Science Homework Help

Genetic Modification Discussion


This discussion is broken down into 3 parts. Your response should address all 3 parts in one single post.

  1. One of the major objections regarding GM foods is their impact on human health. Is there evidence that GM foods have a negative impact on human health? If so, what is the evidence, and how were the conclusions drawn?
  2. What are the current U.S. laws regulating the development, approval, use, and labeling of GM foods?
  3. In 2016 and 2020, the platform of the U.S. Presidential Nominee of the Green Party included a proposed a halt on GM foods. Their proposal was to “apply the Precautionary Principle to genetically modified organisms (GMOs)” and in doing so supported “a moratorium until safety can be demonstrated by independent (non-corporate funded), long-term tests for food safety, genetic drift, resistance, soil health, effects on non-target organisms, and cumulative interactions” (, or refer to p. 51 of the attached document if you want to read more: 2016-Green-Party-Platform-.pdfOpen this document with ReadSpeaker docReader ). Make an argument for why you do or do not support this stance.

Note: Make sure your comments are based on science-backed evidence and not on unsubstantiated opinion. For example, “We should not be playing God” is not an appropriate response to a discussion topic in a science majors course, and instead I expect everyone to focus on the biotechnological/environmental/health/social issues surrounding this topic so that we can become better-informed scientists and citizens.

Science Homework Help

Rowan College at Gloucester County Naked Eye Project


I’m working on a astronomy project and need an explanation to help me learn.

Course Content | CHAPTER 2: Observing the Sky: The Birth of Astronomy | CHAPTER 2 ACTIVITIES | Naked Eye Observation Project (Part 1)

Review the procedure and deliverables.  ALSO REVIEW my feedback to you on your lab submission.  Repeat the procedure, but this time make special note of how the sky has changed from your first set of observations – focus on any change in the positions of the objects in the sky. 

The goal of Part 1 included, but was not limited to seeing how the sky changed over the course of a night due to the Earth’s rotation on its axis.  The goal of Part 2 includes, but is not limited to  seeing how the sky changed after several weeks due to the Earth’s revolution around the Sun.  There are other goals for Part 2 but they are the same as the goals for Part 1 so be sure to review my feedback. 

Science Homework Help

Iowa State University The Preparation of Methyl Benzoate Lab Report


Two different paragraphs explaining each. First picture is for lab 1, 2nd picture is for lab 2. Use basic university knowledge in organic chem 1 and 2

LAB 1: For the first picture of the NMR spectra Analyze your NMR spectra. In your spectra, you should have the approximate chemical shifts of each peak. You also have to include an explanation matching up the peaks in your NMR spectra to that of the product, methyl benzoate. Explain why you think you got your product and not just starting material. If you have extra peaks in your NMR that do not match up to any proton peaks in your product, explain where they could have come from. Every peak must be accounted for!

LAB 2: For the 2nd picture of the NMR spectra analyze your NMR spectra . In your spectra, you should have the approximate chemical shifts of each peak. You also have to include an explanation matching up the peaks in your NMR spectra to that of the product, methyl benzoate. Explain why you think you got your product and not just starting material. If you have extra peaks in your NMR that do not match up to any proton peaks in your product, explain where they could have come from. Every peak must be accounted for!

Science Homework Help

PHY 101 Tel Aviv University Construction of Solar Oven Lab



Use this link to complete the assignment –
Although people all around the world use different sources of fuel to cook, everyone has a need for heating food in order to prepare meals. Electricity, Natural gas, and coal are three common fuel sources used for cooking in the United States. Some people do not have access to these fuel sources because of their location or cost. Solar ovens can provide a source of renewable cooking energy and they work very well in certain locations. In this project you will construct a solar oven and test your oven in various conditions in order to determine the best position for efficiently capturing energy from the sun in your geographic location.
Here is your goal for this lesson:
Understand how energy from the sun can be used in place of non-renewable energy sources.
Determine the most efficient way to position a solar oven where you live.
Pre-lab questions:
Visit ( to see how the amount of solar energy that reaches the surface of the earth changes based on latitude and season. What is the amount of solar energy in (Watts/m2) that hits the land at the north pole in March? What amount reaches the equator in March?
What is the main source of energy used for cooking in your home?
What is the main source of energy used by people in developing countries to cook food?
Research solar cookers and list 3 places (cities or countries) that are ideal for using solar ovens.
What is the independent variable in this experiment? What is the dependent variable? What are some of the controlled variables?
Read through the procedure below and write your hypothesis. Using your knowledge of your position on the Earth and the position of the sun, based on the season and your geographical location, make a prediction about which direction your solar over will need to face in order to capture the most heat. Remember to put your hypothesis in an “if/then format” that mentions the variables in the experiment.
These supplies are needed:
Cardboard box (a pizza box works very well for this experiment)
Aluminum foil
Plastic wrap
Thermometer (A food thermometer may be easiest to use)
A plastic ruler or piece of cardboard to hold the solar focusing flap in place.
Food to cook (Water can be used for simplicity, marshmallows are fun to cook, *Note* Do not attempt to cook raw foods for this experiment)
A paper plate or glass pie dish to hold the food in your oven.
A compass (to determine the direction for positioning your solar oven)
Oven construction
Use the instructions and pictures found here
( help build your oven.)
Draw a square about two inches around the inside perimeter of the pizza box lid.
Cut out three sides of that square, leaving the side closest to where the box lid folds in place. This flap will serve to focus sunlight down into your oven.
Cover the inside bottom of your box in black paper or aluminum foil. Cover the flap that you created in aluminum foil with the shiny side facing out.
On the underside of the lid, tape plastic wrap over the opening to create a window into your oven. This will also serve to trap heat inside.
Place your dish of food inside the box and position your thermometer so it can be seen through the window.
Use a ruler or sturdy piece of cardboard to hold the flap open. Focus the direction of the flap so that light enters the oven window. Keep the flap in the same position for both parts of the data collection.
Data collection:
Place the food to be cooked in your dish and inside of your oven. Position the thermometer so that it can be read without opening the box if possible.
Place the solar oven outdoors (preferably between the hours of 11am and 1pm). Have the oven face directly south. *Note* You should try to place your oven in an area that has direct sunlight and is not obscured by trees or other structures. Make sure your oven is placed in the same location on both days.
Record the temperature before you begin and then again at 15 minute intervals for 1 hour. *Note* Be sure to use an oven mitt if you need to reach inside the oven to check the temperature, it may get quite hot.
Bring the oven indoors and allow the temperature to cool before beginning the next part of data collection.
Repeat steps 2 and 3 but this time face the oven toward the north. It is best if you do this at the same time of day and on days with similar weather (preferably two sunny days).
Using your knowledge of your position on the Earth and the position of the sun, based on the season and your geographical location, make a prediction about which direction your solar over will need to face in order to capture the most heat. Remember to put your hypothesis in an “if/then format” that mentions the variables in the experiment.


Summarize the steps that you took to complete this experiment; the procedure should be written in 3rd person and present tense, and it should give enough information for someone to repeat the experiment using only your procedure. Make sure to include any modifications you make.

Include a picture of your solar oven here:

Include a line graph to show the change of temperature in your oven over the course of your experiment. Be sure to include a legend that indicates which line represents the North-facing oven and which represents the oven that was South-facing.

Post-lab Questions:

What changes could be made to the construction of your solar oven to improve its efficiency?

Make a prediction of what temperature you would have recorded after 1 hour if you faced your solar oven to the east or west.

Explain your prediction.
If you were building a home in Sydney, Australia and wanted to install solar panels on the roof, which direction should the panels be oriented in order to maximize their amount of sun exposure?

What are two benefits to using solar energy instead of fossil fuels? What are two drawbacks of solar energy?

Are there certain locations on Earth where solar energy would not work well as the only energy source to power homes? If so, where and why?

Write your conclusion below. Don’t forget to discuss your hypothesis and use your data to support your conclusion. Talk about the concepts you learned and how they connect to the previous lessons and to real life. Evaluate the experiment itself and think about how it might be improved or expanded upon. Your conclusion should be 5 or more sentences in length.

Science Homework Help

SU Vulnerable Individuals & Issues of Race and Ethnicity Discussion



. Complete

Watch the TED Talk, What happens when patients become leaders on the health team?

2. Initial Post (300 words)
  • Discuss, how can vulnerable individuals become leaders in their health care. Give specific examples for specific groups of vulnerable individuals.


Research issues of race and ethnicity that cause individuals to fall into the vulnerable population category. What makes them vulnerable? Why? What resources are currently available to provide the services needed for this group? Write up a report on your findings


Research what is being done in your state to address health disparities caused by race.

Read the report from 2008 done by the Virginia Department of Health:

Then read the information page about racial disparities in COVID-19 outcomes and preventive measures:

After reviewing this information, write a 1-2 page summary of how the effects of COVID-19 differ by race. In your summary, identify differences in number of cases, hospitalizations, and deaths by race, and what determinants drive those differences. Upload to the dropbox below.


Task 8

Drug Addicted as Vulnerable Population


Read: Homelessness and Drug Abuse

Investigate: What is Drug Addiction


Specific Populations and Prescription Drug Misuse and Abuse

Investigate programs in your area for drug addicted individuals. This may include prescription drug abuse, illegal drug abuse, and alcoholism. Speak to someone who works with these individuals. Write a short report on who the individuals affected are, what special needs they have due to their addiction, what resources are available.


Case Study: Complete the case study, I Can Quit Anytime I Want

Project Assignment: Time to put it all together

By now you should have compiled much of the completed Project. This week you will work on completing the project. Work on each vulnerable population. Make sure it is specific for the population and the event. Refine those you completed each week, adding more information, resources, and examples.


1. Complete

The response to the prompt below.

2. Initial Post (300 words)
  • Who are the vulnerable? Discuss who the vulnerable are now that you have studied a variety of groups. Introduce another group of individuals who would be considered vulnerable and why. Give examples of the special health needs of this population.


Final Course Project- Written Portion

Welcome to the final project. You will be surprised that you have already done a lot of the initial work. Now it is time to put it all together.

1. Complete all elements of the final project

2. Upload your written project below. Be sure you have checked against the project rubric.

Final Project Presentations

(Find directions in Important Documents)

1. Complete the Final Presentations

2. Upload the presentation portion below.


As a Public Health Worker you have a job with the public health service. This includes working with all issues of public health and safety but especially special needs for women and children, homeless, immigrants, racial or ethnic minorities, elderly, socioeconomically disadvantaged, underinsured and others who are considered fragile due to physical or medical conditions. These groups are particularly affected during times of natural or man-made disasters.

As part of your job you will need to respond to events that occur in your state. In response to the event you will need to assess the potential health risks, research and explain currently available services, and develop a description of each individual’s future sustainable planning. At the same time you need to develop a sense for such broader items as ethics in resource allocation and other issues over which you don’t have direct control keeping in mind current health disparities and vulnerable populations.

For this project you will create the following deliverables:

  • Written Project: You will be assisting a vulnerable group affected by the event to whom you are expected to provide the necessary guidance so that they can seek proper assistance as well as will be able to care for their own basic healthcare needs during the event. Based on the event scenario you selected, and your study of the vulnerable populations, assemble a report in which you identify for each group: what elements of the event increased their risk, what specific needs they have, what resources can address those needs as well as ongoing needs, and what long term effects the event has on their vulnerability. Propose a solution to assist the vulnerable populations using currently available or new resources.
  • Oral Presentation: Oral report on the written project.

Science Homework Help

SU History and Evolution of Health Care Information System Discussion


A. Discuss the Topic and Title of your choice from the list presented in moodle. Include an outline of your research paper.

Research Topic Approval: Class – please review and select one of the following topics for our course project (research paper). Please post in the class discussion your topic and outline.

Research paper:

  • Requires outside research/sources
  • 6 page minimum length including -Cover/Title Page and Reference Page
  • It has to be doubled-spaced, Times New Roman 12-point font

Suggested topics (students may choose a different topic from all the list of topics discussed in your textbook):

  • Health Care Data Quality
  • History and Evolution of Health Care Information Systems
  • Security of Health Care Information System
  • HIT Alignment and Strategic Planning

Please Click Here for more detailed requirement of the term paper.


Chapter 13

Chapter 14

Chapter 13: Hospice

  • Explain the criteria that must be met for a patient to enter hospice care.
  • Define the term hospice.
  • Compare and contrast hospice care and traditional acute care.•Define the term hospice.
  • Compare and contrast hospice care and traditional acute care.•Relate the use of hospice benefit periods to the associated documentation requirements.
  • Discuss the capture of clinical visit information to track the cost of
    hospice care.•Discuss Quality Assessment/Performance Improvement in the hospice setting.
  • Discuss bereavement care and documentation following death of the hospice patient.

Other Specialized Care Settings

Chapter 14: Dental Care Settings

  • •Identify the different practitioners associated with dental care and describe their roles.
  • •Describe documentation requirements specific to the practice of dentistry.
  • •Explain benefits of electronic dental records.
  • •Identify specific risks associated with dentistry and strategies to manage
  • the risks.
  • •List the information needs of the
  • dental office.
  • •Identify the important components of electronic dental record and practice management systems.
  • •Describe potential career opportunities in the dental setting for HIM practitioners.
  • •Discuss the potential impact of managed care on dental practices.
  • •Describe utilization management strategies used in dentistry.


An organization that raises funds for cancer research has used mortality data from death certificates to identify a county near you that has an extraordinarily high rate of cancer deaths. The findings do not seem to match the cancer incidence findings from the statewide cancer registry that captures data based on the location where the cancer was diagnosed. Further investigation shows that the only inpatient hospice in the state is located in that county.

  1. What most likely accounts for the discrepancy between the cancer rates that the fundraising organization found and the cancer rates indicated by the statewide cancer registry for that county?
  2. What recommendations might be made to the fundraising organization by the statewide cancer registry?
  3. How can statewide cancer registries interact with private, non-profit groups seeking to locate areas for intervention?

Your submission must meet the following: minimum threshold of 300 words; post initial discussion thread no later than Wednesday of the respective week


Chapter 16

Chapter 17

Chapter 16: Consulting

  • Assess personal strengths and weaknesses.
  • Recognize the importance of positive leadership.
  • Develop a business plan.
  • Develop action plans.
  • Evaluate government regulations, accreditation and information technology (IT) standards, and industry best practice.
  • Develop compliance audits.
  • Chapter 17: Cancer Registry

  • Explain the purpose and typical functions of a cancer registry.
  • Distinguish between population-based, hospital-based, and specialty cancer registries.
  • undefined

  • Explain the role of key organizations, associations, and programs in cancer registry, including the
  • –Commission on Cancer (CoC)

    –National Cancer Registrars Association (NCRA)

    –National Program of Cancer Registries (NPCR)

    –North American Association of Central Cancer Registries (NAACCR)

    –Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Result (SEER) program.

  • Describe issues in coding for cancer registry, as well as other specific issues related to cancer registry data, such as cancer staging.
  • Explain certifications available for cancer registry professionals.
  • Explain the nature of quality improvement processes with regard to cancer registry.
  • Science Homework Help

    Disease of The Nervous System Alzheimer Disease Biology Discussion


    You will pick a disease for your pathophysiology paper. The disease must be for one of the organ systems covered this term listed in the syllabus. Select a disease from current events that is an emerging or reemerging concern to you or people in your area. (I am from Georgia). Provide local epidemiological data for the disease.

    The paper must be in APA format and 3-5 pages.

    Your paper must include:

    • Introduction to the disease and the organ system (history, signs, symptoms, epidemiology etc.)
    • Discussion of the normal anatomy and physiology of the organ system involved (cell and tissue populations involved, organs, primary functions, connections to other body systems)
    • Discussion of the changes to the anatomy and physiology as a result of the disease (pathophysiology)
    • Discussion of treatment/prevention options
    • 3 primary and at least 2 secondary scholarly sources

    Science Homework Help

    Constant Velocity Motion in One Dimension & Accelerated Linear Motion Lab Report


    Write a brief summary on (In what ways can the concept of the lab be applied to the real world.) “three to four sentences.”

    For that lab reports.

    1-Constant Velocity Motion in One Dimension

    2-Uniformly Accelerated Linear Motion


    4-Vectors and statics

    5-Newton second law of motion

    6-Circular motion

    7- Conservation of energy

    8- Collisions in 1D

    9- Static equilibrium

    10- Rotational motion

    I just need a very simple and brief summary in (In what ways can the concept of the lab be applied to the real world) on small paragraph max.

    i can send you the whole lab repeots for each of those concepts if you need them

    Science Homework Help

    PHYS 263 Abraham Baldwin Agricultural College Stefan Boltzmann Radiation Law Lab


    Title of the experiment (0.5 pts)

    a. Objective(s): write the purpose(s) of the experiment. (1 pts)

    b. Theory: briefly describe the theory behind the experiment. Be sure to write down the working formula defining each variable and their units. (5 pts)

    c. Apparatus: list all the apparatus that you will use in the experiment. Include a “hand drawn” diagram of the experimental set up with proper labels. (2 pts)

    d. Sample graph: make a “hand drawn” diagram of the sample graph with labels and units on each axis (NOTE: this refers to what you expect the results graph(s) to look like). (2.5 pts)