ENG 1B Wenatchee Valley College Importance of Literature Essay
For this assignment, you are going to pretend that your are having a friendly debate with a friend or colleague. She or he is trying to convince you that in today’s world of technology, reading, discussing, and thinking about literature is obsolete: we just don’t need to do it anymore because we have so many other options for thinking about life, human nature, self, society (she/he is arguing). However, you must incorporate A Raisin in the Sun.
You will compose a response to this individual, essentially arguing that we do still need to read, discuss, and think about literature. You will develop 3-4 reasons why and use at least two of the literary works we studied this semester as evidence/support.
- introductory paragraph, getting your audience, the hypothetical friend, ready to hear your argument.
- Your thesis is done for you: Studying literature is still a valuable and important endeavor in to today’s society.
- 3-4 reasons supported by at least two works we studied this semester. You can use more than two, and you can use one more than once.
- concluding paragraph, creating closure.
- Sentences must be free from frequent and distracting errors in grammar and mechanics.