UCI Description of The Housing Problem in The USA Discussion
I’m working on a Writing exercise and need support.
- Framing: Does the composition open with a compelling anecdote or description of a current problem, one that points to or suggests historical underpinnings? Can this anecdote or description be improved? How?
- Historical: Is there a convincing and clear synthesis of various scholarly perspectives that examine the relevant and underlying cause or causes of the problem? Can the source synthesis be improved upon? How?
- Warrants: Is there a whole section of this paper devoted to explaining clearly the current iteration of the problem? Does it show who, specifically suffers as a result of the existence of this problem, how they suffer, who or what caused the suffering and who benefits from it? Explain. Can you think of anything else that might improve this feature of the composition?
- Scholarly Debate/Opposition: Is there effective, believable and thoughtful engagement with resistance to the central claims of and/or evidence used in the composition? How might you improve this feature of the composition?
- Using Sources: Do you provide clear context/summary/introduction of your scholarly source material? Is the quoted material relevant and insightful? Is the material that makes a claim or draws a conclusion properly contextualized? Do you effectively evaluate your source material by describing your own position on the topic/problem within that ‘conversation’? How might you improve these features of the composition?
- Does the composition follow a line of development from beginning to end? How might you organize the essay differently?
- How does this essay conclude? Does it end with new insights, point to advocacy, or is it merely a repetition of what you have already encountered? How can you improve the essay’s conclusion?