SS 3A W9 Video Games and Their Relationship with Mental Health Project
You should use 12 point Times New Roman or Calibri font and 1 inch margins for this assignment. You should bullet point your ideas and you may use any spacing you would like, but I find 1.5 spacing the easiest to read in this format.
In total, this assignment should be between 1.5 and 3 pages in length. Please pay attention to the specific section lengths outlined in the example file.
The goal of this project is to keep you on track with your data analysis and allow you to reflect on what you are finding so far. The goal is to get your project on track for the final paper.
Please remember to review the information in your Week 9 Navigation (the extra videos on what to do with your data may be especially helpful).
In case you missed it, here is a video talking about what you should do with this assignment, but the general idea is to fill in this template