Writing Homework Help

Florida International University Personal Self Evaluation Questions


Using this forum, provide a short biography and introduce yourself to the class by providing the following information:

  • Your first and last name
  • Your picture (preferably as an embedded image rather than an attachment)
  • Your major(s), minor(s), and any Marketing/Logistics Certificate(s) (Links to an external site.) you’re pursuing
  • Your hyperlinked (clickable) LinkedIn URL (when you’re logged into your LinkedIn account and click on your profile, it’s the one that appears at the top of your browser).
  • Your general geographic location (e.g., Boston area, Miami, etc.)

Then, answer these questions:

  1. What type of work and/or internships (paid or unpaid) have you done, are you doing, and/or would you like to do?
  2. As of now, what do you want to be doing in five years?
  3. As of now, what do you want to be doing in ten years?
  4. Name three things that motivate you and explain why they do so.
  5. What aspect of your personality and/or behaviors would you want to change or improve during this semester? Why?
  6. If I were an employer, why should I hire you? (Be convincing, but be authentic.)
  7. Finally, just for fun, what is something unique about you? (Remember that “unique” means that you’re quite likely to be the only one in our class that has this experience, situation, talent, etc. Saying “I like to travel” or “I speak both English and Spanish” or “I’m super motivated” isn’t necessarily something unique in our environment.)
