lab questions

B. Complete the main assignment by using the simulation to generate 4 sets of data

to determine specific heat, atomic mass, and name of unknown metals .

C. Complete 3 Post-Lab questions

D. Conclusion

Important equations:

m1cp1T1 + m2cp2∆T2 = 0

atomic mass x specific heat (cp)= 26 J deg-1 mol-1 . (For estimated atomic mass)

Molar Heat Capacity = Cp = cp1 x atomic mass of the element

cpw = specific heat of water = (4.184 J/g ºC)

Appendix A:


Lab#12 Rubric

Total Score 100

Pre-lab questions

14 pts


15 pts

Experiment Activity

Data chart

25 pts


15 pts

55 pts

Post-lab questions

20 pts


11 pts

Appendix B : Specific Heat Chart

Appendix C

How to write a conclusion: ¼ page

1.Purpose restated

2. Did you meet the objective(s)? Why or why not?

Refer to graph or data table. State % error as evidence–Lower than 5% is a successful expt.

3. Suggestions to improve the possible errors.

4. Suggestions to enhance the lab.

5. Suggestions to extend the lab.

Name _____________________________________ Lab Section ________Date________________

Pre-laboratory Assignment: Experiment 12

Determination of Specific Heats

All numerical answers should be given to the correct number of significant digits. (Submit your answers on separate sheets as necessary.)

  • What is the Law of Dulong and Petit? What are its strengths and what are its limitations?
  • What is the definition of specific heat?
  • According to the lab manual, why is it a good idea to use a calorimeter constant for the calorimeter? How much error is introduced by not using a calorimeter constant in your calculations for the specific heat?

4. What effect will a 1.0°C error (reading is 1.0°C greater than the actual value) in reading the final temperature have on determining the specific heat of Al? Justify your answer.

5. What effect will a 1.0°C error (reading is 1.0°C greater than the actual value) in reading the final temperature have on determining the specific heat of Cu? Justify your answer.

6. What effect will a 0.10 g error (reading is 0.10 g lower than the actual value) in reading the amount of Al in this calorimetry experiment have on determining the specific heat?

7. What effect will a 0.20 g error (reading is 0.20 g lower than the actual value) in reading the amount of Cu in this calorimetry experiment have on determining the specific heat?

How to produce data using the simulation:

Online Activity: Calorimetry

Directions for using the Simulator:

 Click on link above.

 Click on the “Experiment” tab.

 Click on “Run Demonstration” and follow the prompts to learn how to use the simulator. Once

you feel like you understand how the simulator works, go back to the “Experiment” tab and click on “Run Experiment”.


1. Use the simulator to determine the specific heat of copper, aluminum and two unknowns.

2. Open the solid menu under the beaker and select a metal, e.g., copper.

3. Select the mass as 50 grams.

4. Heat the sample to 100 ºC.

5. Select “next” in the column to the left.

6. Open the liquid menu under the calorimeter and select water.

7. Select the mass of the water as 200 grams.

8. The water in the calorimeter is set to 20 ºC.

(Note: When adding metals to water, the water temperature always starts at 20 ºC, you do not need to set this parameter.)

8. Select start.

9. Wait for the equilibrium (final) temperature from the electronic read-out to stabilize and record it.


Note: Use a Scientific calculator for this analysis. Report your calculations to the correct number of significant digits. (Submit your answers on separate sheets as necessary.)

Be sure to record all measurements made, and to show all calculations for determining the specific heat, molar heat capacity and estimated atomic mass of the metal if it applies.

Name ____________________________________ Lab Section _______ Date______________

Report on Experiment 23

Determination of Specific Heats

Data and results







mass of beaker and sample





mass of beaker





Mass of sample





Initial temperature of sample

Initial temperature of water in calorimeter

Equilibrium (final) temperature of calorimeter

mass of water in the calorimeter

calorimeter constant





specific heat

estimated atomic mass



molar heat capacity

name of metal

REPORT ON EXPERIMENT 23 Determination of Specific Heats

Show details of all calculations; use extra sheets if necessary

Post Lab question:

  • Briefly discuss whether the following experimental “mistakes” would have no effect, produce a high result, or produce a low result in the value calculated for the specific heat in your experiments.
    • The mass of aluminum was smaller than reported.
    • If 45 mL of distilled water was used in the calorimeter rather than 30.
    • The actual calorimeter constant is larger than the assumed value.

2. What effect would an uncertainty of 0.50°C in reading all temperatures have on the determination of the specific heat of copper in your experiment?

3. A student measures the heat capacity of a 35.0 g metal sample believed to be pure silver (Cp = 25.5 J mol-1 deg-1 . Subsequent analysis indicates that the metal sample is 80% silver and 20% copper. In what way will the observed heat capacity of the metal mixture differ from the value obtained for pure silver? Explain your answer fully and show all calculations used in arriving at an answer.

Science Homework Help

Kings College London Standing Waves on A String Lab Report


Hi I have these two labs so I will be appreciate if you cam take a look at the files and deliver it on time

– Standing Waves on a String lab

– Standing Waves in a Tube lab

Science Homework Help

Moraine Valley Community College Nernst and GHK Equations Questions


This Exam will start on Thursday, September 30th at 8:00 am-9:00 am central time zone only 1 hour to complete.

The Exam is 50 points: approximately 30 questions in total consisting of multiple-choice, multiple multiple-choice(more than one right answer), and short answer. THESE QUESTIONS WILL NOT BE ONLINE THEY ARE ALL HANDWRITTEN BY THE PROFESSOR WHERE HE MADE SURE YOU CAN NOT SEARCH ANY OF THEM UP!! So i reapeat do not accept if your not familiar with physilogy.

You can download the book on the website called library genisis. just search up below and it will come up.

Title: Human physiology:an integrated approach.

Author(s): Silverthorn, Dee Unglaub; Johnson, Bruce R; Ober,William C;Silverthorn,Andrew C; Ober, Claire E.

Publisher: Pearson


It is a green cover and it’s the 7th edition.

The exam will consist of 3 chapters (chapter 8,10and chapter 11)

Questions to answer from each chapter

Ch 8: 1-26, 28, 29, 31

Regarding the Nernst and the GHK equations: There are specific lectures where I explain the theory behind these equations. You will be required to tell me what happens to equilibrium potentials if I increase or decrease the intra or extracellular concentrations of sodium, chloride, potassium, or calcium ions. You will also need to know what happens to the membrane potential if you change its permeability to sodium, chloride, potassium, or calcium ions. You will be able to answer these questions much more rapidly if you understand the theory and do not spend time entering numbers into a calculator. There are additional exercises for you to work through in Content.

Ch 10: 1, 2, 5, 7, 8, 10-17, 19, 21, 24, 27, 29 (7th and 8th eds.), 32 (7th ed.), 33 (8th ed.)

Ch 11: 1-10, 12, 15, 17, 19 (7th and 8th eds.)

Figures to be well-practiced with:

(7th and 8th eds)

Ch 8: 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, Table 8.2, Table 8.3, 7-14, 16, 17, 19-25

Ch 10: Table 10.1, Table 10.2, Figs 1-6, 9, 11, 12, 14, 15-20, 22, 28-32

Ch 11: 1, 2, 4-10

Science Homework Help

Moraine Valley Community College Importance of Biodiversity Paper


this must be typed in a word document and in your own words, No Plagarism!

Assignment Parts: Part 1: Presentation Details: Provide your name, the full name of the speaker, the title of the presentation that you viewed, and the SSS assignment number( Science speaker series 1).

The link for the video is here : 

Part 2: Course Connection (~200 words). Describe an ecological concept, principle, and/or theory that was discussed in the scientific presentation (SSS) you viewed. The description should be detailed enough for the instructor to know that you viewed (in it’s entirely) and understood the scientific presentation. Once you have described the ecological concept, etc., connect it to ecology course material. The connection could be to SimUText material , which is intrinsically connected to your Ecology Photos of plants, animals. The description and connection should include at least 3 bolded vocabulary terms that have been discussed in class. These vocabulary terms should be interwoven into your connection paragraph and you must demonstrate your understanding of the terms you are using (i.e. do not just list terms, but explain the why and how behind the connection). Finally, what are the broader ecological and societal implications outlined by the speaker in their presentation (they may not always clearly state the importance, but you should be able to identify it based on the presentation). Note: not all SSS are strictly ecologybased presentations, but all will connect to course material.

Part 3 Personal Connection (~200 words): Explain how this scientific presentation extends your personal knowledge and understanding of ecology. How was your perspective on a given issue, concept, idea broadened and/or changed? In this section, you may pull from your knowledge beyond our ecology classroom. Perhaps, for example, you view the SSS on diseases, and notice it connects to the immunology, biostatistics, and/or a GenEd course you took. In this section, you could explain how/why your understanding of disease was broadened, strengthened, or changed after viewing an SSS. Alternatively, perhaps you view the SSS on urban ecology, and reflect on your upbringing and how that shaped your relationship with nature. Or you explore how this new knowledge may influence or impact your future. So again, explain the why and how of your personal connection to SSS material. One connect on a personal level is to think about the importance that this presentation and its content has to your life (present and/or future). How does it make you see the world differently? What kinds of biological, ecological, and/or societal questions are you left with after this presentation? There are many different ways to approach this Part, but the important piece is digging deeper into your personal relationship with the SSS material presented. You can always run an idea by your instructor!

Science Homework Help

CALUMS Ecological Footprint Test by The Global Footprint Network Analysis


I’m working on a environmental science discussion question and need a sample draft to help me study.

1. Please go to the below website and complete an ecological footprint from this website. Please discuss your results. (Links to an external site.)

2. Please go to the below website and complete an ecological footprint from this website. Please discuss your results. (Links to an external site.)

3. Were there any differences between the two ecological footprint results from the two websites. If so, please explain.

4. Please go to the below website; and list 5 countries with the highest available biocapacity and list 5 countries with the greatest biocapacity deficits. Discuss a few reasons why these countries have a such a large biocapacity deficit. (Links to an external site.)

Helpful information for this question:

The ecological footprint is a metric that measures human demand on natural capital or the quantity of nature it takes to support a given population or economy. The ecological footprint is the demand on and the supply of nature.

Biocapacity is the capacity of a given biologically productive area to generate a supply of renewable resources and to absorb its wastes.

Science Homework Help

LACC Cystic Fibrosis Defective Gene & the Abnormal Protein Discussion


I’m working on a science discussion question and need support to help me understand better.

Cystic fibrosis is genetic disease caused by mutations in the CFTR gene. The consequence of this is production of an abnormal transmembrane protein that is responsible for producing sweat, mucus, and digestive fluids.

Explain in depth the correlation between the defective gene and the abnormal protein that is produced. Be sure to mention the process involved in protein production, whether or not those process(s) have occurred, and their end products. Provide details in your explanation and support your answer with facts from your textbook, research, and articles from scholarly journals. Remember to add references in APA format at the end of your post to avoid plagiarism. Provide citation please 

Science Homework Help

CHM 3150L CSPU NMR Spectrum & IR Spectrum Lab Report


This is the procedure we will follow for the Lidocaine synthesis. Rather than using Beyond Labz, we will follow these video in which the procedure is demonstrated.