ENGL 2130 Kennesaw State University Vampires and School Girls Essay
10 points for providing a Succinct Introductory Paragraph that
- names the critic and the critic’s work that prompts your essay’s thesis. Provide the critic’s first and last name when first identifying him or her, but only the last name afterward.
- offers a thesis statement that clearly makes a claim that either furthers or counters an argument made by the critic as it relates to a monster narrative from the unit.
10 points for Providing Support that
- contains at least two supporting paragraphs that defend the essay’s thesis by closely examining a monster narrative from the unit.
- stays focused on defending the thesis throughout the body of the essay.
- is driven by the writer’s argument and not by summary of the critic’s argument or of the plot of the monster narrative.
10 points for Language and Mechanics
- formatted using MLA guidelines (including page alignment)
- properly capitalizes, quotes, italicizes, and indents
- properly spells and punctuates
- uses language precisely, concisely, and formally
10 points for Two Full Pages of Content
- for every ½ page short of two pages, 25% of paper’s score is reduced.