UCB Understanding Meaning of Cinderella Story Across Different Cultures Discussion
As we approach the end of the first third of the course, you should have enough exposure to start to think about how certain tales transform as they move across cultures. For this assignment, choose two versions of the same tale (you can include tales not covered yet as well) and compare the differences in values in light of each social, political or historical context. They can all be from one period, or they can be from different periods.
How do they differ?
Why do they differ?
What values do they promote?
What to do: Review the instructions for this week’s assignment.
Compare and analyze fairy tales for the social values and ways of thinking they promote.
Understand the fairy tale as an artifact from which we can gain insight into a particular period, culture, and time.
Choose two versions of the same tale (from different cultures/periods)
Compare the values promoted in each context.
Write a 400-700 word Essay, double-spaced, Times New Roman or Arial. Include a Title, Your Name, and Course.
Have a structure for your Essay. Introduction, Body, and Conclusion.
Use the writing center if you need additional help in composition. Avoid a conversational tone.
What to Include
Provide a clear thesis in your introduction.
Select specific scenes to compare (not entire tales)
Avoid vague descriptions, but connect the style to the context.
Academic Integrity
Getting help on the assignment [is] permitted.
Collaborating, or completing the assignment with others, [is not] permitted.
Copying or reusing previous work [is not] permitted (exception, you can use material you’ve written for previous assignments in this course).
Open-book research for the assignment [is] permitted and encouraged.