CNS 100 University of California Davis Consumer Science Analysis Paper
Do consumers in lower socioeconomic areas pay more for consumer goods than consumers in higher socioeconomic areas? This project suggests that you explore and obtain information on the prices, atmospherics, selection, etc. in retail outlets in lower, middle and higher socioeconomic areas. Compare the findings of the three economic areas and report on your findings.
1. Explanation – The purpose of the project, the procedure, findings, and interpretations are explained with sufficient detail for clarity and ease of understanding.
2. Coverage—The topic of the report has received adequate coverage. Previous work on this topic is reviewed and discussed.
3. Cogency of thought – the purpose of the project, its findings, and conclusions are related to the study and/or application of consumer behavior to marketing.
4. Depth—The investigation into the topic is in depth. The project addresses the topic from more than one perspective. The results are interpreted with thoughtful analysis.
5. Sources—Relevant sources are consulted and cited. These sources may include articles, interviews, case studies etc.
6. Descriptive or Analytic – The descriptive or analytic nature of the topic has received sufficient explanation to facilitate the reader’s understanding.
7. Conclusion – The conclusion of the report is supported by the reported findings and analysis. The relevance and importance of the conclusion to the practice of marketing and /or study of consumer behavior is discussed. Limitations and weaknesses of the conclusion are delineated.