Writing Homework Help

University of South Florida Module 3 Freedom from Want Self Portrait Presentation


for this assignment, I need you to only make me the powerpoint slides that include all details, and comment for another classmate (50 words at least). 

Remember: Review the scoring rubric at the end of this assignment overview (it is attached) to make sure you know what is expected.  The rubric can also be found in the syllabus

Each student will create a 5-10 minute presentation that conveys the essence of their “self” through art.  At least 5 works should be chosen.  You will need to

  • present the art (via narrated PowerPoint, narrated Prezi, or video), MAKE SURE IT IS FULLY NARRATED AND ON AUTO PLAY so the viewer doesn’t have to click on every slide.  One of the easiest ways to do this is to create your PowerPoint with the embedded narration and all transitions and then export it as a video.
  • tell us about the art (artist, when it was created, define the type of art, gives us some context about how it was created)
  • explain how/why it represents you
  • identify a social angle for each work AND do a thorough contextual analysis
    • race and ethnicity
    • gender and sexuality
    • class and highbrow/lowbrow
    • colonialism, postcolonialism, place and regionalism
    • nature (environment, ecology) and culture
    • memory, history, generational identity
    • food culture
    • body and mind