Writing Homework Help

TWU Adaptive Leadership Discussion


As you prepare to respond to this post, refer to the “Adaptive Leadership” Learning Activity. Of the technological challenges that leaders must be able to handle, which one listed in the reading poses the greatest threat to a company you know well? Please explain, and provide examples to support your response. What do you think is required to turn this threat around in that organization?   

Adaptive Leadership

Are you a Baby Boomer, Generation X, or Generation Y (Millennial)? As you read this section, consider what leadership style you would use when leading other generations. Which adaptive leadership style should you use to become a more effective leader to form, enrich, and sustain your team culture? Record your response in your Learning Journal.

Adaptability is an individual’s ability to recognize changes in the environment, identify critical elements of the new situation, and trigger appropriate changes to meet new requirements. Adaptability involves an effective change in leadership behavior, in response to an altered situation.

Photo of a green Chameleon against a green backgroundAdapting to meet environmental changes is an important leadership asset.© Underworld111/iStock/Thinkstock

In business, transformational leadership is often considered the most effective approach to use in a fluid environment or when a crisis situation occurs, Transformational leaders have integrity, inspire people with a shared vision of the future, set clear goals, motivate people toward these goals, manage delivery, and communicate well with their teams.

However, leadership is not a “one size fits all” philosophy; often, leaders must adapt their approach to leadership to fit a changing situation or environmental change. This is why it’s useful to gain a thorough understanding of other leadership styles; after all, the more approaches you’re familiar with, the more you can shape your approach to the situation or the environment presented to your organization.

Each day, leaders are presented with new challenges that are unpredictable or are caused by environmental changes. Leaders and their leadership teams must prepare themselves to face the effects of stress, external influences that threaten their organization product or services, government policy that could change their operational climate, and the impact of ever-changing technology.

Some of these factors are mitigated through situational awareness, proper training, and open dialogue with the leadership team and superiors. However, each leader must consider these external influences and plan accordingly, as effective leaders recognize the tools needed to adapt to changing situations.

The leader must be cognizant of and adapt to evolving threats to the organization and the people he/she serves, take advantage of innovations (technological, procedural, etc.), and adjust to societal changes. Leaders are guided by the larger organization’s strategic vision and mission, but should consider the following:

  • Protect the organization and its employees.
  • Prevent being surprised by situational changes.
  • Prevail against environmental changes that would disrupt product or service delivery of the organization.


Learning how to modify organizational priorities to meet environmental challenges leads to the development of an agile and adaptive leader who can quickly assess and anticipate the actions necessary to mitigate unfavorable outcomes. Understanding the effects of stress on the human dimension of an organization is an important factor for the adaptive leader. While organizational stress is constant, leaders have to understand how situational changes can move an organization or an employee over the fine line between eustress and distress.


Another factor the adaptive leader should be cognizant of is the importance of technology. Although we, as individuals and a society, have dealt with rapid changing effects of technology, the current changes are ever increasing at a faster rate and are causing organizations to rethink and redesign themselves frequently or fear losing their performance or unique edge over competing organizations. Modern leaders must stay abreast of technological advances and learn about applications, advantages, and requirements that are practical to the organization, as the right technology, properly integrated, can increase operational effectiveness and organizational survivability. Technological challenges can include:

  • Learning the strengths and vulnerabilities of different technologies that support the team and its mission.
  • Thinking how the organization will operate with other organizations that are less or more technologically complex.
  • Considering the effect of technology on the time available to analyze problems, make decisions, and act on a situation; events today are fast paced and the requirement for making quick decisions adds to individual uncertainty, strain on personal confidence, and to the associated stress levels that accompany the risks taken by the leader.

Leveraging today’s technology to influence followers is important, as many organizations work in a virtual organizational environment separated in time and space, but connected by technology. One downside of technological advances is that they can reduce employee skill level in performing tasks manually. In those instances where technology fails, or is wrongly applied, the leadership challenge shifts to a manual training and performance rather than a technological process. Today’s leader has increased information to base decisions on; a possible second-order effect of enhanced technology is information overload. Too much information reduces the leader’s ability to synthesize the information and inform superiors and employees in an accurate and timely manner. Reporting systems that do not create more work and identify key or critical information requirements need to be identified.

Adaptive leaders need to understand how to leverage the positive. Technology can increase an organization’s efficiency and effectiveness in accomplishing tasks. However, technology also brings fasted-paced changes to organizations, and leaders need to recognize the impact it has on their teams in the formation, enrichment, and sustainment stages. Change affects the leadership climate and leaders need to understand how to adapt themselves and their organization to meet the technological challenges that influence the actions of employees. Not doing so can cause an unhealthy separation between the leader and the led, affecting optimum team performance. Besides the aspects of adaptability and team leadership we have discussed thus far, a leader should understand various power positions and how each can affect team members differently.

Writing Homework Help

University of North Texas Early Childhood Discussion And Responses


Welcome to discussion board #4! Our content this week will be covering Chapter 4: Early Childhood.

The physical, cognitive, and socioemotional development during the ages of two to six are some of the most pivotal years in the life of a human being. This time period represents a period of continued rapid growth, especially in the areas of language and cognitive development. Those in early childhood begin to pursue a variety of activities that reflect their personal interests. External influences begin to enter the child’s life such as teachers and peers. 

Try to remember your own personal early years between 2 to 6 years old. As your personality developed, what did you find yourself interested in? Curious about? Did you remain interested in these typs(s) of things? Why or why not? 

Lev Vygotsky (page 126) theorized that culture has a major impact on a child’s cognitive development. Have you seen this to be true? Have you observed children (ages 2 to 6 years old) in different cultures? Did you notice a difference in their cognitive development? 

  1. Read the section “Children’s Understanding of the World” at the top of page 131. Would you consider yourself more of a cognitive constructivist (Piaget) or a social constructivist (Vygotsky)? Why? Is either perspective more fitting for our western world? 
  2. I look forward to reading your responses! You will need to make an initial post (at least 500 words) to the assigned prompt. In addition, you will need 3 responses (at least 200 words each) to your fellow classmates in order to receive full credit. http://dept.clcillinois.edu/psy/LifespanDevelopmen… 

Writing Homework Help

SEU Social Media and The Interactive Technologies Essay


Once the topic and the draft questions are finalized, various aspects related to the topic should be explored. For this purpose, visit Saudi Digital Library website and download at least 15 research articles (at least 5 articles must be published in last 5 years) related to the topic and draft research questions. Prepare the Literature review as per the sample format provided in the blackboard (available in Week 3 course materials) (already included in this document). The topic must be supported by quality literature. Similarly, the individual questions (objectives), which will be converted to hypotheses, must derive support from latest and relevant literature.

Writing Homework Help

University Of California Los Angeles Fake News Media Outline


outline part?

Please submit three ideas outline for your term paper.

Compose complete sentences.

Build an opinion into each idea.

Make sure to keep your topic narrow enough–probably focused on 1-2 branches of the media.

  • Directions:
  • This semester, as we are learning about the different media, we will be discussing many media-related issues–issues such as the increased fragmentation of the media, privacy issues, the impact of convergence, fake news, censorship, and the increased concentration of media ownership.  For this assignment, you will have the opportunity to choose one of these topics—or any others that relate to mass media and society–and make an argument concerning its effects, making sure that you focus on the impact on only one or two branches of the media so that your topic isn’t overly broad. Because writing a term paper can sometimes be overwhelming, we will break this assignment down into smaller components, each with its own deadline. Consult our modules for individual deadlines. 
  • What to do:

Begin to decide what you’d like as your paper topic: Browse your textbook and media clips for potential media issues.  Another good source for topics are the discussion questions at the end of each chapter.  Also, consider some of the topics that I ask you about for happy quizzes.

Once you’ve decided on a topic, find at least six magazine or newspaper articles concerning the particular media issue that you are examining. You may also include sources from books and web sites.  You may not use web sites of questionable legitimacy or advocacy sites. You will be using and citing your chosen sources directly in the body of the paper with a specific citation.

Come up with a working thesis for your essay.

Freewrite on this working thesis. Or try other prewriting techniques, such as brainstorming, listing, clustering, talking with people about your idea, etc.

Write an outline for the essay. This outline should be detailed enough to really guide you through the process of writing the paper; it should, essentially, be a road map.  Be sure to include a section in your outline in which you address the opposition, those people who would potentially disagree with your position:  How will you convince them?

Next, write an ideas draft; this will be sloppy, disorganized, grammatically incorrect–but, hey, at least you’ve got something on paper!

Now, write a rough draft. We will have a peer-response workshop in class for you to get feedback from a few classmates. This will be followed by a citation rough draft (one in which you include all your citations).

  1. You are ready to refine your draft and make it into a product of which you feel proud. Don’t forget to proofread this final draft.
  2. What I’ll be looking for:

A clear, focused thesis that tells the reader what point you’ll be arguing and–very briefly–why you hold the position you do.

Well-developed paragraphs with strong topic sentences.

  1. Lots of evidence, examples, statistics, quotes from experts and other forms of support to back up your claims.
  2. At least six different print sources (books, magazine articles, newspaper articles, or scholarly articles) used and cited in the body of your essay. Yes, it is acceptable to get these print sources from a legitimate Web site, such as the NY Times, etc.)

Writing Homework Help

DAC Differential Requirements for Fork Merger and Decatenation Summary


I’m working on a chemistry writing question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

  1. Differential requirements for fork merger and decatenation
    1. Figure 1 
    2. Figure 2 
  2. Top2 alpha is crucial for fork convergence
    1. Figure3
  3. only focus on this 2 section in the article pages 423-428

Writing Homework Help

Florida Fatigue Life of Thermal Combustion Engines in Reusable Rockets Discussion


Write an introduction to my presentation that is about the Fatigue Life of Thermal Combustion Engines in Reusable Rockets.

My presentation will be based on the article down below. So, please read it and come up with an introduction and overview of the article.

Writing Homework Help

JOUR 110 UCLA Whether Photo Manipulation Is Right or Wrong Discussion


Can you help me understand this Writing question?

Is it ever ok to manipulate a photo (in something like Photoshop)? Please look at the of photo manipulation examples, i.e. photos that have been photoshopped. In at least 250 words, you’re going to make a case for when this is ok and when it’s not, taking into consideration these three categories: 1) personal (such as an Instagram selfie or a high school senior portrait), 2) advertising (such as an photo is a beauty ad that has been retouched), or 3) journalism.

http://www.alteredimagesbdc.org/#/walski/ (Links to an external site.)


Writing Homework Help

University of Maryland Global Campus Recipe for Alex Paper


Writing Assignment #3
Instructions – Writing a Recipe
Summary of the Assignment:
• Task: In this assignment, you will write a set of instructions for Alice, a friend of yours.
The scenario for this situation is described below.
• Length: There is no minimum or maximum word count. However, your instructions
must have 15 or more steps.
o This does not mean that you need 15 main steps. Some steps can be nested under
other steps. More information on this strategy is given in the resources provided
in the class on writing steps for instructions.
• Graphics: You should include at least 7 original graphics.
o Graphics should not be borrowed from other sources. All graphics should be
If your situation precludes you from obtaining original graphics for the recipe, you
may borrow photos from websites and cite them. Please inform your instructor if this
is your situation.
o All graphics should be labeled
The Scenario
Your friend, Alice, has contacted you for help.
Alice lives in Minneapolis, Minnesota. She is engaged to be married in two months. Her fiancé,
Tony, lives in New York City.
Tony’s parents live in Salem, Oregon, and have never met Alice.
Next week, Tony’s parents are coming to Minneapolis for a work-related meeting. Alice has
arranged to have Tony’s parents over to her apartment for dinner while Tony’s parents are in
When Tony’s parents visit Alice in Minneapolis, Tony will not be there. The dinner will be
only the three of them—Alice, Tony’s father, and Tony’s mother.
Alice is a bit nervous about the visit. She wants to impress her future in-laws with a dinner she
will cook. However, Alice does not typically cook. She usually goes out for food when she
needs to have a meal.
Alice has asked you for help. She would like you to write a recipe that she can follow, a recipe
for a dish that she would feel confident serving Tony’s parents during their visit.
Brief Description and Strategies to Follow:
You must include the following:
• A brief introduction to Alice about why she would want to make this dish for her fiancé’s
• A list of ingredients
o Remember, this is a meal for three people. You want your instructions to be
specific for approximately three people.
o Note that Alice does not typically cook. She might not understand what certain
terms mean (e.g., the difference between tablespoon and teaspoon, the meaning of
au gratin, etc.).
• A list of equipment needed
• The instructions
o Number all the main steps, as the resources for the class indicate
o Provide a graphic for steps of the instructions that need a graphic
o Remember that Alice does not typically cook. She might not understand what
certain terms mean (e.g., broiling, baking, roasting, al dente, sauté, etc.)
• Warnings or statements of caution integrated throughout the set of instructions.
o Remember that Alice does not typically cook. She might not know basic safety
tips involved in using an oven, handling a chopping knife, etc.

Writing Homework Help

Walden University DDHA 8246 Discussion


I’m working on a health & medical discussion question and need a sample draft to help me understand better.

Your literature review sets the stage for everything else that you do in your Doctoral Study. It is through this review that you determine the research that has been conducted in your area of interest and the gaps that exist where research is still needed. The literature review also helps support hypotheses that you might have generated and the choices that you will make in your research.

As you proceed, you will review numerous articles that are applicable to your topic. Managing your search of the literature, as well as your findings, is a key part of the Doctoral Study process. Think about strategies you have used in the past to organize research you have conducted. What was effective and what was not? How might you improve your strategies? How will you keep track of the articles you have reviewed and how will you save those that you intend to use in your literature review? What will you do to ensure that you have saved and backed up critical documents? What specific tools will you use? Keep these questions in mind as you determine how you can best manage the many resources that will inform your literature review.

By Day 4

Post the strategies you plan to use to manage the resources for your Doctoral Study. Include steps for tracking your search techniques. Describe your strategies for storing and backing up your resources and the tools you will use or have found to be useful. Be specific.