Writing Homework Help

Walden University Telehealth Discussion


I need a response to the post below:

One opportunity that will exist for ARNP’s will be if Bill H.R. 4040 passes; it ensures federally qualified health centers and rural health clinics can provide telehealth services under the Medicare program beyond COVID-19. ARNP’s could educate and influence policy and policymakers to regulate this at state and local levels (H.R. 4040 117 Congress, 2021).

Bill H.R. 4040 ensures that Americans will use telehealth services even after the emergency declaration is ended. COVID-19 posed significant obstacles, including providing a secure atmosphere where our elderly could receive high-quality health care. Thankfully, Congress was able to remove many of the restrictions that kept seniors from accessing telehealth services from the comfort and security of their own homes. Telehealth use among seniors has continued to climb, and this bill would ensure that this successful trend continues long after the pandemic is over by permanently reducing unnecessary red tape (Chaney, 2021).

Another opportunity would allow rural providers, such as ARNP’S, to assist patients remotely while adequately reimbursed for their efforts. Telehealth coverage at Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHC) and Rural Health Clinics would be made permanent under Bill H.R. 4040.

Challenges that exist with in-person health care are prone to misdiagnosis, but telehealth raises the stakes. Add in the fact that state legislators have yet to create a defined standard of care, and quality may vary from one provider to the next.

Another challenge is compensation and coverage for telemedicine services equal to in-person services, a significant obstacle for telehealth. Payment parity between telemedicine and in-person health care is not guaranteed. Even in the 28 states where payment parity rules have been enacted, there is no system to implement them (UIC, 2020).

This is where the ARNP policymakers step in, using their expertise to help design an effective business strategy to assist with an accurate diagnosis, such as determining your symptoms and then making a therapy recommendation, arranging for imaging tests, such as MRIs to help with their diagnosis. They can also send an electronic referral to a physical therapy facility or a prescription to your pharmacy.

Hopefully, we’ll soon arrive at where all payers have clear criteria for charging telemedicine. Medical billers, on the other hand, require immediate answers to their billing and coding questions. What should I charge for telemedicine? What are the best codes to use? How is telemedicine remunerated? What are the limitations I should be aware of (Lafolla, n.d.)? Proper billing and coding rules for reimbursement coverage will guarantee payment for certain telehealth visits, like diabetes or COPD, etc. We need to get to the point where all telehealth has clear billing criteria.

Writing Homework Help

UCirvine Eat Drink Man Woman Film Question


The contents of the two articles are attached below. 

We need to combine the movie “Eat, Drink, Man, Woman” with the following two articles to complete this presentation.

Writing Homework Help

Cuymaca College Identifying an Amusing Fallacy Question


Locate a rhetorical fallacy that you find amusing. This could be a cartoon, a TikTok, a clip from a comedian’s standup routine, a commercial, or something else. Make sure that you know what sort of rhetorical fallacy is at play; for example, in the Taco Bell commercial below, the two elderly men engage in a slippery slope argument. Once you understand what fallacy is at play, post it, but do not explain it.

Writing Homework Help

Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy Essay



Using the information and template below, create a basic or sentence outline for Essay 4 and then upload that outline and submit to this assignment. We will use this outline as we go forward in the Writing Process for Essay 4.

Essay 4 Prompt:

ARGUMENTATION: Select an issue below. Choose a stance on this point and argue it effectively. Then conduct research to find 2 scholarly and 3 other credible sources with which to make your argument.

Technology: isolation, social media, distraction, apps helpfulness/unhelpful, etc…
Sports: dangers of football, youth sports, pay college football players, etc…

Education: art education, creativity, online learning, class size

Health and Nutrition: food concerns/sources/quality, smoking bans, healthy lunch programs, etc…

Arts and Music: wealth in media, diversity, tv becoming obsolete, musical training success, graffiti as art,

* Please note this is not a personal opinion essay. You are being asked to select and analyze a point in order to determine and argue a stance in passive voice.

Essay 4 Requirements:

  1. 3.5 pages in length. This does not include your title, abstract, or reference pages. Your page count begins when your introductory paragraph starts and should reach at least the middle of the 4th page of your essay. Points will be deducted for not meeting assignment requirements.
  2. Must be in correct APA format. See template (Please note the template is for a shorter essay. You will need to make sure yours meets the assignment length requirements).
  3. For this assignment, your abstract should be a 5-8 sentence summary of your overall paper.
  4. For this assignment, you are required to include 2 scholarly (peer reviewed journals) and 3 other credible sources. You will use quotes, paraphrases, and summaries of what these sources say to support your own argument. You are not simply writing about what other people have said.
  5. You must cite your sources in-text and on a reference page using APA format.

Writing Homework Help

CSUB Concept of Health Insurance Discussion Post


Discussion Board 9

We are continuing our conversation from last week where we discussed the concept of health insurance. This week we will focus on America’s establishment of “social insurance.”

The postwar decades brought leaping advances to medicine and social health insurance.

The postwar decades include the 1920’s to the 1930’s that followed World War I, and the 1940’s to the 1960’s that followed World War II.

Social insurance (a liberal idea) had a huge focusing event between the wars (the Great Depression) and Americans decided to set aside their classical liberalism perspective for a modern liberalism perspective. We went from being “individualistic” to a more “collectivist” society. Keep in mind, not all Americans changed their minds and hearts; the country was just as polarized then and we are now…

Advances in medicine during, and following World War I, included new techniques, equipment, and drugs for surgery, as well as an explosive need for rehabilitation medicine (physical therapy) and psychiatric services. More soldiers were surviving battlefield injuries but after returning from war, could not re-join the workforce because of their disabilities. The American people could not stand seeing these war veterans in a destitute state, so a national movement started with an aim to take care of the veterans. Modern warfare had increased the maiming and killing power. Unfortunately, poor sanitation and the spread of disease remained a major killer of soldiers. In fact, it is believed that returning soldiers from Europe brought the first influenza pandemic to America.

Advances in medicine during and following World War II, included even better techniques, equipment, and drugs for surgery, more allied health professionals rendering aid on the field of battle, restructured hospital systems that emphasized experimentation for contributions to science, and most important: the discovery of antibiotics and chemicals to sanitize the jungles of the pacific war theater. Antibiotics just about wiped out death due to wound infection and chemicals (like DDT) killed the mosquitoes that transmitted malaria in the tropical climates of the pacific theater.

To fight these wars, America ramped up their industrialization and scientific research-seems that resources and advanced technology helped to win the wars. Hospitals now became hospital systems where medical school+research laboratory+hospital+rehab. facility all congregated on the same campus, facilitating huge advances in medical science.

Following the postwar decades, Physician authority and status shot through the roof-Americans started putting the physician on a pedestal…notice a theme developing here? Physician status improved after wars.

Now, we need to address what America was doing about health insurance during these years.

We had a focusing event between the wars that caused Americans to support Social Security:

Here is how American politicians compromised on the Social Security Act of 1935:

In the 1960s, modern liberalism seemed to replace classical liberalism again.

These themes are social justice based:

In 1965, we amended the Social Security Act and finally added health insurance:

Medicare came to be:

Different parts of Medicare cover different things (Wow-talk about complicated!)

Folks on Medicare are frustrated with the complexity, here is one example (it is called the “doughnut hole”):

The other part of social insurance is what the federal government labeled at Medicaid.

California re-named Medicaid and call it Medi-Cal.

There are several types of Medi-Cal social health care insurance depending on how much the family makes in annual earnings (this is called “means testing” where “means” is how much money you make):

To prepare for the Discussion Board question and answers, watch this video (8 minutes):

Episode 2: How Does Universal Healthcare Work? California Physicians Alliance (CaPA):

Episode 2: How Does Universal Healthcare Work? (Links to an external site.)Episode 2: How Does Universal Healthcare Work?

Now that you have a basic definition of universal healthcare, do this before answering the discussion board question: Explore the opposing position against universal healthcare by research these questions (in google search format):

“why is universal health care bad for america”

“what are the disadvantages of universal health care”

Discussion Board Question: Every issue has two sides, it is important to know both sides of the issue before deciding where you stand on an issue. Universal health care has been proposed in California’s legislature numerous times and defeated each time. The public needs to understand why. Here’s the question: What is your primary reason (means just one) in support of universal health care, and what is your primary reason for opposing universal health care? You need to come up with both to answer the question.

Then respond to one classmate’s posting.

Writing Homework Help

MJ 601 Ashworth College Adverbial Modification at the Supreme Court Today Discussion



MJ601 Survey of Criminal Justice

Lesson 4: Courts in America

Activity 4: Courtroom and Observation Paper (100 points)

This Activity requires that you observe proceedings in a courtroom. To successfully complete this activity, you must fulfill the following criteria. Your Activity responses should be both grammatically and mechanically correct, and formatted in the same fashion as the Activity itself. If there is a Part A, your response should identify a Part A, etc. In addition, you must appropriately cite all resources used in your response and document in a bibliography using APA style. (100 points) (A 4-page response is required.)

1.After completing your Required Readings, contact the clerk of court’s office as listed in the government section of the telephone book or on the court’s website. Plan to visit a State or Federal court to observe a criminal trial or multiple trials. Be careful to ensure that you are watching a trial, and not sentencing or motion proceedings. You can most easily identify a criminal trial by the jury in the courtroom and witnesses being interrogated by a prosecutor and a defense attorney in front of the jury. It is also acceptable to watch a “bench” trial (where a judge rules on the facts – no jury is present); be careful to ensure that you are watching an actual trial. The court’s docket will be listed on the court’s website, and information about a particular trial, including court filings and briefs, may be available as well. One good source of information is the court’s resources for media, which may include a summary about a particular case of interest.

2.Keep in mind that some trials can be brief – lasting only 2-3 hours. Also, many juvenile proceedings remain closed to the public. Trials can be cancelled at the last minute, so take care in scheduling. You may wish to contact the clerk of the court for assistance in planning your visit.

3.Once you have completed your observation, write a paper discussing your experience. In your paper, you should answer the following questions:

a.Describe the proceedings that took place and discuss any comparisons with material from the Required Readings.

b.How did the trial differ from what you expected? If it did not differ from your expectations, explain as well.

c. How would you evaluate the various actors (courtroom workgroup and witnesses) involved in this trial? Be sure to include observations about the judge, the attorneys, the court staff, the defendant, and the demeanor of witnesses who testified.

d. In your opinion, was the trial an efficient way to resolve the type of case you observed? Why or why not?

e. What alternatives to the trial process might you suggest for the type of case you observed?

4. Be sure to include detailed information in your bibliography about when and where you did your observation (what type of courthouse, case, charges against the defendant(s), date and location of observation, docket number, judge’s information, etc.).

Grading Rubric

Please refer to the rubric on the following page for the grading criteria for this assignment.

Writing Homework Help

ENGL 1302 SAC Why You Should Fear Your Toaster more than Nuclear Power Essay


A few weeks ago, you all contributed your thoughts about this class. On the question that asked what you are enjoying the most, many of you said that you liked the opportunity to write freely, either in your classes or on your own.

Therefore, I’d like to give you an opportunity to write freely as a reaction to a short piece of your choosing.

  1. Choose one of the following short essays in your Everything’s An Argument textbook:
  • “Why You Should Fear Your Toaster More Than Nuclear Power,” Taylor Pearson, pp. 174-179
  • “What the Numbers Show About N.F.L. Player Arrests,” Neil Irwin, pp. 180-184
  • “Who Are You Calling Underprivileged?” Natasha Rodriguez, pp. 206-207
  • “Friending: The Changing Definition of Friendship in the Social Media Era,” Joyce Xinran Liu, pp. 208-209

2. Free-write the thoughts that occur to you, either as you are reading or after you have read the essay (or both). For example, What questions are you asking yourself? Is there something you’d like to know more about as a result of reading this essay? What do you immediately tend to agree or disagree with? Why? Do you have any first-hand knowledge of the subject? How does reading this essay make you feel? Why?

There are no “right or wrong” responses for this assignment. I just want to know what you’re thinking and feeling as you react to the essay. This should be a self-reflection in which you comment on what you’re reading and your own reactions to it.

Although this is not a formal essay, please use good academic writing and editing skills. Here are the requirements:

  • Your response should be between 350-500 words; that’s about 1-1/2 to 2 double-spaced pages using 12-pt. font, with 1″ margins, on a Word document or similar. Please use the MLA Format
  • Use a complete header with your name, the instructor’s name, the class, and the date.
  • Whenever you quote or paraphrase the essay, be sure to use a signal phrase and an in-text citation with the author’s name and page number.
  • Please do spell-check before submitting.
  • Add a single Work Cited listing at the end, in the format shown on the template (Attached)
  • 1302 Reaction to Reading – Free-Writing
    Criteria Ratings Pts
    This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeFormat
    10 ptsWell done!No errors or only one minor error in formatting of the document and the Work Cited listing. 8 ptsMostlyOne or two noticeable errors in formatting the document and/or Work Cited listing. 6 ptsSomewhatSeveral errors in formatting the document and/or Work Cited listing. 4 ptsBarelySerious errors in formatting the document and/or Work Cited listing or no Work Cited listing included. 0 ptsNot at all or Not SubmittedIncorrectly formatted and does not include a Work Cited listing.
    10 pts
    This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeReaction to the Chosen Essay
    35 ptsExcellent 21 ptsGood 14 ptsNeeds Improvement 0 ptsNot at all or Not Submitted
    35 pts
    This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeQuotes/Paraphrases Properly Formatted
    15 ptsExcellent 9 ptsGood, but could have used more or did not consistently cite the author. 6 ptsBarely – Several errors in citation format, or avoided quoting/paraphrasing the author 0 ptsNot at all or Not Submitted
    15 pts
    This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeGrammar, Punctuation, Spelling, Language
    20 ptsExcellent – no or very few minor errors 12 ptsGood – a few noticeable but easily-corrected errors 8 ptsMajor grammatical, punctuation or spelling errors detracted from readability 0 ptsUnreadable or Not Submitted
    20 pts
    This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeLength
    10 ptsYes 5 ptsAlmost – up to 1/2 page too short or too long 0 ptsLess than one page or Not Submitted
    10 pts
    This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeTimeliness
    10 ptsSubmitted on Time 5 ptsSubmitted Late 0 ptsNot Submitted
    10 pts
    Total Points: 100
