UOFM Mass Communication Media Studies Media Skills & Mass Studies Essay
Reading link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1v60Z-RxPnhCuYldNW…
Need word count at least 700.
Below you will find four questions drawn from the assigned material and the lectures. You will choose TWO questions and write a two-page (minimum) response for each. DO NOT answer all four.
Answers should be typed, double spaced, and must use a standard 12pt font (e.g. Times New Roman). Paper margins should be 1” on all sides.
This paper is designed to test both how well you have absorbed information provided in readings and in class, and how well you can synthesize it into arguments. I will be looking for evidence of your understanding of the material as well as your own reactions and arguments. This paper will be graded on a standard A-F scale. Grading guidelines are at the end of the syllabus.
For your answers, include only the information you need to answer the question fully. Extraneous information signals that you don’t have a full grasp on what’s important and may earn you a lower grade. You’re also more likely to include incorrect information by accident if you simply put down everything that’s relevant to a topic. So carefully consider the parts of each question, what you need to answer it, and organize your essay accordingly.
You do not need to provide formal citations for our class textbook/readings, but you should provide page numbers for any quotes you use. (E.g. Marx and Engels argue, “…” (pg. 31).) If you choose to employ materials from outside of class, you should include in-text citations when you use those in your answer and a full reference for those sources at the end of your answer. It’s completely fine to use outside resources if it will strengthen your answer, but you must remember to cite, whether you’re quoting, paraphrasing, or just using an idea that’s not originally your own. Check out the slides from our first class for a reminder on proper citation practice if you need it, or come see me during office hours to double check that you’re citing properly. The Purdue Online Writing Center’s resources on APA style (Links to an external site.) and MLA style (Links to an external site.) are also good places to start. If you do not cite materials you use, you will lose credit on the final and risk receiving a zero for plagiarism.
- Explain the difference between mass communication and media studies. Then, assess the significance of the War of the Worlds broadcast and the subsequent Invasion from Mars study for mass communication research. Why was this event interesting? What were the researchers’ main conclusions? And what did the study do for the burgeoning field of mass communication?
- Critically compare the arguments put forward by Benjamin and Adorno & Horkheimer. You should clearly lay out each theorist’s perspective, then explain how they differ in the ways they see industrialization and mass media affecting individuals and culture.
- First, define technological determinism and briefly explain why Innis and McLuhan are technological determinists. Second, give an example of a social or cultural change or a behavior you think is at least partially technologically determined. Explain your reasoning, and be sure to be specific. You should show what about the technology (its characteristics/affordances) has resulted in the change you’re describing.
- Hebdige describes subcultures as an “unnatural break” and argues that mainstream culture needs to incorporate them. Define subculture and explain why Hebdige sees it as an “unnatural break”. Then, using examples from a subculture you are familiar with as support, provide a detailed explanation of the two specific ways (“forms”) through which mainstream culture incorporates or accounts for subcultures. Do not use an example we discussed in class.