New York State University Turing Test Essay
1. This assignment addresses the Turing Test. For purposes of this essay, you may presume that your audience is already familiar with the Turing Test. Do not include a lengthy description of the Turing Test in your essay. 2. The Stop and Think exercise on which this assignment is based addresses two distinct topics: (1) whether or not the Turing Test is an effective test for intelligence and (2) whether or not the Turing Test is an effective test for the presence of mind (thought). A. Be sure that this [Part 2 ] essay addresses only the second topic! B. Do not conflate the two topics. These topics are distinct and must be addressed separately. The first topic was addressed in [Part 1] of the assignment. C. Be sure to focus on the correct topics. The assignment is not primarily concerned with the possibility (or likelihood) that a computer will ever pass the Turing Test; this topic should not be the central focus of your essay. Rather, the essay focuses on the significance of a computer passing the Turing Test: (For Part 2) IF a computer passes the Turing Test, does this fact prove that the computer has a mind (= is able to think)? 3. Guidance on Topic 2 {the topic for this [Part 2] essay}. A. Be sure that you do not misunderstand this topic. In particular, do not confuse the concepts of “brain” and “mind;” the distinction between brain and mind is one of the fundamental issues in this unit. The Stop and Think exercise on which this assignment is based does not address the issue of whether or not computers have brains. Rather, it addresses the issue of whether or not computers have minds. B. Be sure that you provide a clear statement of your position on this topic. C. The essay must contain a clear account of the meaning of the term “mind.” DO NOT consult a general reference work (such as a dictionary) for the meaning of key philosophical terms, such as “mind.” Rather, in defining the term “mind,” make reference to one (or more) of the three distinct approaches to the mind-body problem addressed in the textbook; each of these approaches (dualism, physicalism, and functionalism) has a different view of the meaning of the term “mind.” D. You must justify your position on this topic. This justification must make reference to the theoretical material covered in the unit. The unit focuses on three distinct approaches to the mind-body problem: dualism, physicalism (both identity theory and eliminativism), and functionalism. You must make reference to at least one of these approaches in providing a justification for the position you have chosen. An essay that does not address the theoretical material covered in this unit will receive a grade penalty. Be sure to cite all referenced material correctly; if you cite the textbook, be sure to provide the page number on which the cited material may be found. Note: In particular, a complete examination of this question should address the Chinese Speaking Room thought experiment presented by John Searle. Although the textbook examines this thought experiment after the Stop and Think exercise on which this assignment is based, this thought experiment addresses the fundamental issues being raised by the second question of the assignment. An essay that does not address the theoretical material covered in this unit, including Searle’s Chinese Speaking Room thought experiment, will receive a grade penalty. Be sure to cite all referenced material correctly; if you cite the textbook, be sure to provide the page number on which the cited material may be found. 4. Make sure that your essay forms a unified whole. A. Your essay should not consist of unconnected paragraphs, each addressing the first topic in the Stop and Think exercise. I recommend that you again begin your essay with a foundational paragraph that introduces the topic of the significance of the Turing Test (in general). B. You should then devote a separate section of the essay to the second topic (which is the focus of this assignment). C. Make sure that all related material is included in the same section of the essay. 5. Make sure that your essay can stand on its own. A reader should be able to understand your essay with having to refer back to the Stop and Think exercise on which it is based. 6. Be sure to follow the General and Specific Requirements for this Dropbox Essay (while noting exceptions concerning length and content). A. Since the assignment is divided into two parts, each essay will be shorter than a typical dropbox essay. This essay should be 400-600 words [not including title, author, and biographical information]. For Unit #2, dropbox essay assignments that are less than 300 words in length will receive an automatic score of 10. B. For all essays and journal entries, you need to include a works cited section (which lists Lawhead and any other sources consulted). C. Also, you must make direct reference to material from the Lawhead text and/or the on-line lectures in your essay. Additionally, you need to cite (in-text) any borrowed ideas using APA or MLA format.