ENGH 302 George Mason University Wk 5 Issue under Consideration Evaluation Paper
I’m studying for my English class and need an explanation.
You only need to offer peer feedback to ONE classmate on this Discussion Board. That means you should take the time to be specific and to provide careful comments. Your classmate needs your feedback to improve their work on this major assignment. Don’t let them down!
Try to comment on all of these points—you must comment on at least 5 of them. You can use the numbers of the questions to organize your feedback.
- Does the Worksheet make the issue under consideration clear?
- Does the student demonstrate an awareness of the target audience (stakeholder)? Audience awareness is most often detected in sensitivity to stakeholder biases, and in respect for the stakeholder’s expertise and stance on the issue. Do you think the author made a good choice of audience?
- Does the student offer highly credible evidence sources, which the stakeholder would respect, to defend their position?
- What about the concession and counterargument? Unresolved and current issues are complex. Does the writer concede at least one strength of the stakeholder’s position (the concession)? Does she or he provide a convincing counterargument?
- Does the writer use highly credible evidence to support and illustrate claims? Why or why not? Use of evidence is often a deciding factor in the success of this assignment.
- Does the student cite all the evidence she or he has included in the Worksheet?
- Has the student included a sample of the Advocacy Letter genre? Has he or she made a useful comment on the structure or language of the genre, based on the sample Letter?