Don Hinrichsen Coral Reefs in Crisis Article Analysis Nature & Food for Fish Essay
- Don Hinrichsen, Coral Reefs in Crisis.pdf
- Armstrong, Krasny, and Schuldt, Climate Change Science – The Facts.pdf
Purpose: To evaluate and examine global culture and society through a varied exploration of research topics
Skills/knowledge practiced: Textual analysis; close reading; writing with citations; use of textual evidence; developing argument; following proper MLA formatting guidelines; paraphrasing quotes; analysis of global culture and politics; historical critique
Submission instructions: Please submit your 250-350 word response as a Word doc on Blackboard (no paper copies will be accepted). Every submission should include at least one quote from the text.
Grades will be based on the completeness of your submission (including textual quotes + sufficient word count length) as well as proper grammar/spelling and the depth of your critical analysis. Four points total:
- 1 pt. for proper citation use;
- 1 pt. for sufficient length;
- 1 pt. for sufficient depth of content/engagement;
- 1 pt. for proper assignment formatting.
Assignments should be formatted as follows: 12 pt. font, 1-inch margins, double-spaced with header, page numbers, Times New Roman font, Word Count listed, Works Cited page on separate page, submitted as Microsoft Word or PDF. This may seem like a lot but it is the golden standard for document preparation, and if properly followed will make your writing immediately more consistent and easier to read. See the following for an example: MLA Citation Template and Example
Prompts (choose one):
Option 1: After reading the article “Coral Reefs in Crisis” by Don Hinrichsen, formulate a stance on whether or not you think the preservation of coral reefs is important. Why or why not? If you think the preservation of coral reefs is important, write about your viewpoint on the solutions provided by Hinrichsen and input a personal resolution (big or small) that you think could have an impact on aiding this issue.
Option 2: [Respond to the book chapter, “Climate Change Science: The Facts”]