Colorado State University Global Campus Week 7 Portfolio Project Draft Outline
I’m working on a history writing question and need guidance to help me learn.
Create a draft outline of your Portfolio Project. Be sure to designate which option of the Portfolio Project you have decided to complete. Submit based on following directions:.Directions:
- Include a Works Cited page that lists all your sources according to the CSU Global Writing Center (Links to an external site.).
- You may use this resource (Links to an external site.) for your outline. Types of Outlines // Purdue Writing Lab
- You should have at least five sources, including at least one primary source and a scholarly journal article, to support your paper. You should fully cite all the sources (and/or images) in your outline using APA format. You may decide to strengthen the outline with additional primary sources, scholarly journals, and secondary sources but the primary source and scholarly journal need to be included in your final draft.
- Include with your submission a discussion of your findings and describe any problems you have overcome or need to overcome to have a successful project.