NYSU Spouse Abuse and Its Impacts on Hispanic American Victims Discussion
Using the same topic you selected in the first research project assignment, create a survey questionnaire that includes the following: 1. Briefly state the following in the beginning of the survey questionnaire or in the cover page of the survey questionnaire: 1) the purpose of the survey; 2) how the confidentiality of the responses will be kept; and 3) any potential benefit and harm the respondents might have from participating in the survey. 2. Five demographic questions (age, gender, etc.). Provide answer choices for each question unless the question is measured by interval or ratio scales. For interval or ratio scales, provide labels for the degree or ratings of what you are measuring. 3. 10 to15 questions to measure variables in the selected topic (e.g., measuring child maltreatment, elder abuse, self-esteem, psychological well-being, depression scales, etc.). Please consider the characteristics and culture of potential respondents as you design your survey questions. For example, an eight-year-old child may not understand certain vocabularies or a topic may be a taboo to openly discuss in a certain culture. Thus, be sensitive to such matters and try to be culturally competent and creative to be inclusive of your potential respondents. Remember, high survey response rates is important to have a better understanding of the social issue you are trying to investigate.