Parkland College Mental Illness Memoir and Psychiatric Disorder Discussion
For this paper, you will choose a memoir describing someone’s personal experience with mental illness to read and write a 4-5 page paper describing your response to what you read and what you learned about living with mental illness and the particular disorder described in the book. You are free to choose any book as long as it is written as a first person account of someone’s experience with their own mental illness.
Your paper should include a 1-2 paragraph description (in your own words) of the specific psychological disorder discussed in the book and a brief history of the author’s experience of the disorder.
You should also address how others viewed and interacted with the individual before and after their diagnosis and treatment. Was treatment effective?
Does the individual still struggle with the disorder?
How was the author’s experience of the disorder the same or different from what we would usually expect with the disorder?
What did you learn about this particular disorder from reading the author’s account?
How has your understanding of what it is like to live with mental illness changed as a result of reading this memoir?
The goal of this assignment is to increase your understanding of what it’s really like to live with mental illness in a way that looking at the lists of criteria for each disorder does not.