Science Homework Help

LR Physics Question


I’m working on a physics discussion question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

Use the force method with your values of the two masses and the coefficient of kinetic friction to calculate the time it would take for an object to move 1 foot (0.305m) starting from rest on a flat surface.

The coefficient of kinetic friction is 0.38 while the hanging mass is 80g.

Other necessary values are down below:

Science Homework Help

Rowan College at Gloucester County Carl Sagan D?scuss?on


Now that you have watched the video, you should be able to connect it to the topics covered in our textbook. You will also want to do additional research on what Carl Sagan, the astronomer in the video, may have meant when he said the following two quotes:

  • “The nitrogen in our DNA, the calcium in our teeth, the iron in our blood, the carbon in our apple pies were made in the interiors of collapsing stars. We are made of starstuff.” ? Carl Sagan, Cosmos
  • “If you wish to make an apple pie from scratch, you must first invent the universe.” ? Carl Sagan, Cosmos

Start a new thread to post and respond to both quotes using your research and the topics covered thus far in this course

Science Homework Help

Lack of Self Reported Physical Activity Environmental Science Essay


Select a health behavior and discuss how social, economic, and political factors interact and influence this behavior. Describe in detail the health behavior and possible health outcomes without an intervention. Identify the populations impacted the most by this health behavior. Select and discuss one intervention used to reduce or prevent the health behavior selected.

This essay should be no less than 500 words and no more than 1000. Citations must include no less than 3 peer reviewed journals. Citations do not count in the final word count. 

Science Homework Help

MHE 503 TUI Flooding in Canada Mitigation Measures Paper


Mitigation Strategies

Address the following:

  1. Describe mitigation measures that have been implemented to address the high-priority disaster that you selected from your Hazard Analysis Table results for your country.
  2. Identify and briefly describe at least one additional measure that has not been implemented but would mitigate against your selected disaster.
  3. Evaluate this mitigation strategy using the FEMA hazard mitigation planning criteria.

Format: The following APA template is recommended for this assignment: Module 2 SLP Template. See the Syllabus page for more information on APA format.

SLP Assignment Expectations

Length: This Case Assignment should be 3–5 pages, not counting the title page and references.

References: At least two references should be included from academic sources (e.g., peer-reviewed journal articles). Required readings are included. Quoted material should not exceed 10% of the total paper (since the focus of these assignments is critical thinking). Use your own words and build on the ideas of others. When material is copied verbatim from external sources, it MUST be enclosed in quotes. The references should be cited within the text and listed at the end of the assignment in the References section (preferably in APA format).

Organization: Subheadings should be used to organize your paper according to question.

Science Homework Help

KKK Health and Safety Plan for Environmental Remediation Discussion


((Your assignment is to develop a Health and Safety Plans for Environmental Remediation of Dioxin contaminated soil. See Assignments>H&S Plan)).

H&S Plan for Envr of Dioxin Contaminated Soil

Watch Times Beach Dioxin Contamination video. Based on the video, develop two (2) AHAs for Sampling of Dioxin Contaminated Soil and excavation of Dioxin Contaminated Soil. Your assignment is to develop two AHAs based on the toxicity of the contaminated soil. Sources: and

Include at least three (3) different hazards for each activity. Include equipment and training requirements. Review the example provided in the Supplemental Materials. Upload both forms here. Save the files with your initials: Example AHA 1 GP and AHA 2 GP

Science Homework Help

KKK Dry Cleaners in Laundry Purposes Discussion


For items 1-3, write at least 100 words each. For item 4, your comment/reply to classmates will be separate, write at least 50 words total to two or more classmates (remember to be thoughtful, positive, and constructive).

Note: Do NOT copy and paste. It is considered plagiarism. Use your own words. Cite your sources.

DB Topics:

1. Explain the major hazards and contaminants associated with Dry Cleaners.

2. Review the State Coalition for Remediation of Dry Cleaners initiative and briefly describe the accomplishments of this project:…

3. Peer review. Comment to at least one or two classmate’s posts. With professional courtesy, provide additional analysis, constructive criticism, and additional facts and solutions. I want to see a paragraph of 50 words or more. (Note the word counter in the lower right corner of your posting window).

NOTE: Cite the sources you use for your discussion board posts either at the end of each item or at the end of your post.

Science Homework Help

San Diego State University Advantages of Pathway Visualization Projects


When working with transcriptomic data sets, the first step that most researchers will typically conduct is differential gene expression analysis. Although this is an essential first step, it is limited in the sense that it will only inform researchers which genes are up or down-regulated, relative to a control condition.

In some cases, it may be more intuitive to visualize differential expression analysis results in a more realistic context. Pathway maps are collections of enzymatic reactions, metabolites, and intermediates which have been compiled into a “map” to depict general cellular and metabolic processes.

There are many different repositories that

have compiled such maps to be used with a broad array of different organisms, some of the most popular being the Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes (KEGG) and Escher Visualizations.

In this assignment, we will demonstrate pathway visualizations of KEGG maps with differential expression data sets using a web tool called pathView – it also has an R-compatible package; however, we will use the web tool for simplicity, as this is not a computer science course.

The results from differential gene expression analysis can be used as input for path view and the user selects the respective pathway(s) which they would be interested in when conducting their own research. pathView supports visualization of gene expression data (the gene identifiers need to be compatible with the organism being studied) as well as metabolite data:

Screen Shot 2021-04-29 at 7.18.07 PM.png

The color-coated legends depict enzymatic or metabolite changes on the Log2FoldChange scale, relative to a control condition; enzymatic reactions highlighted in red imply more activity, relative to the control, while enzymatic reactions highlighted in green symbolize a reduction in activity, relative to a control.

For this assignment, please navigate to the pathView user home (link below) and select one of the examples (there are 4 of them). Once you have clicked on one of the examples, choose 3 pathways (not including propanoate metabolism) and run the analysis using the demo data sets which have already been pre-loaded. Take a screenshot of the three pathway visualizations and compile them into a word document or PDF file to submit for assignment 2.

pathView Web Home (Links to an external site.)

EditEditEditEditFor your final notebook check, please submit a Word or PDF document with some notes describing the advantages that pathway visualization has over standard differential gene expression analysis. How might a researcher use pathway visualizations after conducting differential gene expression analysis to further their research? Screen Shot 2021-04-29 at 7.30.18 PM.png

For your final notebook check, please submit a Word or PDF document with some notes describing the advantages that pathway visualization has over standard differential gene expression analysis. How might a researcher use pathway visualizations after conducting differential gene expression analysis to further their research?

assignment 2

For your final assignment of Online Part 3, you will design your own hypothetical experiment and write a short prompt to describe how you would go about conducting such an experiment from start to finish, including how you would grow cells, how to prepare them for RNA-seq, and what you would do after you have obtained raw gene counts. Get creative with this assignment – its your chance to think like a scientist in a real-world scenario.

If you need a general idea of how a prompt should look, I have attached a short sample prompt:


Please submit a minimum 300 word PDF or Word document depicting your experiment by Sunday 5/2 at 11:59 PST.

Science Homework Help

Santa Monica College MOD2 CH4 Artists Rendition of the Embryonic Development of the Face Discussion


Module #2 Discussion #1 – The Artist’s Rendition of the Embryonic Development of the Face

Facial development involves tissue that has an origin and then develops into more detailed oral structures.  For this week’s discussion, review the contents of chapter 4 to understand how it fits into the following table that indicates the original embryonic structure, tissue origin and future tissue origin. 

Science Homework Help

Santa Monica College Module 2 Palate or Tongue Formation Discussion


Module #2 Discussion #2 – Palate or Tongue Formation

66 unread replies.66 replies.

1. Choose palate formation or tongue formation

2. If your patient asks you to explain how the palate or tongue is formed, what would you say to them? Focus your dialogue on being concise, yet detailed. As you create your dialogue think of this as your study guide to how well you understand the developmental process. You don’t want to just verbally recite a definition from the text, but have a conversation with your patient. Speak in a way that is engaging and informative.

3. Respond to a classmate’s post with a follow up question that a patient may have in response to their explanation of tongue or palate formation.

4. Respond to classmate’s follow-up questions.