Writing Homework Help

ENG 101 Discrimination in the Workplace Essay


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Student Name

English 101 A26N

Instructor Name

9 September 2021

What is a Memoir?

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A Memoir is a non-fiction narrative that attempts make a point (thesis).  In most cases, a Narrative Essay is autobiographical.  A Memoir, is always autobiographical, and focuses on a “remembered event” from the author’s memory.  In brainstorming for this essay, you will re-review a moment from your past, in which you experienced discrimination of some kind, and reinterpret the event, from the vantage point of present day.   A Memoir or Narrative explores the chosen event, in an attempt to better understand who we are today, why we are who we are, and how we came to be who we are.  Every day, you participate in creating your own narratives, through the social media feeds you create, the continuous stream of texts you send, and the conversations you engage in.

For this assignment, you will write a non-fiction story that recreates and examines a “remembered event” or significant moment with how another person, group of persons, or institution made you feel .  While not required, you may consider any of the privileges that are highlighted in the under the checklists tab of ASU’s Power and Privilege Workshop.  Memoirs engage in the process, or key moments in your development of your identity, or who you believe yourself to be.  The Memoir prompts you to explore the role discrimination has played in your life.  It will be a reflection on how and why you are who you are today.