HSA 3104 St Petersburg College Healthcare Delivery Discussion
A)The health issue that I selected was for patients who were in inpatient rehabilitation facilities for hip or knee replacement and other joint conditions. The quality measure that I reviewed was based on the patient’s ability to care for themselves after they have been released from the hospital. This would include the patient’s ability to perform daily activities of living and ability to move around with little to no assistance. The 3 providers that I chose to compare were Tampa General Hospital, Florida Hospital Tampa, Lakeland Regional Health.
Within the last year, each provider has completed numerous procedures some more than others. Tampa General completed the most surgeries while Lakeland Regional completed the least amount. The provider that I would choose would be to Tampa General Hospital. I chose this provider not only based on the number of procedures completed, but also in relation to the patients after care and ability to move around independently after having the procedure. When comparing the percentages regarding quality, in some cases Tampa General did not have the highest number.
The factors that were considered in choosing the provider that I would select were looking at the result of the care that was provided that showed the ability for the patient to be mobile and the effectiveness of the care. I reviewed the numbers in comparison to the national average numbers and in most cases Tampa General was either right in line with the national average or surpassed the national average. The percentage rate that was listed for the patient’s ability to move around was 29.3 % for Tampa General (Medicare.Gov, 2021). Even where the percentage was below the national average it was greater than the other facilities. This is reflected where the percentage of patients who are exceeding moving expectations at the time that they are released from the hospital is 48.1 % (Medicare.Gov, 2021). Though this number is lower than the national average it is the closest to the national average that the other 2 providers.
Medicare.gov. (2021). Https://Www.Medicare.Gov/Care-Compare/Compare?ProviderType=InpatientRehabilitation&providerIds=10T128,10T173,10T157&city=Riverview&state=FL&zipcode=33578. https://www.medicare.gov/care-compare/compare/?pro…
B)The three doctors that I picked are family medicine practice. A family medicine doctor would be a PCP or in other words, primary care doctor. I am a firm believer in having a primary care doctor because a patient can go to them about any issues that may come up. If your primary care doctor can’t solve it knows a specialist that can treat the problem better, they usually will send you to the right doctor. I would have a lot of questions about diabetes. It is a silent killer and I try to take a yearly physical to make sure I don’t have diabetes. Many people in my family do have diabetes so it’s only right for me to check every year.
The three doctors I choose seem to be good doctors but one of them stood out the most, Dr. Carlos Labrador. His quality score card had rated him as a good doctor when it came to diabetes. The other doctors did not have any quality score. Carlos patient Safety score was a five star which made things easier to choose. He is the doctor that I would pick to help my health if I did become a diabetic. Since the other doctor did not have a quality score, It would make me more nervous about them checking it. Even though they probably would do a good job, the rating just made the information easier to choose. All of his information like where he went to school and what experince he has. I would get great quality care based on all of his experence and how he performance care to his patients. The website is a great tool for Medicare patients to compare doctors, hospitals, ect; for the need of great quality care. Every doctor should have a rating on the care they provide to help everyone pick the bet doctor for their health needs.