Writing Homework Help

Northcentral University Modus Operandi Conduct Crime Scene Analysis



For this task, you will submit a detailed description of a fictions crime and focus on the crime scene. Be sure to conduct research to understand crime scenes. For example, if you are planning to profile a serial killer, be sure you have researched crime scenes from serial killers to ensure you are including plausible information.

The information you describe in this assignment may also be used in your final presentation to the FBI (due in Week 8), when you present your profile. You will want to consider that your final project will build upon the information you are describing in your crime scene analysis paper this week. You must be able to make conclusions that are realistic. Include in your description the following information:

Crime scene details (e.g. bloodstain pattern, finger prints, weapons)

Geographical location(s)

Evidence collected


Corroborating evidence

Modus Operandi

Victim information-remember you are profiling a serial rapist/murder/arsonist so there have been other victims.

Typically, serial killers have three or more victims, serial rapists typically have two or more victims and serial arsonists have set fire to three or more dwellings. If there is no evidence or suspicion of prior victims, then it is less likely to appear to be serial in nature. For this week, focus on just one of the victims, but as you develop your theory you will want to connect information from the other crimes scenes. (You do not need to offer details about the previous or other victims yet, but it is important to demonstrate that you are able to connect the victims, such as similarities in appearance, employment or location.) Include all other pertinent details about the crime scene.

Writing Homework Help

ISOL 536 Campbellsville University W8 Data Base Security Report


Vestige, Inc. is an online software company that specialize in selling ad spaces in their parent company’s magazine.  Vestige manages an online database that allows their customers to upload and pay for their business ads for magazine placement.  Because Vestige’s database needs to connect to the parent company’s database, the parent company has requested that Vestige system be assessed and verified as secure.

Your company has designated you to be the lead architect for this project because it’s a small company and perfect for your first time.  Since you have spent the past 7 weeks in training to be a System Architect, perform your assessment:

Writing Homework Help

St Petersburg College Advances in Dual Diagnosis Article Review


I’m working on a health & medical discussion question and need an explanation to help me learn.

Dual Diagnosis

Dual diagnosis is a term used to describe an individual that is affected by both substance dependency and psychological or psychiatric illness. Other terms that are used to describe this condition include comorbidity, comorbid disorders or co-occurring disorders. Each illness exerts its affects on the individual and disrupts their functional ability, as well as interacts with the other, making treatment and recovery even more complex.

Search the professional literature (i.e., library journal databases) for a journal article published in the last 5 years related to dual diagnosis. In a post of 150-200 words, summarize the article and what you learned about co-occurring disorders. 

Writing Homework Help

CNUAS WK 4 Marketing Plan for A Global Market Expansion Analysis


Your Marketing plan may be in either the form of a paper or Power Point Presentation.

Incorporate cultural analysis and economic analysis in your final marketing plan.

You are to select a product/service and a market plan for a foreign market of a US company that is not doing business in that market.

Details will be discussed and recorded in the weekly Collborate sessions June 7, 14 and 21.


Final Project- The Marketing Plan

Develop a Marketing Plan for a Global Market expansion.

In this project, choose an existing company and an existing brand to be part of a global expansion marketing plan.  

Develop the following elements of the Marketing planning process:

  • A company mission statement
  • A company SWOT analysis
  • Marketing Objectives for the company
  • Cultural Analysis of targeted expansion
  • Economic Analysis of targeted expansion area
  • A description of the target market
  • A positioning strategy
  • A brief outline of the Marketing mix strategies: 
    • The product
    • Pricing
    • Distribution and
    • Promotion strategies that satisfy the objectives and address the target market.
    • Summary

Writing Homework Help

Campbellsville University New Products and Innovation Discussion


Chapter 8. New Products and Innovation.

Initial Postings: Read and reflect on the assigned readings for the week. Then post what you thought was the most important concept(s), method(s), term(s), and/or any other thing that you felt was worthy of your understanding in each assigned textbook chapter.Your initial post should be based upon the assigned reading for the week, so the textbook should be a source listed in your reference section and cited within the body of the text. Other sources are not required but feel free to use them if they aid in your discussion.

Also, provide a graduate-level response to each of the following questions:

  1. Consider the trends described in the chapter (e.g., aging, heightening environmental concern, or China). How will each affect the business you are in (or were in before coming to b-school)? 
  2. Make a list of 3 of your favorite brands. What would be a great brand-, or line-extension that you would like to see developed as a new product? 5

Writing Homework Help

Campbellsville University Product Life Cycles Discussion


This activity will help students understand the product life cycle concept better and also give them an insight into the importance of marketing decisions that are to be taken during the market decline phase.

Activity: Find four different products that are in the four different phases of the product life cycle. Give your opinions on the product in the market decline phase: whether the company should divest, harvest, or rejuvenate the product and the reasons behind your choices.

Writing Homework Help

CMLIT 101 La Guardia College Translation of The Odyssey Into English Report


I’m working on a english question and need guidance to help me understand better.

Please answer the following 2 questions:

1/In The New York Times article (posted on BBoard), “The First Woman to Translate the Odyssey into English,” the translator of the Odyssey, Emily Wilson, discusses the complexity of the original word polytropos, that appears in the very first line of the Odyssey, which she decided to translate as complicated. First define the term: what does polytropos mean in the Homeric text? Then list some of the other translations of the word polytropos as appeared in previous translations of the Odyssey and finally explain why Wilson decided to interpret the word as complicated?  (Everything is explained in the article.)  Write about 300 words.

It  is imperative we all understand the complexity and the importance of  this word as it characterizes Odysseus and gives us a hint about the  identity and furtive nature of the main hero of the poem.

Once again, the link to the article:


2/Does the Odyssey in  general as an epic poem hold any historical truth or is it completely  fictional? To respond to this question you should first answer if the  Trojan War really happened or it just came from Homer’s imagination. And  if indeed it happened, how do we know it and who gave us evidence? Use  specific examples from the introduction to illustrate your points.

Writing Homework Help

Saint Peter College Mental Disorders in Hoarding Behaviors Discussion


I’m working on a health & medical discussion question and need an explanation to help me understand better.

To prepare for your post in this forum, download and review this List of Links for Hoarders to various episodes of the TV show Hoarders. You can also find episodes at You Tube, or the TLC and A&Ewebsites. View one or more of the episodes. Take the this https://play.howstuffworks.com/quiz/hoarder-quiz

In this discussion forum, discuss your reaction to the material that you viewed. Share your thoughts, reactions and insights that you gained from the experience. For example, did you have an emotional reaction to the plight of the people in the episode? What symptoms or elements of mental illness did you see? What did you discover about hoarders and the mental disorders linked to hoarding behaviors? How did you do on the quiz?