Ashworth College Alexander the Great World Early Civilizations Discussion
Threaded Discussion Instructions
Review the threaded discussion question posted by the course faculty. You are required to submit at least two (2) responses to this question by 11:59pm EST on Sunday. The first response should be to the faculty; the second response can be directed either to the faculty or to other students in the class. Your responses should be substantive, and reflect analytical and critical thinking skills, as well as, a thorough understanding of your reading assignment. A typical response should consist of 100-150 words in a single-spaced format. Refer to the TDQ Rubric below for more guidance on how to respond.
Explain the characteristics of early Persia and the conflict between Persia and Greece. Discuss the contributions that the Greeks made to Western civilization. Explain how Alexander the Great’s actions changed the ancient world.
In this discussion board forum please pick one topic to use as the basis for your post. Analyze the reasons for the growth of Greece and Persia, and write on the reasons for the conflict between the Greeks and Persians. Or. Discuss the impact of Greek art, science, and philosophical thinking and hypothesize how it impacted the Western World. Or. Deduce how the actions and conquests of Alexander the Great changed the Ancient Wold, be able to support your conclusions with examples.
Which ever topic you choose be able to defend your conclusions by the use of examples.
Your readings this week’s topic described the rise of civilizations in the Americas and Northern Africa (chapters 6 and 7). Islamic warriors were part of the foreign invasion of the crumbling Roman Empire and ultimately contributed to the emergence of the Byzantine Empire, which attempted to fuse eastern Islamic and western Christian civilizations. Gradually, their concepts of globalization joined–meaning they were aware of each other, while war and trade brought them into more meaningful contact. But, the civilizations that emerged in North, Middle, and South America emerged differently. They were isolated from Europe and Africa by thousands of miles of ocean, and each of these American civilizations carved out their own understanding of globalization.
So, let us look at how the rise of Islam created a globalization and civilization that countered, resisted, and threatened social, economic, political, religious, and other cultural institutions of the old Roman Empire. The two institutional foundations of Islamic society and culture were religion and trade, propped up and expanded by their military. As Romans had expanded throughout the Mediterranean, so practitioners of Islam filled much of the void as the old empire contracted. After several centuries, the powers of Islam had occupied all of Southwest Asia, Eastern Europe, across North Africa, and much of the Iberian Peninsula, spreading their religious beliefs and practices as they traded with those with whom they came into contact. Later, European Crusaders attempted to drive Muslims from the Christian Holy Lands, but to no avail and Islam remained as the dominant religion of these areas for several centuries.
Briefly review what was written in your textbook, and presented in the Power Point lecture notes, about Islamic Civilization, concerning their political institutions, commercial networks, societal relationships, and culture (philosophy and science, literature, and art and architecture). Use examples from these categories to support the observation made in your textbook: “Although the teachings of Muhammad brought war and conquest to much of the known world [globalization], they also brought hope and a sense of political and economic stability to peoples throughout the region.” How did these results of Islamic expansion come to be and interact? What was the impact on pre-Islamic societies and cultures? Be sure to provide specific examples of what you write.
Your response to this initial post should be at least two or three paragraphs in length (at least five sentences per paragraph) and include specific examples to support your opinions. Once you have responded to this post, I will read your response. At that time, I will either provide a follow-up post for your response or direct you to critique another students’ response. Please wait for me to do this before you continue.
Your second response, or critique of another student, should be at least one to two paragraphs and do the following: state what you agree with as to what is written; state what you might not agree with; and, add something else to the discussion. It is expected that you will be on your best netiquette when you respond to either my of other student’s writing.
Student Response Part 2:
Greco-Persian Wars, which was also called Persian Wars, was a series of wars fought by Greek states and Persia over a period of almost half a century. The fighting at time were strong during two invasions that Persia launched against the mainland Greece between 490 and 479. The Persian empire was at the peak of its strength, the joint defense mounted by the Greeks overcame unbearable odds in which they succeeded in liberating Greek city-states on the fringe of Persia itself. The Greek victory ensured the survival of Greek culture and political structures long after the conclusion of the Persian empire.
The Ancient Greeks contribution to the western civilization was significant to western civilization in areas such as philosophy, art and architecture, and math and science. Some contributions, which were also the achievements of ancient Greece, such as areas of philosophy, art and architecture, and math and science. The ancient Greeks were an extraordinary civilization in that they made all these contributions and achievements while at the same time fighting two wars, the Peloponnesian wars, and the Persian wars.
Alexander the Great, was the son of Philip of Macedon, he also became the greatest conqueror of the ancient world in a short twelve years. Alexander combined control over his native Balkans in Europe he also invaded the Persian Empire and dominated the tribes of Central Asia and Afghanistan, and invaded India. Prior to his death he had plan to also go into Arabia, Rome, Carthage, and what is now known as Spain. Alexander died at the age of 33, his empire was divided among his generals. Among his legacies was the spread of Hellenistic (or Greek) culture into the Middle East, and Egypt. They were different views of Alexander, some saw him as the civilizing force, by bringing Western (Greek) culture to the East, while others saw him by the huge numbers of human deaths resulting from the wars, and comparison to others conqueror’s such as Hitler.