ATBUBN The Types of Discriminations in The Working Environment Discussion
For the Discuss participation, your initial answers (i.e. main post) must be at least 250 words and must use at least three scholarly sources.
For books: Meaning the reading assignment I attached
All words in the name of a book should be italicized but not all words of a book name should be capitalized. Only the first word in the name of the book and the first word after a colon as well as proper nouns are capitalized.
Author A., & Author B. (2012). Title of book (11th ed.). Publisher.
Thus, the correct APA reference style for the coursebook used in the Read links is:
Snell, S.A., Morris, S.S., & Bohlander, G.W. (2019). Managing human resources (18th ed.). Cengage.
For academic articles:
Please note that when referencing a journal article, not all words in the journal article title should be capitalized. (Note that the title of the journal article is not the journal name.) Only the first word of the article title, proper nouns, and the first word after a colon (if there is one) in the article title should be capitalized. Moreover, the journal name and volume number (but not the issue number) should be italicized.
References – Journal/Periodical Articles Without a DOI.
Wailerdsak, N. (2020). Women in business and management in Thailand: Transforming high participation without EEO. Journal of Southeast Asian Economies, 37(2), 163–180.
References – Journal/Periodical Articles With a DOI.
Lewin, P. A., Watson, P., Brown, A. (2018). Surviving the Great Recession: The influence of income inequality in US urban counties. Regional Studies, 52(6), 781-792. DOI: 10.1080/00343404.2017.1305492.
References with the articles attached:
Text Book: Snell, S. A., Morris, S. S., & Bohlander, G. W. (2019). Managing human resources (18th ed.). Cengage Learning
GRAGLIA, L. A. (2014). The Supreme Court’s Perversion of the 1964 Civil Rights Act. Harvard Journal of Law & Public Policy, 37(1), 103–111.
Pérezts, M., & Picard, S. (2015). Compliance or Comfort Zone? The Work of Embedded Ethics in Performing Regulation. Journal of Business Ethics, 131(4), 833–852.
Ries, R. (2015). Is Your Organization Diversified? CPA Journal, 85(12), 13.
Discussion Question below:
The questions below are intended to give you an opportunity to relate the Unit 2 readings to your own personal work experiences.
It is recommended that you answer the questions below, after you have completed the Read assignment for Unit 2 which covers chapter 3 in the course e-book, Managing human resources (18th ed.) authored by Snell et al. (2019).
You may also wish to make use of any resources provided in the Unit 2 Course Materials link.
1. Does your employer have policies that establish rules and guidelines that aim to minimize any form of discrimination (and/or sexual harassment) in the workplace? If so, briefly describe these policies. If not, why do you think your employer does not have such policies, and has the absence of such policies created any problems? What policies should your employer have? You can find it here. – However, cite using the references I listed and not this web page.
2. What procedure has your employer in a place that employees must follow if they feel they have been discriminated against and want their complaint to be heard and resolved? We have a compliance and ethics hotline that is anonymous. You will find the answer here,day%20and%20accommodates%20numerous%20languages. However, cite using the references I listed and not this web page.
3. To what extent do you feel that diversity is managed effectively by your employer in a way that contributes to an inclusive environment? Provide examples to support your answer. You will find the answer here but cite using the references I listed and not this web page.