PHRX 4001 Miami Dade College W-002 Reflection Questions Discussion
- How important was establishing drug standards to the evolution of pharmacy as a profession?
- The USP is celebrating its bicentennial in 2020. How relevant is it today?
- What made you curious about this week’s content?
- As the American pharmaceutical industry matured, what has been the primary positive things that have occurred? What have been the most negative things?
- What impact has the maturation of the pharmaceutical industry had on health care in the United States?
- Are there parallels between the late 1910s and today (100 + years later)?
- Advancing Quality: (Links to an external site.)
- Timeline:
- Please read, view, and reflect on the following materials:
Dr. Don Vogt and Dr. Michael Montagne Articles
֎ Process of Pharmaceutical Development: I available at the following URL:… (Links to an external site.)
֎ Process of Pharmaceutical Development: II available at the following URL:… (Links to an external site.)