University of Chicago Ethics Self Check Application for Irb Approval Form
Since you seem to be proposing a straightforward study involving non-vulnerable participants and non-sensitive data collection, you will be going through Walden’s expedited IRB process. You will need to submit the following documents to obtain IRB approval:
-A completed Form C application, which is an ethics self-check in which you will confirm how you meet the university’s ethical standards.
-A completed Form D, which covers the extra details needed for recruitment of military population. Please note, the information described in your Form C and Form D application must match the information in your Form A application. Please carefully review Forms A, C and D before you submit your materials to ensure there are no discrepancies, as this will help minimize delays in your ethics review process.
**If you need to update your Form A, please submit a copy of your revised Form A Word document
-A copy of each survey you plan to use. If you are using/modifying any previously published data collection instrument, please also submit documentation of approval to use that tool.
-A draft copy of the consent form you plan to use. Please use the consent form template available online when creating your consent form draft. Your consent form draft must be submitted as a Word document.
-Drafts of any recruitment documents (invitational email, flyer, social media post, etc.) you plan to use