Writing Homework Help

University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Disability Activism Question


Introduction to Disability Studies, Summer II2021

Assignment Description

You will write a 4-5 page analytical paper in response to one of the prompts below. The prompts are designed to be a starting point, or an invitation, for your analysis. It will be up to you to generate a specific claim related to the prompt, not simply answer a series of questions.

Your analytical paper should:

1. Make a specific claim (concisely explained in a thesis statement) that addresses your chosen prompt;

2. Support that claim through critical analysis of relevant quotes from course texts;

3. Provide clear links between textual evidence and claims;

4. Explain the larger significance or implications of your claim(s); and

5. Include a Works Cited page with accurate MLA citations.

Paper Prompts

Choose one of the following prompts. In crafting your essay, please make sure to quote directly from the textsthat you reference and accurately cite it using in-text citations and a reference page. While the prompts may ask you to define a concept, please keep your summary to a minimum. Remember that the goal of this assignment is to hone your analytical skills.

1. Normalcy & Ability: Both Lennard Davis and Tobin Siebers explain how ideas about normalcy and ability have historically contributed to ableism: Davis calls this the “hegemony of normalcy” while Siebers calls it the “ideology of ability.” First, explain one of these concepts. Then use that concept to analyze one text other course text. How does the concept help you understand the text? Are there limitations to the concept as an analytical tool? Does the text in some way challenge the concept or illustrate a limitation to the concept?

2. Disability Activism: Disabled activists and advocates have taken both a rights-based approach and justice-based approach to disability activism. Explain the differences in these approaches and then select one approach to address a disability issue relevant to UNC. Be sure to explain the issue and how/why the approach you have selected is the better response.

3. Intersectionality: Multiple authors that we have read argue that we cannot understand disability without also examining how disability intersects with other identities and how ableism intersects with other forms of oppression. Citing at least one specific example from our readings, explain the benefits and limitations of an intersectional approach to disability.







25 points (50%)





Essay contains an exceptional, thorough response to the prompt, with excellent attention to the particular question(s) asked.

Essay makes a single, organizing claim that is compelling.

That claim is well-supported by careful analysis of textual examples.

Essay articulates the significance of the claim.

Essay contains a good response to the prompt, with attention to the particular question(s) asked.

Essay makes a single, organizing claim.

That claim is supported by good analysis of textual examples.

Essay gestures toward the significance of the claim.

Essay contains a sufficient response to the prompt, with adequate attention to the particular question(s) asked.

Organizing claim may be unclear.

That claim is supported by some textual examples.

Essay does not explain its significance.

Essay contains an insufficient response to the prompt, with little attention to the particular question(s) asked.

Missing or otherwise inadequate organizing claim.

Any claims are unsubstantiated by textual evidence.

Essay makes no attempt to explain its significance.


20 points (40%)





Essay has a very clear plan that fits the prompt and is logically developed.

Essay has reader-oriented paragraphs that highlight the paper’s points.

Essay contains clear and logical transitions between ideas.

Essay has a plan that fits the prompt and is logically developed.

Paper would benefit from some minor re-organization or improved transitions.

Some minor issues with paragraph structure (e.g., some cluttered or under-developed paragraphs).

Paper would benefit from a more clearly defined organizational structure.

Transitions are unclear or abrupt.

Multiple issues with paragraph structure (e.g., cluttered or under-developed paragraphs).

No discernable plan.

The organization makes the student’s points difficult to comprehend.

Major issues with paragraph structure.

No or otherwise inadequate examples.


5 points (10%)





Essay formatting meets course expectations, including a heading, title, page numbers, double-spaced lines, 1” margins, and 12-point font.

Essay maintains an objective, academic tone.

Essay contains accurate in-text citations and reference list.

Essay is free from spelling, punctuation, and grammatical errors. Sentences are clear and well written; paragraphs are fully developed.

One minor formatting or citation error.

The tone may have moments that are either too informal, subjective, or cliché.

A few sentence errors, awkward sentences, or underdeveloped paragraphs.

Two or more formatting or citation errors.

The tone throughout is either too informal, subjective, or cliché.

Multiple sentence errors, awkward sentences, or underdeveloped paragraphs.

Multiple formatting or citation errors.

The tone is inappropriate for academic writing.

Many surface errors, awkward sentences, or underdeveloped paragraphs.

Total = __/50