Writing Homework Help

Howard University Active Learning as A Method of Teaching Children Paper


  • Prepare a written analysis of a teaching method that is appropriate for the content and audience of peers (pre-service educators) you are focusing on. Choose a written genre that allows you to inform your readers about the method and then analyze the limitations and benefits of using the method. See articles in NCTE publications (Links to an external site.) or in Edutopia (Links to an external site.) for possible examples. This analysis should be between 1200-1500 words. It should include this information, at a minimum:
    • Background on the method (How has it evolved over time?)
    • It is used specifically in one subject area or with a specific group of learners? Why?
    • Who uses it most?
    • Why is it used?
    • How is it used?
    • What does it offer students and teachers that other methods don’t?
    • What constraints or shortcomings does it have?

Continue with the topic you address in your annotated bibliography but focus on how the ideas in your research can be applied for the specific audience you are writing for. It should be clear that you are informed by current research and best practices in teaching for each of the lesson/unit plans. Since you are shifting toward the application of the concepts you researched, be sure you choose content for your lesson that fits the method.

Analysis of a Teaching Method:

SLO 1: Critical thinking & reading

Writing shows sufficient knowledge from research to give importance to this method

SLO 2: Information literacy

Sources are meaningful to the readers and are integrated and cited wherever necessary

SLO 3: Rhetorical awareness

The writing shows sensitivity to the readers’ needs, knowledge, and interests

The claims made about the method are supported with appropriate examples

SLO 4: Education Genre Conventions

Genre conventions fit expectations in important areas such as citing of sources, formatting, organization, tone, and formality

SLO 5: Metacognition

The memo reflects on the writer’s process, successes, and struggles with the project.

There’s enough detail to feel guided through the project and to understand the self-assessment.

I already have the necessary articles and more can be added but i Will provide the bibliography for you to find the information.https://docs.google.com/document/d/1WGFNzSHNJCaBsqg4NS9VJm8U3eEe2xFq_3aHNfPjGU4/edit?usp=sharing

Writing Homework Help

A1 Business and Technical College Algebraic Word Problem Question


Can you help me understand this Mathematics question?

  • Vivian and Noelle both leave the park at the same time, but in opposite directions. If Noelle travels 5 mph faster than Vivian and after 8 hours, they are 136 miles apart, how fast in mile per hour is each traveling?

Writing Homework Help

CUP Theater Practices Discussion


Please read the files that I attached and answer the following question.

Perhaps that’s because history is still very much in the present: the Greeks continue to shape our notions of theater practice and theory. And, the influence of the Church in the Middle Ages remains visible to this day in theater traditions around the world. In fact, this is a point I stress in both lectures: there are vast differences between the classical world-views and our contemporary perspectives. But, we still read and watch these plays and even call their stories “universal.”

But, what do you personally find interesting (or exciting, or problematic, etc.) about theater history? There is no right or wrong answer here- just an opportunity for you to reflect on the assignments. Please include in your response any one specific example from the readings.

Reading 1: https://drive.google.com/file/d/17vmUIlAB6Fs9nL5-s…

Reading 2: https://drive.google.com/file/d/17ntP197MUHdE-D3Vf…

Writing Homework Help

Capella University What Nonprofits Can Learn from Coca Cola Discussion


I’m working on a writing discussion question and need an explanation to help me learn.


Watch TED Talk, What nonprofits can learn from Coca-Cola. Melinda Gates: What nonprofits can learn from Coca-Cola

Writing Homework Help

ISSC 621 Wk 5 Hardware and Software Tools for a Forensic Lab Discussion


I’m trying to study for my Computer Science course and I need some help to understand this question.

The development of a forensic lab for computers and mobile devices involves numerous specialized tools.
1. Describe both hardware and software tools that might be utilized in such a lab.

Writing Homework Help

Computer Science Portable Forensic Evidence Kit DiscussionVPER kit




Create a portable forensic evidence kit for corporate security investigations.

Submission Instructions:

Be sure to include all items that you will need to investigate a computer incident. Create a portable forensic evidence kit for corporate security investigations. Be sure to include all items that you will need to investigate a computer incident. You can use “pre-packaged” kits if they are available on the internet – if you choose to do so, please explain why you chose the kit.

Writing Homework Help

St Jude High School Emerging Technologies Question


On the role of new technologies and how they impact business operations
and decisions.

This is a research paper, so you need to have references in APA style. Your paper
should be at least 3500 words, and at a minimum discuss the following topics:

  • Three different and new/emerging technologies Introduce the technologies How are they being used (or how they will be used)o What are their potential for users and businesses
  • Impacts on business operations, decisions, sales, etc.
  • o Positive & Negative

  • Impact on executives, employees, customers, humans, etc.
  • o Positive & Negative

    First, Im looking for a draft of 1500 words. Then final writing needs to have 3500 words.

    Writing Homework Help

    Computer Science Python In Business Research Paper


    ***Research Paper Topic: Python In Business***

    Below you will find more specific details regarding the research paper requirements:

    Paper should be saved as a word processing file with the following naming convention:

    5390_LastNameFirstInitial_ResearchPaper (i.e., 5390_SharpJ_ResearchPaper)

    The specific topic of the research paper is your choice but must cover a current Python programming topic. It is expected that the research paper be based upon both academic and practitioner sources. The library databases (see Tips below) as well as Web searches can be utilized to locate these sources.