University of Phoenix Professional Code of Ethics for Educators Case Studies
In this assignment, you will research and become familiar with codes of ethics that guide your work as an educator. To complete the assignment, you will determine the appropriate and legal courses of action in response to three case studies.
Answer the following focal questions, based on the professional codes of ethics and your state’s standards for ethical conduct for education professionals in a brief, but informative narrative, in your own words, with citations from all three reviewed codes of ethics. (AP[KR1] b.6., 2a/FPEC 6.2/InTASC 9f.p, 9j.k, 9o.d)
What are the educator’s primary responsibilities?
Three Questions
1) How can the educator strive to achieve and sustain the highest degree of ethical conduct?
2) What are the types of behaviors (e.g., bullying, child abuse, etc.) that the educator should report to administration?
3) What are the reasons for the suspension of a professional?
Cite at least one code of ethics in each response and include a reference list, in APA format. Use quotation marks to indicate any quotes.
Three Case Study Questions : Review and respond to the following case studies within the context of the codes of ethics:
Case Study 1:
You are a new early childhood special education teacher in a self-contained classroom and notice that one of your students consistently comes to school in the morning with dirty clothes, body odor, and suspicious bruises on his arms. According to the ethics codes and district faculty policies, what should be your plan of action for addressing this issue?
Based on your analysis of the information found in the Codes of Ethics and on your state’s department of education website(s) related to ethical conduct (e.g., Florida’s Sample Policy on Ethical Conduct of Instructional Personnel and School Administrators
Case Study 2:
All teachers in your school have a laptop to use in their classrooms and for instructional planning at home. When the computer was delivered, you briefly reviewed the district policies during a departmental meeting; however, during the past six months, several teachers have been questioned about their Internet and e-mail use with these laptops. You understand that you must use school property appropriately. Based on the ethics codes and district faculty policies, what should be your plan of action for using the laptop?
Based on your analysis of the information found in the Codes of Ethics and on your state’s department of education website(s) related to ethical conduct (e.g., Florida’s Sample Policy on Ethical Conduct of Instructional Personnel and School Administrators
Case Study 3:
As a new itinerant early childhood special education teacher, you are assigned to work with three children in a Head Start center. After reviewing the students’ records that contain their initial diagnostic evaluation results, other developmental performance information, the children’s individual education plans (IEPs) attendance records, and demographic information, you develop highly effective instructional strategies for meeting these students’ learning needs. Since your instructional approach has proven to be so successful, several teachers from other classrooms approached you, wanting to learn about the children’s background information—including details about their individual disabilities—as well as your instructional strategies. (e.g., One teacher wants to know what’s “wrong” with the child that “walks funny” and has facial anomalies.) You are concerned about infringing on the children’s privacy rights; consequently, you develop a plan of action to address the teachers’ requests, but that also addresses your concerns about maintaining records privacy. (AP b.6, 2.d/FPEC 6.1, 6.5/InTASC 9f.p, 9j.k, 9o.d).
Based on your analysis of the information found in the Codes of Ethics and on your state’s department of education website(s) related to ethical conduct (e.g., Florida’s Sample Policy on Ethical Conduct of Instructional Personnel and School Administrators
Final Reflection Summary
Reflect on the application of these case studies to your school responsibilities. What must you do to avoid this type of professional and ethical conflict?