AU MOD 2 Impacts of Sharing Funds to Developing Countries Essay
Please put all Part A questions in 1 word doc and another word doc for all Part B questions unless it needs to be in powerpoint.
PART A – (Each answer should be 400 words in length and utilize at least one scholarly source other than the textbook)
1. Do you believe it is necessary for wealthier developed countries to share needed funds and technology to assist with developing countries’ major health and healthcare problems? What are the benefits and downfalls of this approach?
2. What are some critical political and policy considerations that impact difficult decisions of how much and what types of health care can be provided with limited budgets/resources, and what political and policy contributory factors might lead to higher rates of illness?
3. How do the diagnoses and treatments of infectious diseases differ globally and culturally within different regions of the world and how does economics affect a country’s ability to prevent and treat infections?
4. Discuss the impact of expanding technology in developing countries upon the increased burden of chronic diseases such as diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, and hypertension.
5. Explain, with examples, why it is important to human health to pay attention to environmental incidents caused by chemicals, infectious agents, or radiation. How do these agents cause global environmental health incidents?
6. Relate causes of global maternal and infant mortality and explain the relationship of skilled birth attendants, cleanliness at delivery, and better birth outcomes.
7. How might churches and religious leaders assist healthcare providers in educating communities for health promotion and wellness, as well as illness, disease, and injury prevention?
Part B – (Each answers should have APA formatted essay of at least 1500 words. The assignment should have a minimum of four scholarly sources, in addition to the textbook.)
1.> a. Complete CASE STUDY, Chapter 1.
b. Elaborate on the purpose and intentions of the World Health Report (2013) and the Millennium Development Goals Report (2015).
c. Analyze, compare and contrast the high rates of longevity for residents of Japan and Sweden to that of the U.S.
- Examine the UN Millennium Developmental Goals (2015) and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Global Programs & Initiatives. Select a UN Millennium Goal and a HHS Global initiative which could be utilized as a basis of reference for addressing the palliative care issues and obstacles in nations. Then based on that goal and initiative compare, contrast and describe the cultural end-of-life care policies & services of China, India, or sub-Saharan Africa with that of Europe.
- Analyze and hypothesize why the United States spends more money per capita on health care and does not have the greatest return for the money as compared to other developed countries such as Japan.
- How can WHO’s health policies make a difference in global health care? Be specific and provide advocacy suggestions.
- For the module 8 assignment you will find it helpful to research under-developed countries’ access to health care and the morbidity and mortality rates of the population. Examine the UN Millennium Developmental Goals (2015) and the latest progress made toward their attainment. Why is important to note their progress worldwide? Then, contact organizations already involved in efforts to improve the health of the nation to understand what is already is being done and what are the gaps or ongoing needs. Highlight your interviews, research and findings for the country you will focus on in the coming weeks.
Please submit one APA formatted presentation (PowerPoint®, Prezi®, Impress® etc.) of at least 5 slides for each of four topics, listed above. This presentation should be a minimum of 20 slides (maximum of 30 slides), including a title, introduction, conclusion and reference slide, with detailed speaker notes or recorded audio comments for all content slides. The assignment should have a minimum of four scholarly sources, in addition to the textbook.
As you research the content for the coming 6 weeks, consider the WHO World Health Report (2013), and your selected developing country and imagine who would be ideal team members intending to create an action plan for addressing the country’s leading cause of death. Consider the population and major health concerns, in depth, and review what are the country’s health disparities and determinants? The final project is due in module 8 and will give you the opportunity to create a detailed action plan and present how best to implement the project, successfully.
3.> a. Complete CASE STUDY, Chapter 8
b. Discuss, giving examples, how infectious diseases can spread worldwide in a rapid manner and relate the role of climate and the global spread of infectious diseases.
c. What do you believe to be the major challenges in CAM use and CAM research? What would you do or suggest to addressing such challenges?
Please submit one APA formatted essay of at least 1500 words. The assignment should have a minimum of four scholarly sources, in addition to the textbook.
4.> a. How do culture, politics, geography, and economics play roles in human trafficking violence within a community and globally?
b. Analyze and summarize causes and issues of suicide in woman in China.
c. What are some reasons for the disparity of cancer incidence, treatments, and survivorship among vulnerable populations worldwide and compare and contrast global methods of disease related pain control?
5.> a. Compare and contrast global nutritional deficiencies, such as iron-deficiency anemia, niacin, vitamin A, vitamin B, iodine, and zinc micronutrient deficiencies.
b. Relate the barriers to receiving mental health care as compared to physical health services, in both developed and developing countries and identify factors that result in client-centered services that are culturally appropriate and build on health and move an individual toward recovery.
c. Based on the principles of toxicology – compare and contrast with examples what are sustainable and unsustainable developments.
Please submit one APA formatted presentation (PowerPoint®, Prezi®, etc.) of at least 5 slides per topic.
6.> a. Compare and contrast the major childhood global diseases such as pneumonia, diarrheal disease, HIV/AIDS, malaria, and measles.
b. Analyze examples of cultural influences and reproductive health for men and women and create two solutions to issues surrounding those examples.
c. Explain the influences of culture and geographic location on aging in two different counties of the world and correlate legal and ethical issues related to their aging.
Please submit one APA formatted presentation (PowerPoint®, Prezi®, etc.) of at least 5 slides per topic.
7. > a. Complete Both Case Studies, Chapter 20.
b. Theorize how the economics, politics, geographical location, technology, and cultures affect the health and healthcare of residents of Israel in relation to Israel’s major health issues.
c. Compare and contrast the health and healthcare system of the country of Georgia with other countries established from the former Soviet Union and other developing countries.
8.1> For this assignment you will utilize the country, population and health concern that you identified in Module 2.
Formulate a plan of action to address that health concern and the following topics:
1. What would be the plan’s main goals?
2. Who might be on your team (professionals) and why, describe their roles.
3. What would your team’s research focus on?
4. Where would the project funding come from?
5. What policies/partnerships would need to be created, changed and/or formed?
6. What would be the plan’s objectives to achieve the goals (measurable)?
7. What would be the top two interventions to meet the objectives?
8. How will the plan be implemented and subsequently evaluate for effectiveness?