Politics vs Science and Technology Discussion
For this coming week, let’s expand on our ongoing reflections concerning objectivity and the role of politics and ethics vis-à-vis science, technology, and medicine:
What, if anything might it mean to study inherently political subject matter in an objective fashion?
Is this possible? Is this/should this be a goal? Or, is it rather the case that attempting to keep political discussions distinct from certain scientific, technological, and medical discussions is not/should not be the goal?
Can we think of examples – subjects, research areas, research questions, applications of research – where drawing or maintaining strict demarcations between political and/or ethical concerns on the one hand, and objective scientific, technological, and/or medical concerns is very important?
Can we think of examples – subjects, research areas, research questions, applications of research – where drawing or maintaining strict demarcations between political and/or ethical concerns on the one hand, and objective scientific, technological, and/or medical concerns is difficult or unwanted?
Put slightly differently: Are there any objective research questions or practices that are simultaneously inherently political or ethical in character? Or do political/ethical concerns always detract from objective knowledge?
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I think the question of how science and politics should be related to each other is quite a loaded question, to begin with. Science and politics have intersectionality amongst both of them given that people tend to have different opinions on them, however, science tends to be fact-based instead of just opinion. I think as a society we have to strive to be more objective with our goals and search to attain answers as a whole rather than opinionating and judging the individuals doing these studies. At the end of the day, the research being performed benefits us all. It is sad to see how political conversations are misleading the public with scientific research. People begin to think that science is untrue or benefits only a few when in reality science is the study of life all around us. I think an example of this is the study of abortion. Yes, some may disagree on the procedure and the termination of a baby however, this is research that helps us understand the body autonomy of a woman and that of an embryo. This objective research practice is inherently political and ethical given the various opinions of people when it comes to performing such a procedure.