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UCLA People vs Animals Discussion Post



Mini-assignment 4B: Internet Research on Wildlife Conservation

Please share your ideas and describe your personal experiences regarding one of the following situations:

  1. “Panda is a symbol for Wildlife Conservation”. What other animal symbols do you know?

What things are usually called after animals?

What features of the animal do they symbolize?

Why are some sport teams called after animals?

(strong, brave, courageous, hardy)

  1. “Many other species have been less lucky than panda”.

Do you know what other species have become extinct?

Are they on the Endangered Species List?

Where do they live? What is their habitat?

What happened to their habitat?

What are people doing to save them?

  1. Describe the place/area/region you live in.

Think of some species which live in your area.

Tell about the animals: their habitat and food.

Are they extinct or is their number growing?

  1. Does your father hunt? Do you know a person who hunts animals or fish?

Speak on the problem of poaching. What animals does the law protect in your area?

Is there any poaching observed in your area? Why?

Search for additional information on the Internet. The following links can be useful for you:

  1. www.Ecology-WWW.html (Links to an external site.) (Ecology WWW Page);
  1. www.ecologynews.it (Links to an external site.) (Ecology News);
  1. www.kettler.com/ecotmain.html (Links to an external site.) (Ecotourism Planning and Development);
  1. http://college.nytimes.com/guests/directory/Life_Sciences/Ecology/ (Links to an external site.) (The New York Times. Knowledge Network – Ecology);
  2. http://www.ecologyandsociety.org/ (Links to an external site.) (Ecology and Society);
  1. http://www.allspecies.org/ (Links to an external site.) (The Heartland All Species Project).

Be ready to present and discuss the experiences you have shared here during our upcoming class meeting on Zoom as well.


Class Discussion 4B: People vs. Animals

Please think if there is anything realistic in the painting presented and discussed in this week’s class reading material. Do you really believe that people are always stronger than animals? Do people have their own, biological means of protection which are not connected with any technologies invented by the mankind?

Isn’t it a paradox that, although people themselves are so weak, human activity is nevertheless so dangerous for the nature? What can be the main reasons for that situation? Don’t you think than most human devices and inventions came from different animals (e. g. planes whose shape reminds of the shape of some fish that helps them surmount strength of air or water, etc.)? Please share your ideas about all or some of these questions in this discussion.

After you have posted your own response, make sure you read your classmates’ discussion posts and then reply to at least two of your classmates’ posts. In your reply posts, you should comment on the ideas suggested by your classmates (for example, agree or disagree with them, add your own related thoughts and/or suggestions, ask some questions, etc.) There is no word count requirement for reply posts, but they should generally be at least a few sentences in length.