Writing Homework Help

San Diego State University Statistical Tests Hypothesis Analysis


Using your outline, restate your hypotheses and report the statistical tests of your hypotheses in the order you presented them in the introduction.

Use a heading for the Results section (remember your name and TA name).

Make a clear statement that your results DO or DO NOT support your hypotheses

o Group differences

If it is significant, report descriptive information (means and standard deviations) about the differences between your groups

Make reference to these differences graphically, by referring to the bar chart that you created in SPSS. Make sure to refer to the Figure in your text.

If it is not significant, do not interpret your t-test. And do not reference a bar chart (don’t include it)

o Correlation

If significant, follow this up with the meaning of your correlation (e.g., describe the strength and direction of the relationship).

Make reference to this relationship graphically, by referring to the scatterplot that you created in SPSS. Make sure to refer to the Figure in your text.

If it is not significant, do not interpret your correlation. And do not reference a scatterplot (don’t include it)

o Copy and paste the graphs onto their own Figure pages and write figure captions. If none of your statistical tests were significant, you will not have any figures.

o Make sure to turn in your SPSS output for your analyses with the rest of this lab (if you do not turn in the output, your paper will not be graded!)

Carefully and correctly report all test statistics.

o You must italicize p, r, t and F.

o You also must italicize Mand SD.