Cuyamaca College Covid 19 and Digital Inequalities Annotated Bibliography
This week you will compose an annotated bibliography. Keep in mind that you will need to give a summary of the source as well as how you will use it in your research project. You must cite these in the APA formatted template, and upload them to the dropbox below.
NOTE: In order to do this assignment well, you must have time to read through the various peer-reviewed articles and books to determine if they will work for your topic. Start with the abstract first to see if you should read it. You MAY NOT use articles that are not quality (Wikipedia, etc.). You should use articles and books in the library. Do not discount textbooks you have had in your program.
At least 80% of your sources MUST come from the college library. Internet searches for more than 20% will be marked down. That means if you need 10 sources, 8 of those sources will have come from
You will need to list eight (8) sources and several sentences about the book or article and how it may apply to your topic. (You may single space the bibliography for this assignment, but format the citation in an APA hanging indent.) Here is a sample:
Bain, K. (2004). What the best college teachers do. Cambridge,
Mass: Harvard University Press.
This book has significant research, obtained from various colleges and universities, on varied theories that would enable professors to advance their teaching skills. This content reports on many of the questions that are being proposed.
Also, we have provided a tool called Zotero to help you keep track of your sources. See the resources page (under the lessons tab).