Writing Homework Help

UCLA Social Media Effect on Body Image and Body Dysmorphia Essay


“The Purpose of this Essay: The goal of this paper is to construct a fair-minded, unbiased, analytical analysis of a topic in a comprehensive essay.

  • This is NOT an opinion piece NOR is it a persuasive essay that simply aims to prove or reinforce what you already believe; this would be Confirmation Bias, and bias is to be avoided in this project.
  • This project needs to avoid harsh rhetoric or language that is harmful and hurtful in nature; the point to be object and unemotional in your approach.
  • This essay SHOULD be written in fair, academic, respectful, and most importantly analytical manner regardless of any of your opinions, feelings, or preconceived notions about the topic.
  • Both sides of your topic must be treated with equal attention both in terms of the number and quality of sources and in terms of the depth and breadth of their presentation in your essay. Both sides should have about the same number of quality source and about the same number of equally sized paragraphs addressing the details of their argument in roughly equivalent detail.
  • There MUST be 2 paragraphs in this project that identify and define rhetorical devices and logical fallacies on both sides of the argument; be sure to indicate which specific rhetorical device and fallacy you have found, and that there is evidence in your sources of these course concepts in practice that is cited in your paper.
  • You will present statements and claims for and analyzing BOTH sides of the topic; only then should you state you own conclusion as an objective, critical thinker given the information presented”

Papers arguement: Media determines self-confidence and is the root cause of eating disorders and body dissatisfaction. In contrast, media can be used to strengthen body positivity. 

Required Sections:

  • 1) A Properly Formatted APA Title Page
  • 2) A Properly Formatted APA Abstract
  • 3) Intro paragraph
    • For example, you may choose any of the following:
      • State the topic directly. What is body image? What is body dysmorphia? Eating disorder? Social media? 
      • Define the Problem.
      • Ask one Question and provide an answer.
      • Tell a short, brief story related to the topic.
      • Use a brief quote and explain its meaning.
    • 4) Side A Paragraph
      • Expand on the major sources and support with supplemental sources and evidence
    • 5) Side B Paragraph
      • Expand on the major sources and support with supplemental sources
    • 6) Rhetoric and Fallacies (One paragraph for each side)
      • Be specific.  Cite Rhetorical Devices and Fallacies used in sources and research; do NOT be general.
      • Present evidence from your sources that show the Rhetorical Devices and Fallacies being used
        • What is a rhetorical device?
        • it’s the use of psyhological words and emotions to influence our thoughts. A person chooses their words wisely with the desire to persuade the reader. 
          • Examples of rhetorical devices for you to choose from and mention: 
          • Weasler- watered down claim; trying to weasel your way out of something 
          • Example- Sign up and recover up to _% off your first purchase. 
          • Euphemisms- makes it sound better 
          • Example- Passed away
          • Dysphemisms- makes it sound worse
          • Example- Junk food
          • Downplayers- using certain wording to suggest something is worth less than it really is 
          • Example- “so- called” “Just” 
          • Stereotypes- broad generation about a group 
          • Example- All Chinese people are bad drivers
          • Innuendo- suggesting you’re not saying something that you actually are saying 
          • Loaded Question- question that already implies the answer 
          • Example- when did you stop paying the bills?
          • Ridicule/Sarcasm- ridiculing something through a sarcastic comment 
          • Example- That color looks amazing on you. 
          • Hyperbole- exaggeration
          • Example- “I’ll jump in front of a bullet for you”
          • Proof Surrogate- suggest evidence without citing 
          • Example- this informed source told me.. 
          • Repetition- saying the same thing over again
          • Example- The floral red dress was beautiful on Sara, red really looks good on her. 
        • What is a relevance fallacy? The statement is not relevant to the subject in question
        • Examples of fallacies you can choose from to look for and mention: 
          • Red Herring/Smoke Screen- distorting irrelevancy 
          • Example- “look over there, what’s that?”
          • Ad Hominem- personal attack irrelevant to argument 
          • Example- “why would you listen to them just look at how they’re dressed”
          • Poisoning the Well- dismissing someones word because of who they are 
          • Example- dismissing a political candidate because they belong to a certain party 
          • Straw Man- misrepresenting another persons position 
          • Example- Leader of every community should have a gun for safety. One might then come to ask “so everyone should have guns?”. 
          • False Dilemma- All or nothing; the one option is the only option acceptable 
          • Example- The border should be permanently closed to prevent criminals from coming in. 
          • Perfectionist Fallacy- Ignoring any option that isn’t perfect 
          • Example- We have so many shootings, even with all these gun laws in place. We should just get rid of gun laws in all since they clearly don’t help. 
          • Scare Tactics- Trying to scare a person into accepting your opinion 
          • Example- Buy this carseat if you truly care about the safety of your baby. 
    • 7) Concluding Paragraph
      • If the reader is to look at both sides equally and analyze both sides fairly, what conclusion should the reader reach?
      • The answer does not have to be absolute, but it should not be equivocal. If both sides have good arguments, which is better, even if only slightly better, and what is the argument that tips the scales in the sides’ favor?  Why does that point tip the scales?
    • 8) A Properly Formatted APA Reference Page
      • The Sources should appear in Alphabetical Order according to the last name of the first author listed on the source.
      • If there is no Author(s), then the source should be cited by Title or Organization.”

Must use all these sources: Find two other reliable sources for the argument about social media having a positive impact on body image (you can find one about the new barbie dolls they created with different body types to promote body positivity) 

Devos, K. (2018, May 30). The Problem With Body Positivity. New York Times, A23(L). https://link.gale.com/apps/doc/A540768819/OVIC?u=ont47921&sid=bookmark-OVIC&xid=f19616e1 

Kim, S. (2018). EATING DISORDERS, BODY DISSATISFACTION, AND SELF-ESTEEM AMONG SOUTH KOREAN WOMEN. Social Behavior and Personality: An International Journal, 46(9), 1537+. https://link.gale.com/apps/doc/A556734563/OVIC?u=o… 

Mollmann, A., Hunger, A., Dusend, C., van den Hout, M., & Buhlmann, U. (2019). Gazing at facial features increases dissociation and decreases attractiveness ratings in non-clinical females – A potential explanation for a common ritual in body dysmorphic disorder. PLoS ONE, 14(7), e0219791. https://link.gale.com/apps/doc/A594509889/OVIC?u=o… 

Nesbitt, A., Sabiston, C. M., deJonge, M., Solomon-Krakus, S., & Welsh, T. N. (2019). Barbie’s new look: Exploring cognitive body representation among female children and adolescents. PLoS ONE, 14(6), e0218315. https://link.gale.com/apps/doc/A590780001/OVIC?u=o… 

Sundgot-Borgen, C., Bratland-Sanda, S., Engen, K. M. E., Pettersen, G., Friborg, O., Torstveit, M. K., Kolle, E., Piran, N., Sundgot-Borgen, J., & Rosenvinge, J. H. (2018). The Norwegian healthy body image programme: study protocol for a randomized controlled school-based intervention to promote positive body image and prevent disordered eating among Norwegian high school students. BMC Psychology, 6(1). https://link.gale.com/apps/doc/A547057126/OVIC?u=ont47921&sid=bookmark-

Writing Homework Help

Houston Community College System Thales vs Homer Paper



           Thales Vs. Homer:

Thales, the first scientist and the first philosopher on planet earth (said Aristotle), thought the world should be explained in terms of the natural world, whereas Homer (The Odyssey and Iliad) argued that the world should be thought of in supernatural terms.

“Thales of Miletus (fl. c. 585 BC) is regarded as the father of philosophy. He is also considered the founder of Milesian school and one of the seven sages. Only few fragmentary sources survive from Thales’ work. Some ancient authors ascribe to him, without serious justification, a work with the name Nautical Star-guide while according to some others he wrote only two works: On the Solstice and On the Equinox.” 

“Homer is best known as the author of the Iliad and the Odyssey. He was believed by the ancient Greeks to have been the first and greatest of the epic poets.”  wikipedia.org 

INQUIRY: Should we explain physical things in terms of physical things (Thales),

                   or should look to supernature for causes in the world (Homer)??


1st – Research Thales Vs. Homer
2nd – Pick a side – Thales’ science/philosophy vs. Homer’s supernatural
3rd – Argue for that side over the other one.
             Simple, eh?

Writing Homework Help

American Military University Chapter 5 Organizations Security Program Essay


For the final assignment you will develop your organization’s security program. For this assignment you will draw upon what you have learned in Chapters 5-7. The three primary areas you will address and develop within your organization’s program include: physical security, information security, and personnel security. Remember, physical security encompasses safeguarding the all people and prevention of all unauthorized access to the facility (equipment, facilities, material, and documents). While information security encompasses all potential vulnerabilities and/or threats. This also includes the possible impacts to critical information, data, and resources. Lastly, personnel security encompasses the requirements in which you hire people who will assist in meeting organizational goals. These individuals must have the ability and background to hire, onboard and train all employees with the appropriate security measures to carry out their functions. Technical Requirements

Writing Homework Help

CUNY Lehman College Question 4 Exercise


I need help writing a Research argument essay. The topic has to be on one of these: 

1. Should what a person says on social media be grounds for firing them?

2. Does online public shaming prevent people from being able to grow and change?

3. Should texting while driving be treated like drunk driving?

4. How young is too young for a person to have a cellphone?

Writing Homework Help

W4 SOnal Khullar and Amrita Sher Gil Analysis


summary and analysis 

As we approach the interwar years, we are grappling not only with questions about race, but also about gender. This week we begin to look at how two Asian women challenge the gaze of male artists in Europe. Both Yuliang and Shergil use their own bodies as inspiration to counter Western ways of looking. Why are are they doing this?

Please summarize the article by Sonal Khullar and then tackle the above-mentioned question. You may use any material from Week 4 to support your answer.


video: Video “The naked lady that changed the rules of art”

Video “Manet, Olympia” from Smarthistory 

Video “Amrita Sher-Gil” from Films Division 

Video “Amrita Sher-Gil’s “Untitled (Self Portrait)”” from Sotheby’s 

Video “Amrita Sher-Gil: In Memoriam | Feminism In India” from Feminism In India 

Video “Journey of a Great Woman: Pan Yu-Lin” from AsiaSocietyHK 

Video “Female artists in Asia, in honour of Asia Society’s Pan Yuliang Exhibition” from Hong Kong Art Gallery Association (HKAGA) 

Writing Homework Help

Cuyamaca College Sports and the Physical Mind Essay


For this assignment you will research, and write an essay on your topic of choice. You will also be required to prepare a presentation of your work for the class. Projects should reflect your knowledge of the chosen topic, and use rhetorical strategies appropriate for a specific intended audience. This project should be presented in a genre that is appropriate to a business or professional audience and reflect that audience’s expectations for formatting, source documentation, graphics, and style.

In order to approach this broad assignment, find a problem, question, or new development to focus on.

Writing Homework Help

EKU Assess Needs Budget and Decisions Question


how to find the right car for you (how to pick a car) I attached an example for the research proposal 2-3 pages for the proposal and 10 pages or more for the research.

Writing Homework Help

CC The Most Impactful and Positive Choice Essay


  1. Choices – Describe a situation where you made positive or impactful choice that helped shape you into the person you are today.
  2. Career Goals – Please tell us about your career goals and how your education at Grossmont/Cuyamaca College will help you meet those goals.
  3. Choose a Personal Statement Question you’d like to answer for this discussion.

Writing Homework Help

CC Choices Career Goals and A Personal Statement Essay


  1. Choices – Describe a situation where you made positive or impactful choice that helped shape you into the person you are today.
  2. Career Goals – Please tell us about your career goals and how your education at Grossmont/Cuyamaca College will help you meet those goals.
  3. Choose a Personal Statement Question you’d like to answer for this discussion.